Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

Smallpox in cattle is a serious cause for concern, since if left untreated, this disease can cause enormous damage to the economy. The virus has its own characteristics and signs that allow it to be recognized in cows. Therefore, it is important that the farmer is able to identify a sick animal and isolate it from the rest of the livestock in a timely manner. In addition, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main methods of treating and preventing smallpox, which must be applied to maintain the health of cows.


Smallpox is a viral disease caused by the DNA-containing Orthopoxvirus and its strains. The main carriers are infected animals. Transmission of infection occurs through unprotected skin and mucous secretions from the nose and mouth. Most often, smallpox progresses during the stall keeping of cows, resulting in a lack of vitamins, which leads to a weakening of the immune system. Also, rodents and blood-sucking insects can be carriers of a dangerous virus.

Important! Any damage to the integrity of the skin in a cow at times increases the likelihood of contracting smallpox.

The main reasons for the mass spread of infection:

  • non-compliance with the temperature of the content of cattle;
  • increased humidity and dirt in the barn;
  • insufficient ventilation in the room;
  • lack of walking;
  • unbalanced nutrition.

All these factors contribute to a decrease in immunity, so the cow’s body cannot resist the smallpox virus. As a result, it begins to progress and in a matter of days can infect the entire livestock.

Important! The smallpox virus remains viable in the external environment for about 1,5 years at a temperature of +4 degrees.

Symptoms of smallpox in cattle

The incubation period of chickenpox can last from three to nine days, from the moment the virus enters the body. After this time, the first signs begin to appear in an infected cow.

During the first day, redness or roseola forms on the skin in the udder area, as well as on the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth. In the next 2-3 days, a papule or compacted nodule appears on the inflamed area. After 3-4 days, the formation turns into a vesicle filled with liquid, and on the 10-12th day, a purulent vesicle appears. Starting from the 14th day, education gradually fades away. In its place, a scab appears, covered with a dark crust.

Important! A chickenpox rash in a cow can be in the form of rounded or slightly elongated vesicles with a well-defined rim and a pronounced center.

Other common signs of infection:

  • decreased appetite;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • dejected state;
  • fever;
  • elevated temperature;
  • reduction in milk yield;
  • inflamed lymph nodes;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth, as well as the skin on the nipples and udder;
  • rash.

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

As can be seen in the photo, with the development of smallpox on the udder of a cow, skin rashes eventually merge into a single whole, become covered with a dark crust, which cracks and bleeds with any movement. This causes excruciating pain to the animal. Therefore, the cow tries to take a comfortable position or spread her legs wide to reduce discomfort. Against this background, she may not let the milkmaid come to her, since any touch to the inflamed nipples or udder causes acute pain.

Important! It is possible to suspect smallpox in a cow by a change in the gait of the animal and a restless state for no apparent reason.

Course of the disease

It is extremely difficult to detect smallpox in a cow at the initial stage of development, since the disease develops asymptomatically during the entire incubation period.

When an infection enters the body, the virus concentrates in epithelial tissues. It penetrates directly into the cells, disrupts their structure and structure.

There are three forms of smallpox in cows:

  • acute – duration three weeks, accompanied by high fever, fever, scabs;
  • subacute – duration 20-25 days, proceeds without characteristic rashes on the skin;
  • chronic – is extremely rare, characterized by clear signs of exacerbation with the appearance of a rash and periods of remission.

With a mild form of smallpox, a sick cow recovers after 20 days, with a severe stage of the disease – after two months.

The disease is most easily tolerated by males.

Smallpox is most dangerous for young calves, as their immune system has not had time to fully develop and is not able to resist the further spread of the infection. In the absence of adequate treatment, the causative agent of smallpox penetrates the respiratory and digestive organs and thereby provokes the development of bronchopneumonia and gastroenteritis.

Important! In case of damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes in young animals, this can lead to the formation of a walleye, and even cause complete blindness.

The severe course of smallpox in the absence of adequate therapy can lead to the death of the entire livestock. Therefore, when the first alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately call a veterinarian, since any delay only worsens the situation.

Diagnosis of the disease in cattle

It is not difficult to identify chickenpox in a cow with a rash on the udder and other areas of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. But, in order to exclude the possibility of other diseases that are accompanied by similar rashes, additional clinical tests should be carried out. For research on smallpox, the blood of a sick cow, the fluid from the blisters, as well as smears from the surface of the opened inflamed areas are used.

The resulting biomaterial is being tested in a veterinary laboratory, which helps to identify the presence of the smallpox virus. And also experts determine the degree of its danger and the stage of development of the infection.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the sick cow should be immediately separated from the rest of the herd. And also it is necessary to follow all the instructions of the veterinarian, which will avoid an epidemic in the economy.

Treatment of smallpox in a cow on an udder

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

There is no specific treatment for smallpox in cattle. All methods are aimed at reducing unpleasant symptoms and maintaining the general condition of the cow.

The main methods of treatment:

  1. The use of antibiotics. These types of drugs are not able to have a depressing effect on the smallpox virus. They are used only in the case of the development of secondary bacterial infections against the background of a weakened immune system.
  2. Means for maintaining the general condition of a sick cow. To help the body fight the smallpox virus, it is recommended to use drugs such as lactic acid and Vetom 11. The course of administration and dosage is prescribed by the veterinarian, depending on the severity of the disease.

    Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

  3. Disinfectants. For the treatment of ulcers on the udder of a cow, a tincture of potassium iodide, a solution of chloramine with a 3% concentration of the active substance, and borax are used. Their regular use helps to stop the further spread of the rash during smallpox.

    Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

  4. Preparations for wound healing. In this case, it is recommended to apply petroleum jelly, ichthyol or zinc ointment to the inflamed areas. This contributes to the drying of the skin in the affected areas and accelerates the regenerating processes.

    Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

  5. Means of local action for softening scabs. At the stage of formation of a dark crust on the skin, any movement leads to the appearance of cracks and their bleeding. Therefore, in order to soften these areas, various ointments on vegetable oils and glycerin are prescribed.

    Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

When smallpox affects the nasopharyngeal mucosa, regular washings with a solution of boric acid (3%) are used.

Important! Topical moisturizing formulations should not be used in the treatment of cowpox. This is due to the fact that they contribute to the penetration of pathogens from the upper layer of the epidermis deep into the tissues.

In the event of a rash on the mucous membrane of the eye of a cow, an additional washing of the inflamed cornea with a solution of furacilin is prescribed. During the acute phase, such treatment should be carried out at least twice a day.

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

To speed up the recovery of sick cows, you need to provide them with proper care. To do this, the insulator should provide a temperature of 20-25 degrees and good ventilation. It is also recommended to constantly change the bedding and wash equipment.

In the first days, a sick individual needs to be fed with liquid mixtures, and after 3-4 days, wet mixers can be used. In addition, the animal should not lack water. The more the cow drinks, the faster the body can deal with the smallpox virus.

Dairy cows need to express milk constantly to prevent stagnation and the development of mastitis. If this cannot be done manually, then a catheter must be used. The resulting milk can be fed to calves, but only after double pasteurization.

Treatment of smallpox folk remedies

Folk remedies can also speed up recovery. They need to be used in combination with the main therapy, since they are not able to resist the smallpox virus on their own.

For treatment, it is recommended to add fresh blackberry and elderberry leaves, as well as cloves and the top of garlic, to the feed of a sick cow.

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

To treat the udder and affected nipples, you need to prepare a healing herbal decoction.

The principle of its preparation:

  1. Grind sorrel and elderberry leaves in equal amounts.
  2. Pour the resulting mass with water, the volume of which should be twice as much greenery.
  3. Boil the product for 30 minutes. on slow fire.
  4. Insist two hours, clean.

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

With the resulting decoction, wash the wounds of the cow twice daily.

Epidemic Prevention Methods

When the characteristic signs of smallpox appear on the farm, a number of measures must be taken to prevent further spread of the virus. First of all, it is necessary to examine all animals and separate the sick, as well as suspicious individuals.

After that, disinfect all premises, fixtures and equipment in order to destroy the smallpox virus, with a mixture of the following components:

  • 4% caustic soda solution;
  • 2% formaldehyde;
  • 20% calcium oxide.
Important! Stalls should be disinfected every five days after a new sick animal is identified.

In addition, it is necessary to pour chlorine on the slurry and burn the bedding. Also, various disinfection barriers should be installed on the territory of the entire farm in order to protect not only the rest of the cow population, but also other animals from smallpox.

All fixtures and equipment after milking must be treated with a solution of sodium hypochlorite in a ratio of 1:100.

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

When symptoms of smallpox are confirmed, it is necessary to report to the veterinary supervision for special measures to prevent the epidemic. Quarantine is removed only three weeks after the recovery of the infected cow.

Is smallpox transmitted from cows to humans?

The smallpox virus can be transmitted to humans while expressing milk through contact with inflamed areas. The disease is not fatal to health, but an infected person can become a carrier of the smallpox virus, which threatens to spread widely.

When working with sick animals, it is necessary to use special clothing that cannot be taken outside the barn. Hands should be washed with soap and water before and after milking, and udders and teats should be treated with disinfectants.

Important! If a rash appears after contact with a sick cow, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for chicken pox in cows is favorable in case of timely and adequate treatment. The mild form of the disease resolves in two weeks, and the severe form takes two months.

Important! After recovery, the cow acquires lifelong immunity from the virus, so it cannot be re-infected with it.

To avoid the development of smallpox, experts recommend timely vaccination of cows. The strain of the virus is injected once behind the auricle. It is especially important to vaccinate in potentially unsafe areas to prevent mass infection.

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

Outbreaks of the disease are most often recorded in the autumn, during the transition from grazing to stall keeping. Since smallpox is considered an udder disease in cows, to prevent infection, veterinarians recommend, starting in August, lubricate the skin of the hands with special antiseptic creams, such as Burenka, Lyubava, Zorka.

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

Smallpox in a cow on the udder: how to treat, prognosis and prevention

Other preventive measures:

  1. When buying new cows, you must first isolate them from the herd for four weeks, and also clarify whether there are any outbreaks of smallpox in their places of previous residence.
  2. Every week you need to disinfect the stalls and equipment.
  3. Barns should be kept clean as this is the best prevention.
  4. The premises should be dry, spacious and warm, which eliminates the appearance of mold and reduces the likelihood of the smallpox virus.
  5. Change the bedding as it gets dirty, and clean the manure weekly, followed by the treatment of the floors with a disinfectant solution.
  6. When switching to wintering, whitewash the walls with slaked lime.
  7. Do not allow stagnant water in the drinkers, as it is a favorable environment for the reproduction of the smallpox virus.
  8. Disinfect from rodents and harmful insects at least once a year.

Smallpox affects immunocompromised cows. Therefore, it is necessary to provide animals with a balanced diet in order to prevent beriberi.

The daily diet should include:

  • hay – 2 kg;
  • spring straw or sunflower cake – 2,7 kg;
  • silage – 15 kg;
  • coniferous flour – 1 kg;
  • table salt – 70 g.

It is also important to regularly inspect the udder and teats, nasal and oral mucosa for the appearance of a rash. If you find the characteristic symptoms of smallpox, immediately begin treatment. It is necessary to act in agreement with the veterinarian, since ignoring the general rules can significantly complicate the situation.


Experienced farmers know that smallpox in cattle can cause massive damage to animals, so trying to cure the disease with folk remedies is useless. Only complex therapy can have a depressing effect on the smallpox virus.

Otherwise, the disease will proceed in a severe form, which will significantly increase the cost of treatment and maintenance of sick cows.


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