
Useful properties and application of the small-scale

Description melkolepestnika


Small-petaled is a herbaceous shrub reaching a height of 70 cm. This perennial plant belongs to the Compositae family. On closer examination, you can see that the inflorescences are expressed in graceful baskets and are located at the ends of the stems. You can find inflorescences both single and collected in panicles. The flowers of the plant can have a different color – burgundy, white, pink, lilac.

The small petal flower can reach a diameter of 5-6 cm, the core is bright yellow. It is slightly smaller, while the petals around the core are arranged in 3 rows. Thin long petals are very densely planted to each other. Due to its unique structure, the small-sized shrub forms a chic bush during growth. This is achieved by a combination of the high height of the peduncles and the density of flowers on them. During the flowering period, it looks very bright and elegant. The combination in the flower of the yellow core and the bright colors of its petals is admirable.

At this time, there are a huge number of varieties of small-flowered and they differ from each other in color, the degree of texture of the flower, as well as the height of the stem. The plant is wild, and grown by man. In nature, there are many types of this shrub. These include, first of all, the beautiful small-scale, the hybrid small-scale, the alpine small-scale, the orange small-scale, the Karvinsky’s small-scale, and the diverse small-scale.

Useful properties of the small-scale

Blooming small-flowered is widely used for medicinal purposes. The main medicinal properties of the plant are due to the presence in it of compounds such as flavonoids and tannins. It also contains an unsurpassed essential oil and unique tannins. Due to this unusual composition, the plant has anti-inflammatory, astringent and hemostatic properties. Such a wonderful shrub is a very effective neutralizer of uric acid.

The use of the small-scale

An excellent small-petal is often used to treat rheumatism. It perfectly relieves pain in various diseases of the joints. The plant is also effective in the treatment of diarrhea. Various preparations containing the plant are excellent for uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation, as well as for pulmonary and gastrointestinal problems and nosebleeds.

It should be noted that many doctors recommend using the plant for bleeding hemorrhoids. First of all, the tincture of the plant is prescribed. Much less commonly used infusions and decoctions.

Folk medicine began to use the small-scale only since the 18th century in the form of a powerful fixative for diarrhea and as a hemostatic drug. From the raw material of the small-flowered, such healing medicines as infusion and alcohol tincture are prepared. To prepare an infusion from a small-flowered plant, it is recommended to pour one full teaspoon of grass with a glass of ordinary boiling water and filter after 10 minutes. It is recommended to take the drug 100 ml twice a day before each meal.

In addition, in pharmacies you can find a ready-made drug – tincture “Erigeron canadensis”. It is prepared at pharmacological plants from freshly picked flowering plants. This tincture is recommended for uterine and renal bleeding.

Cultivation of a small-scale

The small-flowered plant is a rather light-loving plant. It can be grown both in direct sunlight and in a semi-dark place. The plant is unpretentious because it can be grown on any soil. However, it will give larger flowers and abundant flowering on pre-fertilized soil. When planting for fertilizer, it is better to use rotted fine-grained manure.

In the first year of growth, a special complex of mineral fertilizers is recommended. Further, the plant should be fed as needed, but no more than 3 times a year with a solution of mullein, urea, superphosphate.

Very often the small-scale is used in landscape design. This plant looks very advantageous on alpine slides and in mixed flower beds. Mostly in flower beds they use a beautiful small petal. To grow it will require good care of the sprouts at the initial stage.

Contraindications melkolebestnika

At present, no side effects have been identified with the use of small-scale medicine in medicine. When used correctly in acceptable dosages, various drugs are not contraindicated even for children and expectant mothers.

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