Small hallways in the corridor: views, choice

Not everyone in our country can boast of housing a large area. Most of the apartments are small and it is not easy to find the situation in them. Many problems arise when equipping the corridor. With a normal layout, there should be at least a small entrance hall, but there is no such concept in serial houses of the old type. Therefore, many decide to put small hallways in the corridor. Get a multifunctional space. 

How to find furniture in a small hallway in the corridor

One of the most “exploited” places in the apartment is the entrance hall. This is the place that the first person sees when he gets into an apartment or house. The hallway is the first impression of your home. Therefore, attention must be paid to the design. In the apartments of the old layout, there is not even such a thing as an entrance hall. There is only a corridor. Here it is used as a room in which they undress and dress. Only small-sized specially selected furniture will fit into such a space.

Small hallways in the corridor – convenience and functionality

In this usually small room, seasonal clothes are stored, and sometimes out of season clothes, shoes and outerwear are left here. And that is why you need to take care of the functionality and convenience. If we take into account that the hallway area in standard apartments is far from inflated, it becomes clear that the task ahead is not an easy one. There are three possibilities to equip small hallways in the corridor. Let’s talk about each in more detail.

custom hallway

Ordering the production of furniture in the hallway according to your size and requirements is a great option, which, if ordered correctly, will allow you to optimally use the available space. You can order the style you need – Japanese, craquelure loft, Versailles, etc.

Ordering a hallway is a good option, but it costs money

The downside is that the cost of such furniture is far from small and it takes several weeks, or maybe several months, to wait until the furniture is made. There is another pitfall – the choice of the company. If you have experience – there has already been an order and the quality suits you, or there are recommendations from friends / acquaintances, everything is easier. Otherwise, you will have to hope that your instincts will not let you down.

Ready kit

This is a budget option – small hallways in the corridor sometimes cost more than eight thousand (but there are also much more expensive, it all depends on the size and composition of the furniture in the kit). Factories produce a number of ready-made kits / sets of cabinet furniture for small hallways. They usually include a cabinet with a mirror, a hanger, and a wardrobe with hinged or sliding doors can be added. In assembled form, they are on the windows of furniture stores, they will bring you exactly the same, but in the form of boards. You can also pay for the assembly or assemble it yourself.

Ready-made small-sized hallways in the corridor

The advantage is that you can get such furniture during the day. Seen, paid, bought. The kit will be delivered to you on the same day or the next. Cons – standard design, fixed color, design, inability to change anything to suit your tastes.

modular hallway

This is also finished furniture, the only difference is that the factory produces a line of furniture in the same style. All elements are combined with each other in size, style, color. For example, several open hangers of different widths/heights, with slightly different designs. To them are several cabinets of different sizes, with one or two doors, with drawers and without them, with mirrors of various shapes. Several cabinets, straight and corner, differing in size, type of door opening, the presence / absence of a mirror on the facade. Several bedside tables, shoe racks, chests of drawers, benches. And all this is combined with each other.

Approximate set of modular hallway

From these elements, as from a designer, a hallway of the size and composition you need is typed. Without any restrictions. If you want two hangers – your right. All you need is a closet and a banquette – also please. From such a set, small-sized hallways can be assembled into the corridor for any size and desire. All this is in finished form (packed boards) in the warehouse. Several of these packages will be delivered to you with selected fragments.

Good option and inexpensive. Furniture is manufactured at the factory, consists of blanks of the same shape and size, which reduces the cost of its production. Because modular hallways are inexpensive. In addition, popular rulers can be in several colors. You can even take elements of different colors. If you so desire….

Of what do

Furniture for the hallway is made of laminated chipboard. This is the most common and cheapest option. According to performance characteristics, it is excellent for dry rooms. If you are concerned about the possible release of formaldehyde, ask for a certificate, if the mission class is E1, then the substance is released with the same intensity as from wood. So such a small hallway to the corridor is absolutely safe.

Small hallways in the corridor are usually made of chipboard

Does not emit formaldehyde in dangerous amounts of MDF. If desired, you can find a parish for a small apartment from this material. It will no longer be budgetary, since the material is much more expensive. Moreover, keep in mind that “MDF hallways” are only facades, that is, doors, front panels of drawers. All other body parts are made of the same chipboard. And here it is necessary to definitely ask for a hygiene certificate, since cheap chipboard with a high emission class is often used to reduce the cost.

What furniture is needed in the hallway

We are talking about small hallways or corridors. Here, a section of the wall where you can put something, maybe only a meter with a small width. If this is just your option, you need a mini-hallway. Hanger with a small bedside table and chest of drawers with a mirror. Models of mini-hallways are straight and angular. Some take up very little space – 45 cm from the corner.

Mini hallways for the corridor

If the storage space in the apartment is really bad, you can use the space above the door by making something like a mezzanine there. The sensations at the entrance will be strange, but there is no time for subtleties.

If the area is slightly larger, you can add a closet. It won’t be redundant at all. It’s also nice to have a bench where you can sit down and put on / take off your shoes. For hats, an open shelf is desirable, for gloves, scarves and other similar things, a capacious drawer is desirable. Moreover, so that things do not get confused and mixed in the box, it is better to divide it into sections.

In a slightly larger corridor, a wardrobe can still become

If there is still free space, put a shoe rack. It can be in the form of a narrow chest of drawers with folding drawers or in the form of a bedside table with inclined wire shelves. Both of these options are good. This arrangement can hardly be called compact hallways to the corridor, but this is not a super large set either.

Also note that the furniture in the hallway can be angular. There is usually a closet in the corner, but you can put a hanger or chest of drawers there and hang a mirror over them. This option – with a corner chest of drawers – is exactly for modular hallways. You will not find this in ready-made versions.

Corner hallway rationally uses the area

Please note that the corner hallway can also be from the “mini” category. If you only have a free corner between two doorways and the dimensions of the free walls are no more than a meter, consider putting a radial corner hallway. They are made only with sliding / sliding doors or without them at all.

Radial hallways from the “mini” category

The bad news is that radial furniture is not an economy option. It is made to order. You will not find it in ready-made or modular categories.

How to match the color

To make a small hallway visually seem larger, it is advisable to buy light-colored furniture. It can be white and its shades, light beige, light gray, slightly pinkish, bluish. There are options in which some parts are painted in a dark color. Such furniture, even with a standard, in general, design is more interesting in appearance.

It is desirable that the color of the doors and furniture match, or at least there are elements with a similar color.

When choosing a set for the hallway, it makes sense to find furniture in which at least some of the details will be the same color as the doors leading into this room. Then everything will look like a single ensemble. If your doors are dark, look for light-colored furniture with elements of the color of the door.

A small hallway will look bigger if the furniture has a light gloss. Plastic-finished facades fit perfectly into modern style, modern or high-tech. If you don’t like such directions, choose a classic design in one of the light colors. In general, when choosing a color, keep in mind that the furniture in a small hallway should have a light shade.


The design and selection of furniture in a small room is akin to art. It is necessary to make sure that everything fits in the minimum space, it is convenient, and even looks good. Hallways – this is even more difficult, since the place is a walk-through and this must be taken into account. Here are some tricks you can use:

  • If you plan to install a wardrobe in the hallway, its doors can be made with a mirrored longitudinal insert, which, as it were, crosses it into two parts. This mirror strip will visually make a narrow room appear wider, and the closet will not seem so bulky.
  • Cabinet doors can be completely made of a mirror. Even a solid-sized wardrobe with such doors does not look bulky. Due to reflection, it improves illumination, visually enlarges the space.
    Corner hallway makes optimal use of even a small space at the door
  • If the corridor is narrow, it is better to take sliding doors. So even in the open position they do not block the passage.
  • If you plan to put furniture at the front door, you can use corner furniture. So it will be rational to use even a small piece of the wall adjacent to the door. There you can put corner options for a cabinet, shoe rack or chest of drawers. Here the choice is yours.

Simple tips, but they really work. Use them and even small hallways in the corridor will be beautiful and comfortable.

Small hallways in the economy class corridor: photo

The ornament makes ordinary, in general, furniture interesting.
A large number of cabinets can be useful in a small apartment
Hallways for small apartments in a modern style. It looks the same, but looks different
This is only an individual order … and not everyone can do it
Laconic design fits into any strict style
Play with color…
For active youth and those who are not afraid of experiments
Two colors look clearly more interesting
Modern tendencies
Compact hanger – you can hang more than one or two things

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