Small cell type of lung cancer

Small cell type of lung cancer

The name of this type of common pathology, according to the histological classification, is explained by the small size of the cells, which are only twice as large as a blood cell. But, despite the “small” part of the name, problems in patients with this type of disease arise very deep. The prognosis of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) directly depends on the methods of treatment of the tumor in the lungs, on when the diagnosis was made and what stage of development was detected, and in general, disappointing.

This malignant formation is distinguished by its aggressive course – it spreads rapidly, forms metastases on other large organs distant from the focus.

The causes of SCRL can be:

  • Nicotine addiction;

  • The patient’s heredity;

  • Unfavorable environmental ecology;

  • Past severe lung diseases (tuberculosis).

Symptoms of small cell lung cancer

In the early stages, small cell carcinoma does not let the patient know about itself, and symptoms are practically not observed. But as soon as a tumor begins to form in the lungs, clinical manifestations become noticeable. Usually they do not cause suspicion of cancer, as they are very similar to signs of other diseases of the respiratory organs.

The most common symptoms of SCLC include:

  • Pain in the chest area;

  • Dry cough in the early stages and bloody cough in the later stages;

  • Hoarse breathing, hoarseness when talking.

In those cases when, with SCLC, metastases began to develop on the organs, clinical manifestations are also added:

  • Headache;

  • Back pain;

  • Difficulty swallowing food;

  • Hoarseness in the voice, etc.

To make a high-quality diagnosis of SCLC at the initial stages, lung tomography and bone tissue scanning are necessary.

Treatment of small cell lung cancer

The most effective way to treat patients with SCLC is chemotherapy, acting as an independent method or in combination with radiation therapy or lung surgery. In addition, it is possible to apply separately:

  • Surgical removal of a cancerous tumor, which is successfully performed in the early stages;

  • Radiation therapy, when it is impossible to apply surgical removal of a part of the affected organ.

Chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer in the early stages gives very good results. Its essence lies in the effect of certain medications on cancer cells. Drugs kill cells, delay their growth and distribution in the body.

Life expectancy in small cell lung cancer

Of all cancers, SCLC stands out for its aggressive course and accelerated growth of metastases. If you do not start treatment in the early stages, then the survival rate of patients is practically reduced to zero, i.e. no more than 2-3 months. Timely treatment can only prolong life several times with the help of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

It should be noted that this disease often affects men.

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