Sluggish or sticky leaves of a home rose – why this happens and what to do about it
They say that this beauty is a room rose too obstinate. It is worth making a mistake in leaving, how very quickly it turns from a lush and beautiful flower into a dull plant with sluggish leaves. What secrets of caring for a home rose do you need to know so that it delights the eye for a long time? What to do if leaves fall off a rose?
Why do the leaves of a home rose fall?
Homemade rose sticky leaves: what to do?
Problem. The culprit of the sticky leaves on the indoor rose is a pest called the scabbard. It can first appear on other indoor plants: ficuses, palms, lemons, and then move to a rose. Characteristic tubercles, shields appear on the leaves, larvae multiply rapidly, which give sticky secretions.
Decision. You can use special means, which will be discussed below, but mechanical removal of shields and larvae from the leaves is also suitable. To do this, rinse the leaves daily with a swab dipped in water until all generations of scale insects die. From simple means, tar soap will help. Your local florist can advise you on other drugs.
Why are there sluggish leaves in a home rose?
Problem. Many bring these beauties home and create the most comfortable conditions for lush flowering and growth. But after some time, they notice that the leaves of the roses turn yellow and fall off.
Decision. Dip the pot with a withered rose into a container of water, after a few minutes the plant will be saturated with the necessary moisture. Also, abundant watering and spraying the leaves with soapy water can save the plant from death. To prevent the rose from withering, choose a bright, sunny place with cool and humid air for it. Fertilize with special flowering compounds.
A room rose has leaves falling: ways of salvation
Problem. If the leaves of roses are rapidly falling, there may be several reasons. If they are curled up, turned yellow, white dots have appeared, which grow into large white spots, a spider mite may be to blame. It appears when the air in the room where the rose is located is too dry and warm.
The second reason may be the defeat of aphids. In this case, the buds are deformed, plaque appears on the leaves, they turn yellow and fall off.
Decision. It is necessary to purchase a humidifier and use it regularly. Do not forget to also wash the leaves and treat with special solutions to combat spider mites. When aphids are damaged, a soap solution will help, which needs to be processed the leaves repeatedly. In more advanced cases, insecticides can save the plant.
Do not be upset that the indoor rose is so whimsical and capricious in its care. It’s worth fighting for such a beauty on your windowsill. Surround her with comfort, respect and care, and you will always be delighted with wonderful buds and a delicate pink scent throughout the house. It’s so nice when your efforts bear such beautiful fruits.
Well, the best remedy for all pests and diseases will be timely prevention, transplantation, soil fertilization, treatment with special means.