“Slow life” and Relax squared with CBD products
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Improving the quality of sleep? Reducing stress and anxiety? Recovery after exercise? These are just some of the positive changes after implementing the idea of ​​Slow Life. Explore the power of the company’s CBD products (relax) 2 combined with a calm and balanced lifestyle!

Mission (relaxation)2 is to promote the idea of ​​Slow Life, we encourage our surroundings to approach everyday life carefully and calmly. Slow – it will have a positive effect on both physical and mental health. We realize that it is not always possible immediately, each change requires mental overwork and its implementation. In our perception of the idea of ​​slow life, we place great emphasis on healthy sleep, physical activity, accepting yourself, developing passion and discovering your inner self. Products (relaxation)2 created to facilitate the entry into a more prudent and fuller life, and thanks to the content of CBD and MCTs, they facilitate the regeneration of the body and care for its psychophysical balance.

From the beginning – what exactly is cannabidiol (CBD)? It is a chemical organic compound from the cannabinoid group, contained in high concentrations in cannabis sativa. The hemp plant contains over 100 active phytocannabinoid compounds. Among these substances, the famous THC and the discussed CBD stand out. However, CBD, unlike the psychoactive THC, has only a broad spectrum of activity supporting the healthy functioning of the body, and, importantly, is completely safe.

How does the CBD in the oil (relaxation) work?

CBD in the body interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), i.e. receptors that are scattered throughout the human body. These receptors are the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and they regulate numerous areas of life and mental or physical spheres.

The main properties of CBD oils:

CBD oils (relaxation)2 are manufactured in accordance with the highest hygiene and safety standards and support us on a daily basis in the following aspects:

Reduce stress and anxiety

CBD regenerates the nerve cells in the body and stimulates the nervous system. It can mimic serotonin in the brain, which is why it activates and binds serotonin receptors, while increasing the level of anandamide, which is responsible for well-being. By affecting the 5HT1A receptor, the serotonin neurotransmitters influence the mood and the perception of emotions, which is why they have a positive effect on the relief of anxiety. They are also used for other purposes in the body, e.g. bone synthesis or the possibility of proper digestion.

Improving the quality of sleep

Cannabis compounds, along with Cannabidiol, have a calming effect and help you relax. Cannabidiol has a positive effect on the body and mind, while supporting the quality of sleep. Research on CBD has shown that it is effective at reducing cortisol levels by releasing it. As we know, this hormone is responsible for the feeling of stress that lasts for a long time and manifests itself mainly in the form of a problem with sleep, concentration and remembering. Long-term cortisol levels result in insomnia, leading to a decrease in serotonin, which in turn increases the risk of depressive symptoms. CBD has the ability to activate and increase serotonin levels, helping in the fight against insomnia. In addition, it has a muscle-relaxing effect, which greatly promotes falling asleep and regenerates the body during sleep.

Regeneration and relief of muscle pain

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of CBD oil can accelerate muscle regeneration and accelerate the healing process of the resulting microdamages in muscle fibers. When the muscles are injured and the associated inflammation and pain, it can cause great discomfort. Therefore, CBD by interacting with CB1 and CB2 sensors in the endocannabinoid system, activated at the right moment, can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Cannabidiol inhibits the secretion of pro-inflammatory compounds in the body with a positive effect that supports the secretion of anti-inflammatory protein (interleukin 10).

Beneficial effect on the skin

The human body does not produce unsaturated fatty acids itself, which are essential for proper functioning. CBD oils, thanks to the rich content of EFAs, i.e. omega-3 and omega-6 acids, moisturize and smooth the skin. In addition to fatty acids, hemp oil also contains valuable minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect. CBD oils contain anti-inflammatory properties, so they can be used to alleviate ailments related to atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema, as well as acne. They also protect the skin against external factors.

It reduces oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is caused by the action of free radicals, which are responsible for the faster aging of cells and tissues of the body. This condition occurs when the balance between free radicals and antioxidants is disturbed. CBD oil contains antioxidant compounds that reduce the proliferation of free radicals. It supports the body’s natural defense process and restores its proper functioning.

It soothes and eliminates the symptoms of allergies

Various external factors may affect the severity and frequency of allergic reactions. Taking antiallergic drugs does not necessarily help you feel well. They can cause various side effects. Preliminary studies on CBD oil show that it does not cause side effects. Cannabinoid alleviates allergies by supporting the body’s immune and cognitive systems. It helps to keep the pathways open by opening the sinuses while relieving nasal congestion.

In short, CBD has antimicrobial properties that reduce the effects and symptoms of allergies such as coughing or breathing difficulties caused by closing the airways.

It helps with fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by extensive musculoskeletal pain throughout the body, along with fatigue, problems with memory, sleep, well-being, and insomnia. Numerous somatic complaints, cognitive impairment, and hug-sensitive pain are just a few of the symptoms associated with this disease.

Various studies on CBD have proven the effectiveness and positive effect of cannabidiol on the condition of people with fibromalgia. Using CBD oil as a pain reliever turns out to be beneficial in the healing process. Improvement in the perception of neuropathic (damage to the nervous system) and inflammatory pain was found. Thanks to the broad spectrum of activity of CBD oils, they have a beneficial effect on a number of ailments caused by fibromyalgia.

Real (relaxation) ²

We live in times when maintaining a balance between private and professional life is becoming more and more difficult. We often forget about such mundane matters as a moment of peace and quiet. Application of products (relaxation)2 allows you to make everyday life more attractive and then implement the idea of ​​Slow Life. Thanks to the reduction of the feeling of stress, we can more easily take a break and rest. Until now, true relaxation has been available to few, we have closed it in a bottle and invite you to rest with us – this is the first step to a healthy, balanced and happy life.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK425762/
  2. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2018.00482/full
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4604171/
  4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312961487_Konopie_i_kannabinoidy

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