Some doctors are sure that yoga is not at all suitable for fighting excess weight, since it is not able to accelerate the heart rate to the fat-burning heart rate zone. So, for example, Iyengar yoga, in the asana of which you need to freeze for a few minutes, which helps to strengthen the muscles and make the joints flexible, will not help to lose weight. However, there are studies that prove otherwise. It turns out that people who practice yoga lose on average several kilograms more than those who prefer classical classes.
We have already written about the benefits of yoga for the body. What is yoga useful for losing weight?
How does yoga help you lose weight?
At the moment, scientists cannot explain how yoga helps you lose weight. The average woman weighing 70 kg burns only 1 kcal in 300 hour of yoga. But why then are all yogis well built?
Here’s the thing. Yoga is not just physical activities, it is an integrated approach to life in general. Yoga reduces the production of stress hormones, accelerates the secretion of insulin, and this forces the body to use food as fuel. Yogis closely monitor nutrition, it must certainly be healthy and beneficial for the body. Among other things, yoga involves cleaning the body.
The peculiarity of loads in yoga lies in the fact that this technique makes the whole body work. All yoga exercises must be performed strictly in combination with a special breathing technique, this speeds up the body’s metabolism. For example, gymnastics “Breath of Fire” – the rhythmic breathing of Kundalini Yoga – is aimed precisely at burning calories.
Below we have described the most popular types of yoga for you, which one to choose is up to you, but we will show you the most effective options for losing weight.
The most popular types of yoga
Yoga has more than ten varieties. Classic presented Kundalini yoga and Hathoy yoga… Modern varieties of these complexes are Ashtanga yoga, power yoga, and Bikram yoga. These types are considered the most effective for weight loss. Let’s talk about them in more detail.
The most dynamic kind of yoga – Ashtanga yoga… In it, the asanas change very quickly and in a certain sequence. Between the asanas there are ligaments called vinyasas. The first complex contains 90 poses that need to be performed from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. About 70% of Ashtanga yoga classes are devoted to static, other exercises are performed quite dynamically. This type of yoga is suitable for people with good physical fitness, since it will be difficult for people with a high degree of obesity to do it.
The combination of Ashtanga yoga asanas and aerobics is called power yoga, in it the training is carried out without pauses. Strength exercises alternate with breathing and stretching, which helps remove lactic acid from the muscles. Strength yoga promotes muscle building and weight loss. But the end result always depends on the person himself, which is why yoga gurus never say how many kilograms you can lose weight after training. Power yoga classes are shown to everyone, including physically weak people.
Bikram yoga – such an exotic kind of yoga, in which the main condition is to imitate the climate of India. Classes of this type of yoga are held at a temperature of over 40 degrees in the hall and a humidity of at least 40%. During the training period, sweat is actively released, and with it – excess moisture and toxins. The Bikram yoga complex contains 26 classical asanas, as well as breathing exercises. Bikram yoga is suitable for absolutely everyone, it is considered the most fat burning type of yoga.
Is yoga dangerous?
People with disorders of the cardiovascular system, with lung diseases need to consult a specialist before starting classes.
If you do not have obvious health problems, choose the type of yoga that is most suitable for you, and you will be able to appreciate all its benefits for your health and shape. Just listen to your body and do not do exercises that are uncomfortable for you or do them under the supervision of your trainer. Continue exercising until the desired result is achieved. Over time, you will be able to train yourself at home. We have already provided a detailed set of exercises for practicing at home.
While doing it, remember that yoga, in addition to losing excess weight, has a lot of positive effects on your body. Did you know, for example, that when you exercise, the body produces a hormone of happiness called endorphin? This means that by doing exercise, you get not only a slim body and a healthy body, but also a great mood. It is no coincidence that those who have tried yoga once again never part with it.