Slimming wrap
Let’s get in shape on our own! Wrapping for weight loss is a popular SPA procedure that every girl can do at home.

A comfortable and easy-to-perform cosmetic procedure – at your home. When you urgently need to get rid of extra centimeters and reduce volumes, a wrap for weight loss comes to the rescue.

What is a wrap

Wrapping improves skin turgor, increases its elasticity. It is carried out locally – on problem areas of the body, for example, the abdomen, hips, arms. The procedure accelerates metabolic processes, promotes the removal of excess fluid, as well as toxins from the body.

A separate love of many girls is anti-cellulite body wraps. They work smartly with the skin relief, leveling it, stimulate cell regeneration, increase blood microcirculation, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Why Wrapping Helps You Lose Weight

  • It has anti-edematous, lymphatic drainage effect.
  • It speeds up the metabolism.
  • Reduces the amount of fat.

At home, you can try the most popular types of wraps: both hot and cold. Whatever method you choose, the result in the mirror and on the scales will please. After a course of procedures (namely, this is how experts recommend doing body wraps – once every 3-4 days for a month), there will be a noticeable correction of the figure, the manifestations of cellulite will decrease, and the skin will become smooth and elastic.

hot wrap

Thermal effect on problem areas of the body. Expands pores and blood vessels, removes excess fluid from the body, helps cosmetic substances from the mixture to be absorbed into the skin faster. Be careful, with varicose veins, this type of wrap can not be done either at home or in the salon.

Weight loss in this case occurs due to the heating of the skin. A special composition is applied to a strategically important area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe body (ready-made mixture, clay, or something from home ingredients, such as coffee, honey, red pepper, mustard). Then all this is wrapped with a film, covered with a blanket.

The average time for the procedure is 30-40 minutes. If you feel a pleasant warmth – everything is going well, lie down and rest. An unbearable burning sensation appears – rinse immediately.

Cold wrap

Peppermint and menthol are key ingredients in beauty products used in cold wraps. The most effective formulations at home are prepared using algae (kelp powder) and essential oils (combined with olive oil). You can keep such a mixture on the skin (unlike hot) for about an hour, wrapping it with a film immediately after application.

Cold wrap constricts blood vessels, improves metabolism at the cellular level, works to reduce puffiness, tones the skin, evens out its relief. And yet, the body during the procedure tries to warm up and urgently begins to use internal resources – it consumes the supply of fat cells – which again helps to achieve the desired goal.

Indications for wrapping

  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • swelling;
  • stretch marks;
  • local fat deposits;
  • cellulite;
  • skin problems (dryness, peeling, etc.).

When wrapping is not allowed

If you are going to carry out the wrapping procedure at home, study the list of contraindications:

  • hypertension,
  • varicose veins (only cold wrap is possible),
  • cold
  • menstruation,
  • skin injuries (wounds, cuts, let them heal first),
  • allergy to the components of the mixture (always try a new one in the crook of the elbow),
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys,
  • gynecological diseases,
  • pregnancy (strict prohibition) and lactation (check with your gynecologist).

If during the procedure you suddenly develop tachycardia, you feel weak, dizzy – stop immediately. In no case should you perform physical exercises at the same time as wrapping: you will not lose weight faster, you will only create a stressful situation for the body.

How to do a body wrap for weight loss at home

For wrapping at home, use bandages or a film. In the first case, soak special bandages for body wraps with the finished active preparation (concentrate), then follow the procedure. Secondly – use the usual cling film, or cosmetic.

Evening time is considered the most successful for home wrapping, because it is important not to eat for 1,5 hours before and after the procedure.

Cosmetologists advise applying wraps locally, and not on the whole body, in order to avoid excessive stress on the body.

Popular home wrap recipes

The easiest way is to buy a ready-made wrap and follow the instructions. The choice is large enough, because many brands produce body care products.

And for those who want to experiment by preparing a wrapping mixture on their own, these elementary recipes will be useful:

  1. In heated honey (6 tablespoons), add 3 drops of citrus essential oil.
  2. Combine green clay (6 tablespoons) with peppermint essential oil (2-5 drops).
  3. Mix blue clay with warm water in equal proportions to a state of slurry. Essential oil – any, according to your mood, a few drops.
  4. Dilute cocoa powder (5-6 tablespoons) to a creamy consistency with warm water or milk. Cocoa is better to take pure, without impurities in the composition.
  5. Dilute dry kelp purchased at a pharmacy according to the instructions (usually a couple of tablespoons of warm water is enough), leave the mixture to rest for half an hour before applying.

Wrap stages

Stage 1 – cleansing

Prepare the skin for the procedure: a hot shower and scrub will open the pores, remove unnecessary dead cells.

Stage 2 – application

Distribute the mixture over problem areas, wrap with a film in several layers (or wrap local areas with bandages soaked in concentrate). If your body wrap is hot, don’t forget the blanket.

Stage 3 – relaxation

Wraps, among other things, have a very pleasant relaxing effect. Lie down, enjoy the rest and tranquility – you have 30-60 minutes (depending on the type of mixture).

Stage 4 – care

After completing the wrapping procedure, take a warm shower, you can massage the body with a stiff brush. Be sure to apply a moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream.

Popular questions and answers

Tatyana Viktorovna Kiseleva, a specialist in manual body shaping techniques at the BODY-LIFE body beauty studio (Khabarovsk), answers.

Which wraps – bandage or using a film – are easier to do at home?

Unlike film wraps, bandaging is carried out using elastic cotton bandages (single-use or reusable), which are impregnated with special concentrates. It requires longer preparation, but you will not need to wash off the composition after removing the bandages: the remaining agent should only be rubbed into the skin. Of course, it is not easy to wrap the problem areas of the body with bandages the first time, but believe me, over time it will turn out better and faster. And if you have an assistant, then the winding process will take a little time.

In general, you can carry out wraps with both film and bandages at home on your own, and if you do this regularly, a positive result will not be long in coming.

What makes the procedure more efficient?

Wraps solve certain problems, such as swelling, cellulite, excess weight, dryness and flabbiness of the skin. They must be carried out with regularity at least 2-3 times a week in order to have a good result. To increase the effectiveness of the procedures, I recommend, first of all, thoroughly steam and cleanse the skin. At the same time, you can use a scrub (salt, sugar, based on apricot kernels, coffee pomace, and others). And a massage (with a dry brush or manual self-massage with cream) will have a good effect after washing off the product that you applied to the body under the film.

Is it possible to alternate cold and hot wraps?

Cold and hot wraps work differently. First, it models the contours of the figure, works with manifestations of cellulite, dryness and flabbiness of the skin. It is even recommended as a remedy in the initial stages of varicose veins. The second – activates metabolic processes, stimulates lymph flow, blood circulation. Due to this, fat deposits are broken down and removed from the body. You will notice the best effect when you try to alternate cold and hot wraps during the month: do a course of 12 procedures (maximum three per week)

What do you recommend using: ready-made professional formulations or mixtures according to home recipes?

Both options will give the desired effect. There are a lot of finished products on the market now, moreover, such mixtures are very convenient to use. If time permits and you have a desire to mix the components, try to do everything yourself. Components of natural origin are usually added to homemade masks: honey, vegetable or essential oils, seaweed and sea salt, blue, red and white clay, pepper, ground coffee, apple cider vinegar. Store the prepared mixture in the refrigerator.

What will be the result after a course of body wraps?

Already after the first wrapping session, the result on the condition of the skin is noticeable – it becomes smooth, elastic, moisturized. During one hot wrap procedure, up to two centimeters in volume are most often lost – this excess fluid leaves the body.

After the end of the course of wraps (at least two or three times a week, only 12-15 sessions per month), you can noticeably improve the contour of the figure, reduce body volume. But, keep in mind, in order to get a real and visible result, it is important to follow the drinking regime, eat right. Regular exercise and massage will also help to enhance and maintain the effect of the procedures.

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