Slimming – the power of xylitol and CLA. 7 rules of weight loss.
Slimming - the power of xylitol and CLA. 7 rules of weight loss.Slimming – the power of xylitol and CLA. 7 rules of weight loss.

Certainly, not one woman struggles with complexes related to the structure and shape of her figure. Extra kilos often keep them awake at night. Most are aware that slimming begins in the kitchen and its foundations lie primarily in a proper, balanced diet.

However, it is more difficult to put this knowledge into practice. It happens that the fast pace of life, work and loads of duties often do not allow for this, which means that people have less and less time for their own needs and taking care of their health. Not only women suffer from the thought of losing weight. Men are also exposed to factors that intensify the accumulation of fat in the body. Admittedly, to a lesser extent than women, because according to the standards, a normal woman with an ordinary level of physical activity should have 25 to 32% body fat, while a man should have 18 to 24%. As you know, obesity is one of the most common civilization diseases. So how not to get crazy in a fast-paced world and start slimming rationally with a positive effect on your overall physical condition and mental health? Below you will find 7 golden rules of weight loss that you should gradually implement in your life.

Get enough sleep

Let’s start with the easiest. Sometimes sleep becomes the only entertainment every day. We miss it especially during periods of increased activity, after a hard day’s work, after the pre-Christmas period full of exhausting preparations and after a strong workout. If we do not provide the right amount of sleep, the body will not have a chance to regenerate. It will start to draw energy from where it is most easily available, i.e. from the food provided. Some people, however, when slimming, starve themselves, so the energy is taken from the muscles, because the body leaves fat for a “rainy hour”. Long-term use of such a mode leads to weakness, decrease in activity and slowing down of the body. The norm of sleep for people of working age is 8 hours, for older people it is 2 hours less.

Plan your day

It is said that routine is the ally of boredom. When it comes to weight loss, however, it is worth thinking about planning your day. It is known that there are exceptional situations in which it is impossible to plan our activities, because we have no direct influence on it, e.g. holidays or random situations. Resting from a strict schedule, however, does not significantly affect the metabolism, on the contrary, it stimulates it. However, if you set the course of the day more or less, you will easily find time to rest. The more activities, the better organization Between work and home duties and social life, weave an hour a day for yourself. It can be an hour devoted to fitness, a demanding workout or preparing meals for the next day. And there are no excuses, you will definitely find an hour that you used to spend on figuring out what else you need to do. Your daily schedule will tell you this.

Change your eating habits

If you already plan your day, you can easily introduce meals into it at the right times. Nutritionists advise to eat 5 meals a day at 3,5 hour intervals, with the last meal to be eaten no later than 3 hours before bedtime. This will allow the body to digest what you eat and not strain your stomach while you sleep. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. With reduced caloric content compared to sweetened and fatty foods, they occupy a larger volume in the stomach, which causes a feeling of satiety.

Sport is health

Diet developed, so it’s time to start increased physical activity. With the right diet, you will quickly notice the effects of exercise. Think about combining social gatherings with sports. Then you combine the pleasant with the useful. Instead of going out for a drink with friends. Have a beer with your friends, go to the fitness or gym together. You will turn a glass of wine into calories burned. Doesn’t that sound cooler? You can also think about recently popular crossfit workouts, which are relatively short but intense and cause intensification of fat burning.

The power of xylitol

It is worth implementing supplements to your diet that will increase the effectiveness of your diet and training. Xylitol is a birch sugar with an alcohol molecule structure. It is made from potatoes and birch. It is found in chewing gums and candies. It is a sweetener that is safe for diabetics. Its most important feature is that xylitol is much less caloric than white sugar, as much as 40 times less. The introduction of xylitol into the diet requires the body to get used to birch sugar.

The power of CLA

CLA is a fat burner. In other words, linoleic acid enhances fat burning. When maintaining a balanced diet and taking physical exercise, CLA lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and thus reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which increases vascular capacity, and thus increases mobility. The CLA supplement inhibits lipoprotein lipase, an enzyme whose role is to break down fats. It also inhibits the formation of fatty compounds and prevents their excessive accumulation in the body.

Speed ​​up your metabolism

To speed up your metabolism even more, you need to take one small step towards your water management. Stay hydrated as water flushes out harmful and toxic compounds from your body. You can absorb water in the form of herbal teas, which are known to support metabolism. You can start drinking lemon water in the morning. It will increase your immunity, and running in winter will not be scary for you and you will not end up with a cold.

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