Slimming pills – types, effectiveness, effects [EXPLAINED]

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The fight against kilograms is not easy, many people choose shortcuts – diet pills. Are the diet pills really effective? What is worth knowing about these preparations? Where can you buy them and how to use them?

Slimming pills – basic information

Slimming pills are supplements whose purpose is to support the process of reducing body fat. The active ingredients contained in them help to cope with unnecessary kilograms either by reducing the feeling of hunger or by accelerating fat burning.

Every year Poles spend enormous sums on slimming pills. We can say that we are at the forefront of European countries. No wonder, because we are attacked from all sides with advertisements, whether on TV or on the Internet. Very often we decide on diet pills that go to pharmacies without any supervision.

Although dietary supplements are the most numerous group of slimming preparations, they are also the least reliable because their manufacturers do not have to do any research before introducing them to the market. The only obligation of the manufacturer is to send to the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate the design of the supplement’s packaging and inform it about placing it on the market. Of course, the quality of the supplements placed on the market is controlled by the Sanepid, but these are irregular and random checks.

More information about supplements can be found here: Pole supplementoholic

Slimming pills – ingredients

Among the most effective ingredients of diet pills scientifically proven to work, there are:

  1. chromium – responsible for stabilizing the carbohydrate metabolism and reducing the craving for sweets. Chromium influences the ease of penetration of glucose from the blood into cells, thanks to which the secretion of insulin is reduced. This is primarily conducive to fat burning. However, it is worth remembering that excess chromium in the human body is harmful, therefore supplementation should not be unnecessarily prolonged;
  2. dietary fiber – gives a feeling of satiety for a long time, because it swells after consumption and increases its volume in the stomach. When taking preparations with dietary fiber, remember to drink at least 2 liters of water a day;
  3. beanamine – an ingredient that lowers the caloric content of food by partially impeding the absorption of starch. In short, the enzyme that breaks down starch is blocked;
  4. caffeine – an ingredient that accelerates the metabolism, but people suffering from cardiovascular diseases should avoid this ingredient. Additionally, caffeine has a thermogenic effect and increases the amount of calories burned during physical activity;
  5. chitosan – it is a substance that has been isolated from the shells of crustaceans. It performs functions similar to dietary fiber. This substance binds bile acids, cholesterol and dietary fat in the digestive tract. Chitosan prevents the absorption of some fat, which contributes to weight reduction;
  6. conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA – is an acid that occurs in milk fat. It reduces body fat, increases muscle mass and improves metabolism. CLA blocks the action of an enzyme that allows fat to enter the cells.

At Medonet Market you can now buy a set of dietary supplements for slimming with natural ingredients. Always consult your doctor before consuming any supplements, especially if you are taking other medications or supplements that may interact.

How can you stimulate your metabolism to work more efficiently? Check: How to boost your metabolism?

Slimming pills – types

Slimming pills can be divided into two groups. These are appetite suppressants and fat burners.

  1. Suppressant breath – their action comes down to suppressing the feeling of hunger, e.g. by affecting the appetite center in the brain, by swelling due to water absorption. These types of diet pills usually contain caffeine, pineapple, apple cider vinegar, guarana and bitter orange. Appetite suppressants are especially recommended for those who are just starting their slimming treatment. The tablets swelling in the stomach reduce the feeling of hunger, which is most acute in the first days of a slimming diet.
  2. Fat burners – their action means faster reduction of adipose tissue, e.g. by increasing thermogenesis, facilitating the transport of long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. Fat burners are dedicated to those who want to lose weight by practicing physical activity. The use of fat burners alone without additional activity will not bring the expected results. The composition of tablets accelerating fat burning has been enriched with linoleic acid, caffeine and L-carnitine. This category includes a set of Do.Best slimming supplements. Thanks to its active ingredients, it supports the body in burning fat and provides valuable nutrients.

Manufacturers of slimming pills also indicate that these preparations can be divided into:

  1. tablets to accelerate the metabolism – tablets, the action of which is based on accelerating and improving metabolism, are currently one of the most common preparations on the market. The composition of these tablets is usually based on natural ingredients such as grapefruit extract or green tea extract. These ingredients speed up your metabolism, which may make losing weight easier. Buy now at Medonet Market 90 capsules N ° 1 Shaper Body – a supplement for weight loss that boosts metabolism and adds energy;
  2. tablets limiting the absorption of fats and carbohydrates – their task is to inhibit the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from food provided during the diet. The mechanism of action of these tablets is that some of the food components that contribute to the accumulation of body fat are not digested and absorbed by the body, but are excreted immediately. Be very careful when taking these types of tablets, as their use may lead to a deficiency of certain vitamins. This is especially true of those vitamins that dissolve in fats, i.e. A, D, E and K.

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Prescription slimming pills

Effective prescription slimming pills are used in the treatment of obesity.

One of the most popular slimming pills contain orlistat – a substance that reduces the absorption of fats by about 30%.

The combined preparation containing bupropion hydrochloride and naltrexone hydrochloride was also added to the list of prescription diet pills registered in Poland. The active substances act on the central nervous system, reducing the feeling of hunger. In addition, they increase energy expenditure and accelerate the thermogenesis process.

Both drugs are available on prescription only. They are prescribed to obese people whose BMI exceeds 30 kg / m2 and to overweight patients – provided that the problem is accompanied by at least two diseases typical of obesity, e.g. hypertension, type 2 diabetes or lipid disorders.

Meet one of the preparations helpful in the slimming process: Therm Line Forte for people who are slimming – composition and properties of ingredients

Over-the-counter diet pills

There are also over-the-counter slimming pills on the market of dietary supplements. These are preparations that are most often based on natural ingredients, e.g. extracts of exotic plants. Tablets containing green coffee, African mango and bitter orange are very popular. Now you can order natural dietary supplements for slimming with garcicnia cambogia on Medonet Market. Vegan products support weight loss, while supporting metabolism and controlling cholesterol levels.

Remember that swallowing a pill will not magically cause you to suddenly lose weight. The basis for losing weight is an appropriate diet and physical activity, which can be supported with dietary supplements. Over-the-counter diet pills may help, but not be the best.

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The effectiveness of slimming pills

The effectiveness of slimming pills is closely related to their composition. Therefore, before starting supplementation with slimming pills, it is worth knowing the properties of the ingredients of a given preparation.

When losing weight, energy resources are extremely important for the body, of which we provide it much less during this period. Therefore, when reaching for slimming pills, it is worth choosing those that contain natural substances with a safe stimulating effect, e.g. green tea extract or guarana.

The pharmaceutical company that produced the preparation is also important. Currently, many pharmaceutical concerns introduce slimming pills to their offer. It is worth looking at the activities of a given concern and only after such an analysis, choose a specific preparation.

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Which slimming pills should be avoided?

Slimming pills selected without prior analysis may not bring any effects, and additionally harm the person who starts using them. First of all, avoid taking slimming pills, the origin of which is not fully known. This applies especially to preparations from the Asian market, which can often be purchased online. These types of pills can cause serious health problems and sometimes even kill the patient. These tablets have very often been introduced to the market illegally, and their sale, purchase or possession may be associated with serious legal problems. The products withdrawn from use include, among others Sibutramine hydrochloride, which has been used to treat obesity that is refractory to other treatments, has been discontinued in most countries due to its side effects.

In order to lose weight healthily, you should also avoid anorectic pills. Currently, there is a ban on the sale of these preparations, but you can still buy them online.

A particularly bad choice is to stock up on tablets with tapeworm eggs. This form of weight loss can lead to serious health problems not only for the person who took the pill, but for everyone else who comes into contact with it.

The choice of effective and safe for health diet pills should always be consulted with a doctor, pharmacist or dietitian. Only this way of choosing can make us sure that the tablets used will be tailored to individual needs, safe and effective.

Good, safe and effective slimming pills should have a natural and health-friendly composition. They should not contain forbidden or hazardous substances. It is best to use tablets marketed by well-known companies and avoid preparations of unknown origin.

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Slimming pills – effects

Certain diseases hinder the effectiveness of the slimming pills. These include Hashimoto’s disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism and insulin resistance. In people with these diseases, it is necessary to implement pharmacological treatment of the disease, e.g. to regulate thyroid hormones. Diet combined with physical activity and pharmacological treatment allows for effective weight loss.

Prescription slimming pills actually bring the expected results, but they can only be used by people suffering from obesity or serious overweight. On the other hand, over-the-counter slimming pills are preparations that support this process – but by themselves they do not cause weight loss. They are the perfect complement to a rational diet and physical activity. Therefore, when choosing diet pills, you should think carefully about your expectations and adjust the preparation to your needs.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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