Slimming patch. Video

Slimming patch. Video

Since the trendsetters declared a figure with parameters 90-60-90 as the standard of female beauty, the market has been filled with products that should help ladies lose weight easily and painlessly, without giving up the habit of eating and relaxing lying on the couch. This includes a slimming patch from different manufacturers.

This is an adhesive patch on which an active substance is applied that can break down subcutaneous fat. The patch comes in different sizes, depending on which part of the body you need to stick it on. The plasters also differ in the duration of application, from 20 minutes to 24 hours. The course of treatment is 20-30 days, and it should be repeated 2-3 times a year. Considering that the cost of packaging can reach 2000 rubles. and above, it is clear that the manufacturer’s benefit is obvious.

What manufacturers promise

All companies that produce slimming patches report that their products are 100% natural products that can penetrate the skin and burn fat, while the happy customer of the patch lives a normal life: working, doing housework, walking, sleeping … A flat stomach and a thin waist without any time consuming – such a tempting prospect is offered by the manufacturers of the Soso patch. The patch from Slim Patch also helps to remove toxins from the body and improve blood circulation. The Chinese plaster Haogang is glued to the navel and has an acupuncture effect on the Shennixue point. As a result, intestinal motility improves, excess fluid is removed from the body, and belly fat is broken down.

Health and beauty forums have hotly debated the benefits and effectiveness of the weight loss patch. What does experience show?

The patch does not work on the fatty layer covering the internal organs: heart, liver, kidneys. In addition, it makes no sense to use a patch if the weight exceeds normal by more than 5 kg. However, according to customer reviews, the effect of sports increases if they are combined with the use of a patch – subcutaneous fat disappears faster. If you just lie on the couch with a plaster glued to problem areas, there will be no result.

According to many participants in the discussion, the best effect can be achieved if you cover your mouth with a plaster after 18.00 pm, so as not to consume carbohydrates before bedtime.

The widely advertised anti-cellulite pepper plaster works only if the signs of incipient cellulite are noticed in time. This patch does not work on “orange skin” with experience.

The use of the pepper anti-cellulite patch may cause an allergic reaction

Losing weight is a complex biochemical process, so it makes no sense to talk about “point weight loss” under the influence of biologically active substances. Only liposuction will give a point result.

In addition to the natural substances reported by the manufacturer, all plasters contain synthetic chemicals, most of which have long been used in the cosmetics industry. However, from time to time there is evidence that some components can adversely affect the state of the body. For example, methylparaben causes the skin to age prematurely.

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