Slimming, lpg, salon treatments

The editorial staff of Woman’s Day is preparing for the bathing season and, together with the expert of the Dessange salon, Irina Lomanova, will learn the expectations and reality of salon slimming procedures.

LPG or lipomassage is aimed at getting rid of cellulite, body shaping and skin firming. You put on a special white suit, and the beautician uses the apparatus to treat problem areas of the body. The apparatus itself looks like a huge roller. After the first procedure, the specialists promise the result, but for a high-quality result, you need to undergo a course of 5-10 massages.

Cost of one session: from 2000 rubles per session, reusable suit – from 1500 rubles.

LPG is the perfect treatment at all times. Promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body, perfectly relieves puffiness. Especially useful for girls who suffer from increased swelling due to the accumulation of fluid during PMS.

Also, a delightful aesthetic result is obtained from LPG: the skin instantly improves, becomes smooth, velvety. In addition, LPG does an excellent job of getting rid of cellulite. But in order to get the desired result, it is imperative to undergo massages in courses at least once a week.

The healing properties of honey are known to everyone, but few know that it is one of the best ingredients for anti-cellulite massages.

The doctors of ancient Tibet came up with the technology of honey massage, which allows you to maintain a figure and get rid of chronic diseases. The specialist makes massage with patting and pressing movements. After the session, the hands of the specialist are dirty gray, because the massage technique removes toxins.

Cost of one session: from 1000 rubles.

The honey wrap is an excellent technique, but it has more of a physiotherapeutic effect than it is a form of body shaping.

The wrap perfectly restores the body after bronchitis. In general, the main functions that this technique performs: it removes toxins from the body and perfectly recovers after illnesses. In the first sessions, the massage can be painful, but over time, the skin and body get used to it, and you relax.

This procedure is performed using a special lymphatic drainage machine that promises to painlessly break down large fat deposits under the skin. The device looks like a bank, which is driven through problem areas.

This massage removes toxins and reduces swelling. In addition, experts claim that vacuum massage can help relieve headaches and insomnia.

Cost of one session: from 1500 rubles.

The technique of vacuum massage began from physiotherapy, at the time when cups were placed. This technique is aimed at recovering from diseases, such as pneumonia. Over time, of course, it was improved and now it is already useful on a large scale.

Vacuum massage works well on local deposits, such as excessive volume of the thighs and sides. The procedure works by using an abundant blood flow, thereby reducing the volume.

Mesotherapy is one of the most common procedures in beauty salons, which is performed on almost any part of the body. The only thing that changes is the contents of the syringe. Depending on the “affected” zone, the specialist makes a cocktail, which is injected under the skin with small needles.

The procedure helps get rid of cellulite, improves skin condition and tightens it. If the patient has a high pain threshold, the specialist will suggest an anesthetic cream.

Cost of one session: from 1500 rubles

Mesotherapy for the body is mainly aimed at correcting individual areas, and not at losing weight in general. To achieve an ideal result, in parallel with the complex of procedures, you should follow a diet.

The effect on the problem area is due to the introduction of a therapeutic cocktail under the skin, which improves blood microcirculation and lymph flow. Before the procedure, you need to warn the beautician if you are allergic to any drugs or vitamins, otherwise you can get irritated.

Cavitation is a simplified liposuction procedure that does not require anesthesia. It is believed that this procedure is one of the most effective for quick body shaping. Fat cells are burned with ultrasound, but not excreted, this part of the work goes to the body. This procedure must be done at least five times, and in between, do massages to improve the result.

Cost of one session: from 2000 rubles.

Today this is one of the few procedures, the effect of which is achieved as quickly as possible. Correction occurs by improving oxygen access in the body, breaking down excess fat deposits and accelerating the removal of excess fluid.

This procedure can be a little painful and there are a number of contraindications associated with chronic illness and pregnancy.

Wrapping is a very popular technique to help those who lose weight. For algae wrapping, either live algae in sheets or shredded ones are used. In contact with the skin, algae helps to draw out excess fluid, get rid of cellulite and remove toxins.

In the salons, whole ceremonies are carried out: first, they cleanse the skin with a scrub and massage, after which they envelop the body with algae, and then with cling film. After a while, the algae is removed, and the cream is applied to the body with massage movements.

Cost of one session: from 1000 rubles.

Algae wraps are one of the best body shaping procedures. I myself treat her with special delight! Now there are more and more cosmetic lines that perfectly complement the procedure, enhancing the effect.

The wrap really does work and does all the volume reduction tasks, and it is also useful as general physiotherapy. In addition to volume reduction, the procedure can offset the lack of vacation by giving the body a rested look. This procedure has practically no contraindications.

Ozone therapy is aimed at destroying cellulite. The specialist injects a mixture of oxygen and ozone into the subcutaneous tissue in problem areas. After several procedures, the skin becomes smooth and firm.

Cost of one session: from 1500 rubles.

The procedure is carried out using medicated ozone. It is better to combine it with a course of massages and body wraps. The procedure itself will not show the desired effect on the task of weight loss. Also, ozone therapy is carried out locally in problem areas. It is very important to remember that the effect will not be long lasting.

Myostimulation is not like other slimming treatments. The essence of the procedure: an impulse is sent to the nerve endings through the cutaneous electrodes, which makes the muscles contract. As a result, skin tone and muscle strength are improved, and metabolism is improved.

So to say “electroshock”. Experts promise that the procedure is painless, but quite expensive. Sessions need to be taken in courses 10-15 times every year.

Cost of one session: from 3000 rubles.

Myostimulation is a good passive gymnastics for those who do not have the time and energy for fitness, but it is not a substitute for it. The procedure is good for those who have reduced muscle tone, as a result of which it is not possible to create relief on the body, and it is also an excellent exercise for the lazy.

It is still better to use it in conjunction with a fitness program. There is a wide range of contraindications for this procedure for people with chronic diseases, heart disease, and even for girls during menstruation.

Many people are afraid of cryogenic therapy, but it is not justified: cryosauna is one of the best physiotherapy. The essence of the procedure: for a few minutes a person is immersed up to his neck in a layer of gas cooled to a temperature of –150 degrees.

Do not worry about the temperature, because it is selected taking into account human characteristics, and the body does not have time to overcool in a short time. Cryosauna is a fairly new procedure in Russia, which affects the healing of the whole body. For those who are losing weight, crootherapy will help tone the skin and restore metabolism.

Cost of one session: from 2000 rubles.

Cold wraps are quite good techniques for light body shaping, especially for those with circulatory problems. The procedure stimulates abundant blood flow, relieves swelling and fatigue. Cryotherapy is primarily a vasoconstrictor procedure, which is ideal for those with varicose veins.

In the slang of cosmetologists, STYX-Aromaderm wet wrap methods are called “whiskey”, because patients always enthusiastically note their intoxicatingly pleasant sensations from the procedure.

This effect is explained by the drainage activity of charged particles of aromatic essential oils and plant biostimulants, which cleanse and restore the harmonious and balanced work of all body systems.

Whiskey wraps are effective for body shaping, getting rid of cellulite; they rejuvenate, strengthen blood vessels, cleanse and tighten the skin, normalize endocrine and psychoemotional mechanisms of regulation + after the procedure, specialists notice a persistent decrease in appetite and a decrease in the amount of food consumed.

Cost of one session: from 4000 rubles in Lanna Kamilina.

This type of wrapping is especially indicated for those who suffer from chronic fatigue, depression. Perfect for those who suffer from varicose veins, it will also help if there are hormonal disorders.

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