Slimming exercises for legs and hips. Video

Not only strict diets, but also regular exercise help to lose weight and put the body in order. At the same time, it is not necessary to sit for hours in gyms and fitness clubs, because a noticeable result can be obtained during training at home. It is enough to include in the program only five, but very effective exercises for losing weight on the legs and hips.

Slimming exercises for legs and hips

If you decide to seriously tackle your figure and solving the problem of being overweight, be sure to include the following exercises in the set of exercises, which, with regular use, will help not only get rid of excess weight, but also significantly strengthen all the muscles in the body.

The mahi from the prone and standing position are responsible for the beautiful buttocks, muscles of the hips and waist. For example, to strengthen the inner thigh and waist muscles, it is useful to perform side leg swings in a standing position. To complete them, stand facing a chair, closet or wall. Place your hands on the support, straight or tilted, as you see fit. Put your legs straight, while your back should also be straight. As you do the exercise, slowly lift your right leg out to the side as high off the floor as you can. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position, slowly lowering your leg to the floor. Then follow the steps with the left leg. Slowly raise your leg to the maximum height possible for you, hold for five to ten seconds (as long as you can) and smoothly, slowly, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with each leg 5–20 times.

Periodically alternate this exercise, lifting the leg not only to the right and left, but also back and forth. At the same time, watch your body: the muscles of the thighs, buttocks should work, and you should feel them. If this does not happen, you are doing something wrong, which means that you should not count on a quick result.

At first, do not try to do the exercise as many times as possible. It is advisable to start it with three to four repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

To strengthen the gluteal muscles and hips, leg swings from a standing position on all fours are useful. To perform it, get on all fours with support on your knees and palms. In this case, the arms should be shoulder-width apart, the head should be in a slightly raised position, look forward.

Slowly lift your left leg, bent at the knee, as high as you can. Hold this pose for a few seconds and gently lower your leg to its original position. Do the same with the right leg. The number of repetitions depends on the degree of your preparedness: from 4 to 20 times. If you regularly do this exercise, soon your hips (or thighs, since we are talking about Mashka’s body parts) will become elastic and fit. And the manifestations of cellulite, if any, will not be so noticeable.

Crunches are ideal for slimming and strengthening your waist, abs and hips. Lie on the floor with your hands on the back of your head. Slightly lift the body and legs, bent at the knees, and try to reach with your right elbow to the left knee. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Then do the exercise with your left arm and right leg. Repeat 3 to 20 times per set. Alternate between straight and side curls of the body. And the result will not be long in coming.

You can also quickly lose weight while doing the scissors exercises. For them, lie on the floor, place your hands behind your head. Raise the body slightly. Your legs should be at a height of 20-30 cm from the floor, while you should feel how the abdominal muscles tighten. Cross your legs, imitating the work of scissors, alternately changing legs.

Good reviews about the results in the process of losing weight and strengthening muscles are given by the exercise, better known as the “bicycle”. Take for him a starting position, similar to when performing “scissors”. Bend your legs at the knees and lift. Now you just have to imitate cycling, as if you are pedaling, alternately changing the position of your legs.

If you have the opportunity to ride a real bike (or an exercise bike), be sure to use it, as cycling has a beneficial effect on the condition of all muscle groups.

Lift exercises train the upper abdominals. To perform them, lie on the floor, fold your palms behind your head, bend your legs at the knees and place them on a chair or sofa, so that they are above the line of the body. Slowly lift the body up to the maximum height. At the highest point, linger for 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 4-20 repetitions.

This exercise is aimed at comprehensively strengthening the muscles of the buttocks, outer thighs and waist. To start doing it, stand up straight with your hands on your belt. Bend slightly at the waist and bring your right hip forward, then gently bring your right leg back, gradually bringing your left leg to the front. In this case, your buttocks will have to describe a kind of “eight”. Then repeat the exercise bringing your right leg to the front. It is enough to perform 10-20 repetitions per approach.

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