Slimming cream: the formula of our fantasies

We doubt their effectiveness, we do not really believe in advertising, but we still buy before the start of the beach season. Why are slimming gels so attractive to us?

Often, the purchase of such a tool completes the day of spring shopping. Having decided to update their wardrobe for the summer and having seen enough of their reflection in the unfriendly mirrors of the fitting rooms, some noticeably lose heart. An open dress or swimsuit gives rise to a burning desire to immediately sign up for a massage, go in for sports … or buy an anti-cellulite cream, which is, of course, the easiest thing to do. And let the voice of reason say that the effect of such products is minimal, and everything else is just advertising, and last year’s weight loss cream remained half unused … We do not heed this voice. In addition, if summer dresses, skirts and swimwear have already been purchased, buying a cream seems like a miserable waste. But this act encourages us and seems to declare that the season is open.

miraculous science

On the one hand, the creators of slimming creams emphasize that they cannot replace a balanced diet and fitness. On the other hand, these same cosmetologists assure that the women who tested the products did not limit themselves in anything, did not make any efforts. And at the same time they became slimmer by such and such a number of centimeters. “The contradiction is obvious, but the exact numbers make it “forget” about it: we really want to know how much we will lose, in which part of the body and in how many days,” says psychologist Nadine Roseau. “In addition, in advertising, this information is most often presented by an expert, using special terms that encourage us even more: a professional who is so sensitive to our desire to lose weight without difficulty cannot be mistaken!” So why give up sweets and exhaust yourself with workouts when there is a reliable miracle cream? Fueled by such “solid” arguments, children’s faith in a fairy tale takes its toll, the purchase is made. And then events can develop in different ways. Some people have the patience to apply it twice a day with the right massage movements. But many feel that their enthusiasm evaporates after a week … and habitually begin to blame themselves for the lack of discipline and results.

Advertising slogans also address us in a special figurative language. Constantly hearing calls for the fight against body fat, overweight and cellulite, we willy-nilly feel like fighters in the war of liberation. And the success of hostilities largely depends on the latest weapons that hit the enemy with precision and mercilessly. That is why in the advertising of creams so much attention is paid not only to combat slogans, but also to the description of the components of the products, as well as their destructive effect. We have little idea how exactly “complex X” will destroy fat, “component Y” will increase blood circulation, and “substance Z” will attack the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of lipids. But it sounds convincing, “scientific” and gives confidence that the cream will be a reliable ally in the fight for harmony.


She is blonde, brown-haired or brunette – the girl on anti-cellulite posters is always slim, feminine and attractive. It personifies the perfect image of ourselves … until the time “hidden” under the cover of cellulite. By purchasing the advertised cream, in our fantasies we already appropriate this ideal for ourselves: we are inspired by the hope of changing ourselves and our lives. Indeed, in our days, harmony is associated with both success and a certain social status: the one who controls his body, we believe, controls the whole world around us. Therefore, buying a cream for weight loss – in our dreams, it is also a way to “pull ourselves together”, take a step into a new being.

Action without illusions

However, back to reality. All that weight loss products can really do is increase blood circulation, improve skin quality and help fat cells to part with their contents. And if the funds are of high quality, they honestly fulfill these promises. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but the main thing is not even that: our body is arranged in such a way that if this content is not used up, it will safely return to its original place. Just like that, by itself, fat cannot “burn out”. “Its disposal is a complex process with the formation of a large amount of energy that needs to be used, that is, to move,” explains cosmetologist Alena Minina, specialist at Petit Spa L’Occitane. And the more active the better. Therefore, it is optimal to apply such funds before and after physical exertion. The fact is that after training, our muscles continue to expend calories for another two hours. And if, under the influence of active substances, fat is removed from the cells, it will be burned. Especially in the places where the product is applied, since the muscles do not like to wait for “supplies” from afar.

Marketers state: products for harmony are best sold, the impact of which is well felt after application (heat, cold, tingling). This gives confidence that the cream is working. “Although in fact it is more important that it pleases our senses – touch, smell, sight,” notes Nadine Roseau. “It is much easier to make a daily gesture that gives us pleasure. And that means, and more often “remember” about yourself. The cream in this case acts as an intermediary, “acquainting” and reconciling a woman with her own body, giving rise to a desire to take care of herself.” And this is always much more valuable than the transition from one clothing size to another.

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