Sleeping pills are dangerous. Video
People with insomnia can toss and turn all night, falling into oblivion for a while, and then waking up again. Counting sheep doesn’t help. At first, a person hopes that the problem will disappear by itself, drinks sedative preparations, ventilates the room for the night. But fatigue accumulates, and here heavy artillery comes to the rescue – sleeping pills.
Calming and sleeping pills: video
When can you drink sleeping pills
Insomnia is a fairly common problem that can hit you at any time. Most often, the cause of this ailment is stress, but it can also arise as a result of depression, certain diseases, for example, arrhythmias, anemia, high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis. Sleeping pills have a short-term effect: the human body gradually gets used to the medicine. It makes sense to drink pills while you are treating the cause of your illness, and stop taking them when the body returns to normal.
If you rarely have insomnia, there is no point in taking sleeping pills. The body of a healthy adult is able to endure a sleepless night without any special consequences.
Stress is a common cause of insomnia. If you know that you have difficult times ahead (session, delivery of an important project, work on the annual report), and you need a fresh head, it makes sense at this time to support yourself with sleeping pills.
Be sure to read the annotation to the drug or consult your doctor to clarify the time frame in which you can safely take sleeping pills
Among people who periodically suffer from insomnia, homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies, such as Novopassit or Persen-forte, are popular. If at night you sometimes have heavy thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep, you feel anxious and toss and turn around midnight, these mild drugs can help you tune in to sleep. Plus, they are safe and non-addictive when consumed as directed.
Stronger drugs are sold exclusively with a doctor’s prescription. These are barbiturates, which are practically abandoned today: the drug changes the structure of sleep, as a result of which it becomes superficial; diazepines, which include the famous “Phenazepam”, as well as a new generation of sleeping pills – “Ivadal”, “Somnol”.
These drugs are quickly excreted from the body, do not disrupt the structure of sleep and allow a person to wake up vigorous and rested.
Sleeping pills have more than just a positive effect. With prolonged use of the drug, it gradually ceases to work. As a result, a person is forced to look for a more potent medicine. The patient becomes addicted to pills, he is no longer able to fall asleep without them. If you want to avoid this – do not self-medicate, let a doctor advise you. If you have been taking medication for insomnia for a long time, but the problem persists, replace your pills with another drug. Do not be fooled by the temptation to easily and quickly fall into the arms of Morpheus if you want to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Also read the online dream book.