Sleeping pillow: how to choose? Video
If you often toss and turn in your sleep and cannot find a comfortable position for yourself, or cannot fall asleep for a long time, try simply changing your pillow. In some cases, this simple step helps.
Sleeping pillow: how to choose?
A person sleeps for one third of his life. Therefore, sleep and the choice of bedding must be approached responsibly: after all, proper sleep plays an important role in maintaining physical and mental health.
Well-being is directly related to sleep and the position of the body and head. And the right pillow plays a big role in this.
For example, the Japanese used inclined wooden planks instead of a pillow for sleeping. Seeing such a device, one XNUMXth century European traveler who visited the “Land of the Rising Sun” was extremely surprised. However, despite the obvious convenience for the body, such “pillows” have not taken root in Europe.
A good pillow should keep your head and cervical spine in a comfortable position so that during sleep you can relax and not experience any discomfort. Only then will you be able to rest normally. A comfortable pillow is not only the prevention and treatment of insomnia, but also many diseases of the back and spine. Therefore, when choosing a pillow, be sure to pay attention to the orthopedic models first. The advantage of such pillows is that their structure allows the head to be in a slightly elevated position, while preventing curvature of the spine and cervical spine. The modern pillow industry also offers pillows for children, for pregnant women, providing comfort and comfort for the abdomen.
Pros of an orthopedic pillow
Orthopedic pillows are made both in a classic shape (rectangular or square) and in anatomical shape – with a small thickened roller, the size of which is selected individually for each client. This, first of all, depends on the width of the shoulders of the person, his favorite position, the softness of the mattress, the material and filling of the pillow.
A modern orthopedic pillow of a classic rectangular shape, as a rule, has a slightly thickened roller along one of the long sides, the size of which is selected according to the width of your shoulders. Some models of orthopedic pillows are equipped with: – one or two cheek rolls, – a notch under the head, which provides additional support for the neck and head during sleep.
Pillows come in different heights, which is also important for a comfortable sleep. Which pillow you choose for yourself is up to you. But do not dwell on the first model that comes across.
What you need to know when choosing a pillow
To choose a pillow “for yourself”, remember a few useful tips. For example, wider shoulders require a higher pillow. In this case, the rule applies: the wider the shoulders, the higher the pillow. However, a pillow that is too high can also cause inconvenience, as well as a low one. This is especially noticeable if you periodically put your hand under the pillow or head. If you prefer to sleep on your side, opt for lower pillows, in which case you will feel more comfortable during sleep. Neck and shoulder pain during sleep indicates a pillow that is too low and a hard mattress.
The height of the pillows generally ranges from 6 to 16 centimeters. If you have wide shoulders or prefer to sleep on firm mattresses, choose a higher pillow for yourself. But in most cases, the most universal height for a pillow – most people sleep on such – is a value of 10-14 centimeters.
For many hundreds of years, ordinary square and rectangular down pillows have been and continue to be leaders. They remain out of competition even now. True, at present, many new modern filler materials have appeared.
The most popular cushion padding was waterfowl feathers. Such pillows are hygroscopic, lightweight and voluminous. The feather in them does not cake, and the pillows keep their shape well.
Quite often, pillows are stuffed with camel and sheep wool. They are especially useful for people suffering from joint and muscle pain, rheumatism. However, wool very quickly loses its shape, so manufacturers often add synthetic fillers to woolen pillows. At the same time, the quality of the pillows and their therapeutic effect are preserved.
Pillows with synthetic fillers: – padding polyester, – holofiber, – comfortable, suitable even for allergy sufferers. They are inexpensive and easy to hygienic. Soiled pillows can be washed in the washing machine, dried and then beaten well to give them their original shape.
But pillows with higher quality fillers with a “memory effect”, made on the basis of latex and polyurethane, are not recommended to be washed: otherwise, you will lose their main property – the ability to “adapt” to your body.
Recently, pillows filled with buckwheat husks have become very popular. Such pillows have a good ventilation effect, as they are able to regulate temperature, moisture, elasticity and have a good massage effect. There are also interesting options with such natural fillers as: – hop cones, – spruce needles, – medicinal dry herbs, – juniper.
Plant-filled pillows are best used for daytime relaxation
A pillow stuffed with cherry pits helps to maintain the shape of the body and is able to retain heat for a long time, so it can also be used as an alternative to a heating pad.
In general, choose comfortable, correct pillows. And then your sleep will be light, and your rest will be pleasant.
Also find out the interpretation of your dream: search in dream books.