Sleeping naked in the heat. You will be surprised how enthusiastically your body reacts

The heat can take its toll on practically everyone, especially when a hot night comes after a hot day. For many people, sleeping naked may be a tempting way to relieve themselves. This solution actually lowers the body temperature and makes it easier to fall asleep. However, sleeping naked has other health benefits as well. We present some of them below.

  1. In hot weather, sleeping naked can be a relief and make it easier to fall asleep
  2. Night sleep without clothes works not only at high temperatures, it can also bring us additional health benefits
  3. Sleeping naked improves sleep quality, relieves stress and has a positive effect on the skin
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Why is sleeping naked good for sleep?

The advantages of sleeping naked in hot weather seem obvious. At extremely high temperatures, additional layers of clothing heat up even more, which makes it difficult to sleep well at night. Body temperature is not only important for the quality of sleep during summer heat waves. Lowering the temperature is a signal for our body to sleep – it is a factor influencing our circadian rhythm.

Sleeping naked lowers your body temperature, which can make you fall asleep faster. The right temperature also improves the quality of sleep. The best sleeping conditions are around 15-19 degrees Celsius. When it is too hot or too cold, the REM phase of sleep is disrupted, which is important for the regeneration and relaxation of the body and the brain. The right temperature promotes the release of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

People who have problems with sleep reach for herbal preparations for sleep and supplements. Products of this type include the sleep syrup with lemon balm available at Medonet Market, the Zdrowy Sen herbal set and 1 mg melatonin tablets.

Other health benefits of sleeping naked

A good night’s sleep is not the only advantage of sleeping without clothes. It turns out that the benefit of sleeping naked is to improve the condition of the skin. It is known that the body regenerates during the night, and sleep also has a positive effect on the processes taking place in the skin and faster healing of wounds. It is also worth mentioning here melatonin, which is a strong antioxidant, therefore its proper secretion during sleep slows down the aging processes taking place in the skin.

Sleep deprivation affects other aspects of your health as well. Research has shown that lack of sleep increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and also promotes weight gain. Sleeping naked can improve the quality of our sleep, and the lower body temperature obtained by removing clothes also increases the production of brown fat that helps to burn calories.

Sleeping naked is also recommended for women, because giving up underwear at night reduces the risk of intimate infections. Adequate air supply to intimate zones means that yeasts and bacteria do not have the right conditions to multiply. For men, sleeping naked increases fertilitybecause they then give up tight underwear, which is associated with less sperm count in the sperm.

Sleeping naked makes you feel better

Research shows that getting enough sleep lowers stress levels and lowers the likelihood of depression, so sleeping naked can also help you feel better. It has also been noticed that people who have more contact with their naked body gain more self-confidence, begin to accept their body and perceive it better.

Sleeping naked with another person is also beneficial, as direct skin-to-skin contact triggers the release of oxytocin, a happiness-enhancing hormone. Such close contact also allows building closeness and intimacy between partners.

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