Sleep poses tell about disease

To find out about a person’s psychological problems, as well as about his diseases, it is not at all necessary to conduct medical research. It is enough just to look at the position in which it is most convenient for him to fall asleep and how he behaves in a dream.

March 20 2009

On the side in the “fetal position” sleep those who are insecure, vulnerable, prone to neuroses, depression, hypotension, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

On the side, hands under the pillow – Cervical osteochondrosis makes such a pose.

On your side, with your hands under your head – position may indicate chronic rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

On the stomach people are stubborn, strong-willed, do not tolerate criticism, with stomach diseases.

On the back sleep those who are resistant to stress, but sometimes overly self-confident, who are tormented by frequent headaches and migraines.

Bruxism (gritting teeth), contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with the presence of worms. It happens in people with a malocclusion or overly excitable, prone to neuroses.

Loud, loud snoring, with pauses of several seconds, indicates short-term stops in breathing during sleep (apnea), which means obesity, hypertension, arrhythmias, and cardiovascular diseases.

Quiet, lasting for 2-3 months – the result of a cold, with complete recovery, snoring will also disappear.

Lasting more than 3 months – appears due to the curvature of the nasal septum, hypertrophic rhinitis, polyps, adenoids, changes in the hormonal background, smoking, alcohol abuse.

Restless legs syndrome occurs in those who drink liters of coffee, who lack iron in the body, who suffer from polyneuritis (inflammation of the peripheral nerves of the legs and pelvis).

Rare conversations in a dream occur with overwork, after a vivid daytime impression, with a sharp change in the weather.

Constant chatter is characteristic of easily excitable, impressionable people, prone to neuroses.

  • Drink warm milk or sweet herbal milk tea half an hour before bedtime
  • Try to sleep with the window open
  • Bed should be associated with sleep, do not lie in it just like that, watching TV
  • Before going to bed, do not watch action films, do not quarrel with your family, do not discuss important issues
  • Go to bed at the same time
  • Getting ready for bed should turn into a repetitive ritual: for example, you first look at the fish, then wash off your makeup, then fluff your pillows, and so on.

See also: interpretation of dreams from dream books.

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