Most people on a diet know very well that not getting enough sleep is associated with weight gain. However, is this some information? If so, how is it done?
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Sleeping off is probably one of the few methods to achieve your dream body weight that does not require a lot of effort. Maybe this is a bit of a simplification, but we can say one thing for sure – sleep deprivation can effectively hinder weight loss, even if we exercise and follow a diet. Both from my own observations and on the basis of research analysis, I can confirm that people who ensure an adequate dose of undisturbed sleep less often experience hunger pangs, eat faster and play sports more often. Why?
Problem no. 1 Hormones
Sleep deprivation increases the level of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite, and reduces the level of leptin, which informs about satiety. A 2004 study at Stanford University found that people who slept for less than 8 hours had higher ghrelin levels, more body fat, and higher body weight. In addition, leptin lowers the level of insulin in the blood, if, due to lack of sleep, the level of leptin decreases and insulin increases, we will feel a greater appetite and, what is more, fat tissue will be deposited more easily.
Problem no. 2 Wrong choices
Lack of sleep and fatigue affect our behavior. It is easier for us to take shortcuts to save the rest of the energy. With less scruples, we will reach for a bar instead of making a sandwich or for a cookie with cream instead of dinner. A sleepy person will also not have the strength to walk, not to mention any sports.
Problem No. 3 Stress
Stress often goes hand in hand with sleeplessness. Then, the level of cortisol increases. This hormone increases the feeling of hunger and stimulates the body to store fat. Ultimately, this process is related to the preparation for the “fight” – we gather the necessary energy. The appetite is sharpened for specific products – mainly sweets, but also fatty foods.
Not only the quantity, but also the quality
It is also important what the quality of sleep is. It turns out that people with sleep apnea lose weight after getting rid of the problem, without declaring any change. So let’s calm down in the evening and take care of a good night’s sleep. If we suffer from insomnia, natural methods for problems with falling asleep recommended by Karolina Urbaniak will help.
How long does it take to sleep?
There is no single fixed value. It should be considered individually for everyone. It is estimated that the average adult should sleep around 8 hours. Psychologist Patrycja Kawka advises you to estimate your individual needs by sleeping unrestrictedly for several days in a row. After this time, the length of sleep should stabilize and we start to wake up at about the same time – the best time for us.
The title photo is from: WarmSleepy / Foter / CC BY
Photo from text is from: sleepyjeanie / Foter / CC BY
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