Sleep and human health: interesting facts and videos

😉 Hello everyone! Sleep and human health are interrelated. The average person sleeps at least 1/3 of their life. For many, this time seems wasted, but sleep for our body is the best medicine.

Why do we need a dream?

The answer is simple: to live. Every body needs sleep and rest, thanks to which it is able to recover and gain strength the next day. Even one sleepless night can bring a person out of the precarious balance in which we are.

Sleep deprivation leads to a lack of concentration, mood disorders and even hallucinations. An adult should sleep on average seven to eight hours a day. The amount of time you need to rest decreases with age. Elderly people sleep 5-7 hours.

What is a human chronotype

Chronotype is the nature of a person’s daily activity. It doesn’t depend on upbringing, education, or desire. The chronotype cannot be reconfigured. The sleep schedule is individual and cannot be changed. We inherit our sleep schedule from our parents like hair or eye color. This is a program that is genetically embedded in us. Chrono is from the Greek for time.

Sleep and human health: interesting facts and videos

Three main chronotypes:

  1. Larks. They are in the minority in the world, only 20-25%. Lark people wake up early, usually at 4-6 o’clock in the morning. Go to bed at 20-22 o’clock. The peak of activity is in the morning and first half of the day.
  2. Owls. Almost half of the population of our planet (40%). Active in the evening and at night. Awakening at 8-10 hours. Sleep – after 24 hours.
  3. Doves. Pigeon people get up later than larks, fall asleep earlier than owls. Active all day long. They have neither peaks nor troughs. Pigeons – 30%. Waking up at 6-8 o’clock. Sleep at 22-24 hours.

Do you want to be beautiful – sleep more

Sleep not only affects the general condition of a person, but also has a tremendous effect on appearance. During the night’s rest, all muscles are relaxed. This also applies to the skin. As a result, mimic wrinkles disappear and facial features are smoothed out.

Sleep and human health: interesting facts and videos

In addition, eyes rest, blood pressure normalizes, breathing is evened out, and after a good night’s sleep, you wake up with pink and healthy skin.

And during this period, melatonin is released. It is a “sleep and youth hormone” and is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from the free radicals responsible for wrinkles. During sleep, cells multiply twice as fast. Thus, fast regeneration is carried out, and in the morning the skin absorbs cosmetics better.

For example, Sophia Loren starts her day at 6 am and goes to bed no later than 9 pm. Top models Kate Moss and Claudia Schiffer adhere to this regime.

How to get a good night’s sleep?

Many people complain that they don’t feel sleepy in the morning, despite extended periods of sleep. Both lack of sleep and excess sleep are not able to have a good effect on the body.

You must carefully study his needs and correctly determine the characteristics of your biorhythm. This must be taken into account when drawing up a personal work and rest schedule.

External factors can also interfere with sleep. These are: lack of oxygen in the room, high temperature, uncomfortable bed or mattress.

It is worth taking care of preventive measures. Before going to bed, it is advisable to avoid eating large amounts of food and liquids. This applies to coffee, tea, “Coca-cola” and alcohol.

It is also advisable to stick to fixed sleep hours. To make it easier for yourself to fall asleep, you can make an herbal infusion, read a book, or play relaxing music. The rules: how to get up early and get enough sleep.

Why is it good to sleep during the day?

The best time for daytime sleep is from 13 pm to 15 pm. Daytime sleep lasting 1-1,5 hours:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves mood;
  • increases resistance to stress;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • improves performance;
  • restores physical and emotional strength;
  • improves memory and attentiveness.

More information “Sleep and health” in this video ↓

Scientists have found out how much you need to sleep depending on your age

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