Slag-free diet before colonoscopy

Slag-free diet before colonoscopy

A slag-free diet is a way of therapeutic nutrition, characterized by eating foods that help eliminate feces from the body and cleanse the intestines of toxins.

Before a colonoscopy, each patient is prescribed a slag-free diet. It must be strictly observed, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect.

The main goal pursued by a slag-free diet is the maximum cleansing of the intestines from solid remnants of undigested food, as well as the removal of mucus from its lumen. In addition to the fact that the intestines will be cleaned, its peristalsis will be restored, metabolism will stabilize, and overall well-being will improve. The fact is that not only the intestines themselves are cleansed, but the body as a whole.

Principles of a slag-free diet

Slag-free diet before colonoscopy

A slag-free diet involves the following principles:

  • The diet cannot last long, as it is unbalanced and unable to cover all the needs of the human body.

  • During the diet, be sure to drink as much water as possible, as well as replenish vitamins and trace elements. It is important to provide the body with at least a small amount of energy.

  • Products that take a long time to digest are excluded from the menu. Be sure to give up those foods that contain a lot of fiber.

  • You need to eat mainly broths, liquid soups and cereals. It is permissible to eat a small amount of low-fat meat.

  • You need to drink at least 1,5 liters of water per day, not taking into account the liquid from soups, as well as broths.

  • Salty and spicy foods should be banned.

  • Method of cooking – steaming or boiling. Food cannot be fried.

  • Food should enter the stomach in small portions.

  • 24 hours before the upcoming examination, you must completely refuse to take solid food. Allowed dishes: liquid soup based on vegetables, tea with honey, juice diluted with water, low-fat kefir and yogurt.

Permitted and prohibited products

Foods that can and cannot be eaten are presented in the table.

What not to eat

What you can eat

  • Fresh vegetables: beets, radishes, cabbage, garlic, onions, radishes, carrots, legumes

  • Fresh fruits: apples, grapes, bananas, peaches, apricots, oranges, tangerines

  • Borodino and bran bread

  • Cereals, except semolina

  • Sorrel and spinach

  • Any greens

  • Seaweed cooked “in Korean” or pickled

  • Okroshka

  • Borsch and cabbage soup – any dishes that contain fresh or boiled cabbage

  • Milk soups

  • Any mushrooms

  • Marinades, sauces, pickles

  • Chocolate

  • Seeds and nuts

  • Chips

  • Any products that have been smoked

  • Fatty meat: lamb, duck, pork

  • Fatty fish: herring, mackerel, crucian

  • Baked goods containing poppy seeds, nuts, grains, coconut flakes and other ingredients that take a long time to digest

  • Milk

  • Coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, kvass, sweet mineral water

  • Fast food

  • Boiled vegetables and soups based on them

  • Dried white bread, crackers, nut- and poppy-free muffins, biscuits

  • Curdled milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir

  • Boiled chicken and quail eggs

  • Some homemade mayonnaise

  • Semolina porridge, but always liquid

  • Fruit soufflés and mousses

  • Meat and fish of dietary varieties, boiled or steamed

  • Cheese and butter, both vegetable and butter, but in small quantities

  • Honey and jelly

  • Compote, weak tea, still water, juice diluted with water, dried fruit jelly, coffee

Diet menu before colonoscopy

7-4 days before colonoscopy

First meal

  • Semolina

  • Soft-boiled egg

  • Tea with sugar

Snack before lunch

Cheese and baked apple (it needs to be grated first)


  • Soup with noodles in vegetable broth

  • Steamed chicken breast fillet

  • Tea with crackers and sugar

Last meal

  • Boiled vegetables in a salad with olive oil dressing

  • compote

2-3 days before colonoscopy

First meal

  • Semolina

  • Soft-boiled egg

  • Tea with sugar

Snack before lunch

Cheese and baked apple (it needs to be grated first)


  • Soup with noodles in vegetable broth

  • Steamed chicken breast fillet

  • Tea with crackers and sugar

Last meal

  • Boiled vegetables in a salad with olive oil dressing

  • compote

1 day before colonoscopy

First meal

Cottage cheese with 0% fat content and coffee with sugar

Snack before lunch



  • Soup with noodles in chicken broth

  • Steam cutlets from minced turkey

  • tea glass



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