Tannery skumpia is a unique deciduous shrub that strikes with the beauty of its flowering. This native of North America has won the hearts of gardeners around the world, so it is not surprising that even in central Our Country, many dream of growing this beautiful plant in their dacha. However, not every kind of shrub can take root in this climate, so lovers of this plant should study the description of skumpia varieties for the Moscow region.

What varieties of skumpia are suitable for the Moscow region

Being a heat-loving deciduous plant, skumpii are very sensitive to sudden temperature changes, which are far from uncommon in the conditions of the Moscow region. Therefore, gardeners who decide to grow this spectacular crop on their site should take responsibility for choosing the right variety:

  1. In the Moscow region, seedlings purchased in nurseries take root most successfully. Preference should be given to crops that have survived 1 – 2 winters.
  2. Before disembarking for skumpia, it is necessary to prepare a place that would be protected from drafts and would not be in the shade.
  3. Young shrubs and trees up to 3-4 years old should be covered during the winter months.
  4. For the Moscow region, frost-resistant varieties of crops are best suited, and it is important to consider that varieties with green leaves tolerate frost more successfully than purple-leaved ones.

According to the reviews of plant growers, the following varieties of skumpia are popular for growing in the Moscow region.

Young Lady

Skumpia tannery: planting and care in the suburbs

Young Lady is the most common variety for cultivation in the middle lane, due to its excellent winter hardiness and unpretentious care. This not too tall shrub up to 1,5 m in size is distinguished by its pink inflorescences, which during the flowering period make it look like clouds at sunset. The bright green leaves of the culture turn red in autumn.

Golden Spirit

Skumpia tannery: planting and care in the suburbs

Another green-leaved variety up to 2 m in height, which has a high decorative effect. Unlike the Young Lady, Golden Spirit is quite sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, and therefore requires additional warming for the winter. Nevertheless, it is actively grown in the Moscow region due to the fabulously beautiful appearance that golden foliage gives the plant.


Skumpia tannery: planting and care in the suburbs

This spectacular variety, reaching a height of 2,5 – 3 m, stands out from other skumpia shrubs with dark green foliage with a deep purple tint, which is enriched with shades of red, orange and yellow in autumn. The culture blooms from the end of May or the beginning of June with lush purple inflorescences, which makes it a wonderful decoration for landscape design in single and group plantings.

Royal Purple

Skumpia tannery: planting and care in the suburbs

The variety Royal Purple or Royal Purple also feels great in the climate of the Moscow region. This shrub grows up to 1,5 m and has a compact oval crown with dark purple leaf blades that turn bluish in autumn. The inflorescences of such a skumpia have a noble burgundy hue.


Skumpia tannery: planting and care in the suburbs

This shrub immediately attracts attention not only for its foliage, but also for its crown volume, since at a small height of 1,5 – 2 m it has a diameter of 2,5 – 3 m. The blue-purple foliage in the weather conditions of the Moscow Region retains its color all summer, turning red only in autumn. Airy inflorescences have a lilac-purple hue similar to the foliage.

All of the above varieties of tannery can not only grow well, but also bloom luxuriantly in the Moscow region, if the conditions for planting and caring for this crop are correctly observed.

Rules for growing leather skumpia in the Moscow region

Since skumpia is of tropical origin, it is worth getting ready for the fact that even frost-resistant plant varieties will require additional care in central Our Country. When cultivating skumpia in the Moscow region, to maintain the health of the shrub, special attention should be paid to the place and timing of planting, as well as to devote enough time to watering and pruning.


Sumpia seedlings are planted, as a rule, in the spring, but if the young plant has a closed root system, then planting can be carried out at any time of the year, except for winter. The main thing for him is to have time to take root before the onset of stable frosts. Sowing seeds is carried out in early autumn or early spring.

Site selection and soil preparation

Since skumpia comes from warm latitudes, it loves the sun very much, therefore, when choosing a seat in the Moscow region, it is worth allocating an open area with plenty of light to the plant in advance. In no case should shrubs be planted under tall trees – abundant shade inhibits their growth and negatively affects flowering. In addition, skumpia does not respond well to drafts, as a result of which it will not be out of place to take care of protecting these shrubs from strong winds.

Skumpiya is not too picky about the quality of the soil, but it grows most magnificently on slightly alkaline soils. In turn, too acidic land adversely affects the development of shrubs. Excessively wet soil also does not have a very good effect on the health of the plant, especially if the groundwater is near the surface of the earth, so this feature must also be taken into account when planting a crop in the Moscow region.

Advice! If the landing site of skumpii is characterized by high humidity, high-quality drainage of the site will help solve the problem.

Planting skumpii in the suburbs

Having decided on a permanent place of cultivation, you can start planting skumpii:

  1. The planting hole should be larger than the earthen ball of the plant.
  2. Immediately before planting, it is worth soaking the seedlings in water, and watering the recess itself abundantly at the rate of 2 buckets of water per 1 place.
  3. If necessary, 20-30 cm of drainage material should be laid at the bottom of the pit, after which a small elevation of the substrate should be made on top of it and a seedling should be placed on it.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the recess must be filled in, and the soil should be tightly tamped.
Important! If the plant is initially planted in fertile soil, it is not necessary to additionally feed it for successful growth in the Moscow region – this way the skumpia will take root faster.


Skumpia tannery: planting and care in the suburbs

As for care, skumpia cannot be attributed to capricious plants. In the climate of the Moscow region, taking care of the shrub consists in timely watering and pruning. In addition, some varieties of skumpia will need to be covered for the winter.

As already mentioned, excess moisture can be detrimental to these shrubs, so skumpii are watered as the earthen clod dries out, bringing water directly to the base of the plant. During dry summers, watering can be increased.

Advice! The mulching of the near-stem circle carried out in early spring will help to more evenly distribute the liquid during subsequent irrigation and reduce the number of agrotechnical measures.

Top dressing of skumpii in the Moscow region is carried out 2 times: with nitrogen compounds – during the growth of green mass by the plant and phosphorus-potassium – during the budding period. The culture responds equally well to mineral and organic fertilizers, so in order to achieve the most spectacular flowering, it would be advisable to alternate such methods of nutrition.

Most varieties of skumpia suitable for growing in the Moscow region are subject to regular pruning. As a rule, this procedure is carried out at the end of April, before the start of the growing season, no more than 1 time in 2-3 years. In the process, the shrub gets rid of dry or damaged branches. Trimming the plant for decorative purposes is not required, as the natural shape of the crown looks very impressive and without additional intervention.

Although some varieties of skumpii are quite frost-resistant, in the weather conditions of the Moscow region, in preparation for winter, protective structures are made for these shrubs. Before covering the plants, the soil in the trunk circle is mulched using peat or humus, and the crown is tied with straw or spruce branches, after which it is insulated with a special non-woven material.

Important! In the Moscow region, in comparison with other varieties, varieties of skumpia with purple leaves need a more thorough shelter, as they tolerate cold worse.

Pests and diseases

Despite the fact that skumpiya gives the impression of a rather delicate plant, it is highly resistant to various diseases. A threat to the well-being of shrubs in the territory of the Moscow region is only a few varieties of insects, such as the fawn leaf beetle and the skumpia psyllid.

They eat the leaf plates of the shrub, thus weakening the skumpia, to the detriment of its aesthetic appearance. Insecticides, such as Decis and Karbofos, will help to cope with these pests.

In addition, in winter, skumpia is especially vulnerable to various rodents and hares, which, due to the lack of other food, are not averse to profiting from the bark of this plant. Reliable winter shelter can save the situation. Whitewashing the bush may also be useful.


Having studied the description of varieties of skumpia for the Moscow region, we can conclude that shrubs with high frost resistance grow most successfully in the conditions of Central Our Country. Proper care will help cultivate healthy plants and provide them with abundant flowering.

Skumpia in the Moscow region

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