Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

We are in full season of Scream, a gourmet, wild cod whose properties have made it an essential product in some of the best kitchens in the country. As every year, it comes from the coasts of northern Norway, where it is fished between the months of January and April, when it spawns again in the same place where it was born. From strong muscles and firm, juicy texture, its white meat flakes when cooked, and makes it a real gastronomic pleasure.

Spain has become the first Skrei market worldwide by volume, with a consumption that exceeds the 3.000 annual tons. Last season, consumption among Spaniards increased by 35%, according to data from the Norwegian Seafood Council in Spain. That is why it is also known as “The king of cod”.

The incredible journey of the Skrei

Skrei means nomad in Norwegian and refers to the 1.000 km upstream that this cod swims every year from the Barents Sea to the shores of northern Norway. This incredible journey strengthens your muscles and, together with a diet of seafood and herring, makes your meat firmer and juicier, have less fat and a texture impossible to find in other cod.

How to recognize it?

The Skrei seal guarantees that it is a cod of more than 3Kg, which is cleaned and gutted the same day of its capture, which between fishing and its packaging for shipment has not elapsed more than 12 hours, which is refrigerated between 0º C – 2º C throughout the value chain, which is labeled with a maximum shelf life of 12 days from the date of packaging and that has been caught between January 1 and April 30, in the natural spawning areas for the Skrei of the Norwegian economic zone in a controlled and sustainable way.

How and where to enjoy it

Mario Sandoval, chef of the restaurant Coque in Madrid, with two Michelin stars, reveals what makes this cod so special: “its authentic flavor, fresh, intense, original and above all its texture and versatility for the kitchen.” When it comes to cooking it at home, the chef proposes preparing Skrei marinated with chives, black olives and capers vinaigrette, a dish that combines the freshness of Norwegian cod with more powerful flavors.

And for those who prefer to enjoy it outside the home, today Summum we bring you 6 essential addresses in which to enjoy this seasonal delicacy:


Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

“The Skrei has become the Norwegian product most valued by our customers. A true jewel of the Norwegian fjords, thanks to quality sustainable fishing”, Explains Mario Sandoval, who includes the monochrome Skrei dish as one of the stars of his tasting menu during the season in Madrid TRANSPARENT PHONE CASE WITH DETACHABLE WOODEN BEADS STRAP , (C / Marqués de Riscal, 11) restaurant with two Michelin stars.

Arriving at Coque is starting a four-step gastronomic journey based on flavors and innovation. A journey in which you incorporate all the senses, not only smelling and tasting, but also touching, feeling, imagining and even recreating flavors that you may never have accommodated in your mouth. Quite an experience.

Urrechu Velazquez

Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

Another essential address to enjoy this succulent fish in the capital is Urrechu Velazquez (C / Velázquez 150).

In charge of the cook Iñigo Urrechu, who was previously head chef at Martin, a restaurant with three Michelin stars, this restaurant promises a whole gastronomic experience to the diner with the product as the main protagonist. During the season, the restaurant offers its Skrei, cauliflower and lightly pickled razor clams with ratatouille gel and leek ash.

The fish market of the sea

Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

Also in the capital, in the Plaza de Oriente and with privileged views of the Royal Palace, this restaurant of «Haute seafood cuisine with a creative touch», as they define themselves, includes among their gastronomic proposals the Skrei, white pil pil and Melanosporum truffle parmentier.

La lonja del mar restaurant stands out for its extraordinary quality products made with great care and respect to highlight its freshness and flavor, to which it adds a careful personal stamp.


Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

With two Repsol Suns, the Novodabo restaurant It has established itself as one of the best restaurants in Zaragoza, located in the center of the city, in Plaza Aragón 12, installed in a beautiful and emblematic palace from the beginning of the XNUMXth century.

With a kitchen in charge of David boldova, trained in the kitchens of Arzak and Akelarre, this restaurant includes on its menu two dishes with Skrei as the main product. Skrei cod with potato pil pil and chard and Skrei cod smoothie with hollandaise sauce and green pod. «This cod is one of my favorite products in the kitchen, it is a fish that admits many culinary and technical combinations, it is very grateful grilled or smoked ”, explains the chef.

Musume Izakaya

Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

In the heart of Bilbao (Barrenkale barrena, 5), we find Musume Izakaya, a traditional Japanese restaurant that has fitted perfectly into the Old Quarter of the city. Chef’s property Hunf Fai, its menu is a declaration of intentions where Japanese cuisine meets 100% Basque products. With open kitchen and where almost everything revolves around baked on charcoal josper, is specialized in meat and fish such as bluefin tuna, Norwegian salmon, fresh and seasonal cod such as Skrei.

“The versatility of the product would highlight the Skrei. The taste and texture that are magnificent, as well as being a wild fish from sustainable fishing ”, explains the chef. On Musume Izakaya throughout the season you can enjoy their grilled Skrei with grilled vegetables.

The Cedars

Skrei, a Norwegian Michelin star cod

The terrace of the Los Cedros Restaurant is unique in Madrid for its gardens with centenary cedars. In this restaurant where quality product prevails, we find a menu with market cuisine with a wide gastronomic proposal.

In addition, here every year during the Skrei season they include a special section to enjoy this “black leg cod” as they call it. Among its dishes, we find a succulent Skrei with saffron, carrot and zucchini sauce.

Another very special place to enjoy this delicacy if you are in the capital.

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