Skirt, jeans, flip flops: what should not be worn by pregnant women

In these interesting nine months, many prohibitions appear in the life of the expectant mother. Including clothing.

In the first three or even four months of pregnancy, the figure of a woman does not change so much. But then … The chest grows, the stomach too, it presses there, it rubs here. Some things become small, others become uncomfortable, and still others are forbidden.

What rules should be followed when choosing new clothes during pregnancy, says expert, gynecologist Anna Drumova.

Gynecologist of the Panacea network of clinics.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is convenience, environmental friendliness and safety.

The clothes, created especially for pregnant women, do not disturb the blood flow, they gently wrap the rounded belly, without hindering the woman’s movements. It is good if there is a special adjustment in the waist area that will allow you to change the size of the clothes depending on the girth of the tummy.

The correct solution is bandages that relieve the load from the lower back with a shifted center of gravity during pregnancy for more than 24 weeks.

It is better to buy clothes made of hypoallergenic materials such as rayon or cotton.

Most women ditch pants and jeans, preferring tunics, loose-fitting dresses or skirts with elasticated waistbands.

It is better to refuse some of the favorite things in the wardrobe during pregnancy:

  • thongs, tights with a slimming effect, tight jeans and a sheath skirt – they, squeezing the mother’s body, can harm the child;

  • narrow, high-rise and stiletto-heeled shoes load the spine and can provoke hypertonicity in the uterus;

  • a corset, a bra, incorrectly selected in size and underwire, interferes with the natural increase in blood flow, the development of blockage of the mammary gland ducts and can provoke mastitis;

  • walking in flip flops overloads the knees, hip joints and lumbar spine, since the steps in them are much shorter, the work of the muscles and joints of the leg changes. In addition, you have to strain the ankle joints and the arch of the leg to keep them on the leg;

  • a bag that we carry on one shoulder or in one hand disturbs posture, provokes scoliosis or osteochondrosis.

However, not all mothers try to buy something new during pregnancy. Some get by with things from their own or a husband’s wardrobe. And someone still buys things in addition, but is limited to a very small set, so as not to empty the wallet. You can read about the rules for pregnant shopping HERE.

By the way

It is better to pull out the piercing from the navel during pregnancy, because the earring will cause discomfort to the growing tummy, and instead of beauty, mommy will receive only pain. In addition, stretch marks may appear in the area of ​​the puncture.

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