Skin peeling

Peeling of the skin from a physiological point of view is an excessive separation of dead cells of the epidermis. Despite the stereotype that only the fairer sex has to fight against such an ugly manifestation on the face and other parts of the body, it often affects men as well.

Regardless of the specific cause of the anomaly, it can affect people with any type of skin, from oily to combination. But most often, redness along with peeling is still fixed in owners of dry dermis, since their upper layer is the most favorable environment for separating a huge number of scales that have already worked out their time.

Traditionally, adverse external factors become the primary source of unpleasant symptoms with localization in the head, arms, and legs.

It got both too hard water used for washing, and polluted air due to living in an area with poor environmental conditions. When a person is also worried about itching, the impact of aggressive cosmetics, household chemicals, and incorrect personal hygiene often join. All this leads to the fact that the patient needs professional, long-term treatment with a mandatory comprehensive approach to resolving the issue.

The main sources of peeling

Regardless of whether the victim encountered the presented problem around the mouth or on the fingers, he will first need to make an appointment with a beautician or even a dermatologist. Otherwise, local therapy, which includes just a cream, some lotions with decoctions of medicinal herbs, will be ineffective.

This is explained by the fact that in many victims, dryness, along with the necrosis of the epidermis, does not appear at all due to the influence of harmful detergents and cleaners. They are carriers of the ichthyosis gene, which manifests itself in a child at an early age. Pathology of a dermatological nature is often mistaken for traditionally dry skin.

In fact, ichthyosis is inherited, representing a strong peeling that occurs an order of magnitude more intense than in those who have not received the problem gene. In addition to the fact that in men and women the body is covered with a layer similar to artificial snow, the diseased areas also periodically itch unbearably.

With such symptoms, only an experienced doctor can help get rid of the disease. Otherwise, a situation that has been ignored for years will spiral out of control, making the body grey-white. The top layer is covered with small scales, which have a different color palette: from mother-of-pearl to distinctly pink. In such a situation, not a single mask or ointment made “according to the grandmother’s recipe” will help.

Difficulties are added by the fact that such staining with spots progresses constantly, only the localization of a new focus of inflammation changes. As soon as the slightest negative impact is exerted on the irritated area, the inflammation mechanism starts again. Against this background, many victims simply do not know what to do and how to remove unattractive manifestations at home, because even ordinary soap can become a provocateur of exacerbation.

No less often, other dermatological diseases become the culprits for the abundant separation of surface cells:

  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • pink lichen;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • dry erythema.

There are cases in medical practice when the skin near the eye, on the eyelids, elbows, nose, palms is affected by a fungus that is diagnosed even in newborns. But adults are more often affected by the consequences of destabilization of the internal organs of a chronic course, possibly secondary syphilis.

Of particular note is the huge family of various dermatitis, which includes three main categories:

  • atopic;
  • contact;
  • allergic.

All of these diseases lead to the fact that the victim has to fight against excessive formation, followed by accumulation of dead skin cells, which ends with traditional peeling.

If during the examination it turns out that it is not cosmetics that become catalysts for the deterioration of well-being, but systemic ailments cause irritation, then therapy should be comprehensive. This means that you first need to eliminate the lesion itself, and only then develop a treatment regimen for skin defects. Without a detailed laboratory diagnosis, it is impossible to determine the treatment of the deviation.

Among the factors of external influence, the most common culprits of peeling of the lips and other parts of the body are:

  • alcohol-based skin care products;
  • excessive passion for peeling;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, as well as overdoing it with a solarium;
  • inappropriate skin type shower gels, shampoos.

In second place is beriberi, which is equally common in women, infants, and the stronger sex. Here, the root of the problem should be sought in an acute lack of vitamin A. In addition to the fact that the absence of such a vital element in sufficient quantities leads to peeling in the groin, on the chin, its deficiency often provokes dryness of the eye membrane. In advanced cases, the clinical picture is supplemented by pustular rashes, especially in immunocompromised children.

According to some studies, a lack of vitamin B2 also negatively affects the appearance of the skin, especially on the forehead, near the wings of the nose, on the cheeks, in the ears, or near them. Auxiliary markers are the acquired purple tint of the tongue, as well as small cracks in the corners of the mouth, which no oil softens.

No less often, anomalies of this kind on the eyebrows, feet, between the legs cause various hormonal disorders. Most often violate the general condition of the imbalance of female sex hormones, or thyroid hormones. All together or separately, this leads to a significant decrease in natural elasticity, even if the victim initially had oily skin. The most striking example of such a disorder is hypothyroidism, a disease in which the level of production of thyroid hormones is significantly reduced.

The situation is even worse for women during menopause, when, along with dry feet, more wrinkles appear, as well as flabbiness of the skin, which scrubs and creams no longer mask.

Why does the face peel off

Most often, women are interested in how to deal with the abundant separation of dead cells on the face. Doctors attribute this to the difference in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, compared with men and children.

The most common catalyst for the fact that the face itches and flakes is the lack of sex hormones, which affects the elasticity of the skin. The level of the female sex hormone estrogen decreases during menopause and during internal failures. The situation is aggravated by inappropriate care products that worsen the appearance of the neck.

With sensitive skin, dandruff, as well as peeling of various localization, will be traced all year round. In order not to worsen their health, such patients even have to abandon the usual wiping with a towel. Instead, to avoid rashes in open areas, they are advised to blot the body with soft rags or napkins.

The easiest way to correct the situation is when it comes to peeling of the cells of the surface layer of the skin on the face and on the lower leg, caused by beriberi. It is enough just to take care of enriching the diet by including fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu that do not cause allergies in the patient.

You will also need to attract vitamin and mineral complexes, which at the same time will help remove acne. A trip to the beautician will complete the picture. The specialist will advise the best nourishing creams, folk remedies that will suit a particular person.

There are frequent cases when it turns out that the face is covered with coarsened scales, due to an allergic reaction. It usually includes redness as well. Irritation occurs not only due to aggressive tonics or face sprays, but even after sunburn due to contact with open ultraviolet radiation.

As a preventive measure for the formation of white plaque, a few simple recommendations should be followed:

  • use only delicate products with a hypoallergenic effect;
  • apply moisturizer after each wash;
  • use sunscreen according to the season.

Moreover, you will have to apply UV protection to increase its productivity about half an hour before the intended exit from the room, so you can prevent premature pigmentation, and the attending dermatologist will help you choose the right face cream.

Particular vigilance should be with dryness and scaling of the eyelids. In most cases, the presented clinical picture indicates a symptom of serious diseases, among which is trichinosis, which is caused by worms.

No less dangerous is the formation in the form of a spot, which suggests an emerging demodicosis. A little less often, the main culprit of swollen eyelids, in which a burning sensation is felt, is the ciliary mite.

In order not to reach the moment when the problem gets out of control, it is worth immediately after discovering alarming signs in yourself to seek qualified help. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of people who put off a visit to the doctor for too long, which significantly worsened their quality of life. It is especially dangerous to delay with anomalies on the upper, lower eyelids during pregnancy, adolescents, children, adults with chronic diseases like diabetes.

And even more so, you should not try to look for practical recommendations through the forum. To determine whether the patient was struck by dangerous microorganisms, or if he lacks vitamins, only a doctor can do based on the results of the tests. He will also tell you how to eliminate the external manifestations of the disorder by compiling an individual treatment course.

Peeling of the head

A whitish coating on the knees usually causes only aesthetic inconvenience, but peeling on the scalp still adds to the risk of hair loss.

The traditional sources of damage are increased dryness of the skin, which is transmitted genetically. In second place in the list of reasons is an unsuccessful choice of shampoo, balm, conditioner.

Not always even a good remedy, advertised everywhere, is able to ideally suit a particular organism. Because of this, a slight irritation first begins, which forms foci and manifests itself as dandruff. With such violations, only an experienced trichologist will recommend the optimal medicine.

But not always red skin with a layer of dead cells indicates a bad shampoo.

This may be a manifestation:

  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis.

When trying to solve the problem on your own, inflammation can spread into the auricle. These abnormalities are also reported by veterinarians in different animal species.

External factors of adverse influence include:

  • prolonged exposure to the open sun without a hat;
  • excessive passion for styling products;
  • daily hairstyles created with hair dryer, electric tongs.

When contacting a beautician in all these cases, it will be possible to get advice on how to moisturize the overdried cover to restore the natural environment.

Peeling on hands and feet

Considering the abnormally large number of dying epidermal cells on the upper extremities, one will have to study a long list of their focal localization.

Most often, inflamed areas are found on:

  • brushes;
  • fingertips or their pads;
  • bends near the elbow joints;
  • forearms;
  • wrists.

Occasionally, the inflammation progresses so strongly that it gradually spreads to the armpits and goes down to the stomach.

Whatever rashes on the shoulders puzzle the victim, the first step is to exclude aggressive chemicals from daily use. It can be both powders that leave marks even on the back, and cleaning products. Some particularly sensitive patients even suffer from water that contains heavy particles.

But in this case, peeling will be noted not only at the nails and on the hands, but also near the hips, on the chest, in the intimate area, because the whole body is washed with the same water. That is why doctors recommend not trying to mask peeling using foundation, and not looking for how to remove the syndrome on their own, the name of which they do not know.

It is likely that the source of the skin disease prone to dryness was:

  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis of various origins.

When a patient’s attack began suddenly, accompanied by itching, burning, then with a high degree of probability the diagnosis will include a mention of one of the types of dermatitis. Not only local lotions, but also medicines will help to cure it. The algorithm of how to clean lamellar peeling with various tablets will be explained by a specialist.

All the same can be diagnosed for patients who are faced with problematic irritation of the heels, the entire sole, and calves.

But if only the lower extremities are affected, the likelihood of a number of other diagnoses increases:

  • fungal infection;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • fluid deficiency.

For each individual case, special treatment regimens have been tested. Almost all courses of treatment for legs with peeling provide for the mandatory intake of vitamins to support the functioning of the liver and blood vessels.

In rare cases, psychosomatics or cancer is not excluded. Neoplasms of an oncological nature of a benign and malignant type are detected even near the nipples, testicles, on the labia, buttocks, scrotum, penis, and around the anus. Therefore, if you find strange peeling in the perineum along with itching, you should immediately consult a doctor. No need to try to look for what an oncological lesion of the foreskin looks like, or find out how herpes on the pubic part differs from mycosis.

Diagnosis should be entrusted to professionals who will conduct a thorough in-depth analysis in order to then determine how to cure the pathology.

When peeling in children is the norm

In infants, local peeling is often traced, which is rarely mentioned during a visit to the pediatrician. In some children, a similar clinical picture persists until adolescence, fitting into the normal state.

But much more often, a round or shapeless patch of whitish plaque with dryness indicates the onset of an allergic reaction. The focus of inflammation can be localized both on the temples and on the bridge of the nose, in the region of the nasolabial triangle. Parents notice an unusual change in the epidermis at about 3-6 months when the baby is introduced to complementary foods. Here, the most effective means of neutralizing skin flaking will be to replace food with mixtures that do not cause an allergic reaction.

Since in the first years after birth, babies have not yet received physiological protection against negative environmental factors, the epidermis reacts sharply to:

  • essential oils for bathing;
  • frost;
  • sunburn.

Some young organisms thus protest against antibiotics. But in any case, the first step towards successful treatment should be to see a doctor. He will determine whether such rashes are a symptom of scarlet fever and recommend actions for diagnosed streptococcus. Also, an experienced doctor will advise moisturizers after washing, which soften the damaged dermis very well.

Do not resist the need to get tested for parasites. In infants, pinworms and roundworms provoke peeling similar to lichen on the back of the head and other parts of the body.

How is the diagnosis carried out

To figure out whether you have to deal with ordinary consequences after sugaring, shaving, surgery, exposure to fruit acids during peeling, biorevitalization, it will not do without diagnostics.

The first visit to a dermatologist begins with a preliminary diagnosis based on an initial examination. This helps to study the nature of the spots, clarity of outline, color. Separately, the accompanying sensations of itching and burning of the affected area are taken into service.

Sometimes there are complaints of associated fever, headaches, weakness, blood in the urine, vomiting, joint discomfort. All this must be taken into account to make the final diagnosis and determine the treatment regimen.

Patients with HIV, elderly people with concomitant age-related disorders, patients with demodicosis, and other generalized changes deserve increased attention.

If it is impossible to immediately diagnose the disorder, the patient may require additional examination, including tumor markers, syphilis, and allergic tests.

Based on the results of laboratory tests, complaints of the victim, his hereditary predisposition, the dermatologist will prescribe complex therapy.

Sources of
  1. Rodionov A. N. – Dermatovenereology. A complete guide for doctors / A. N. Rodionov. – M.: Science and technology, 2012 – 240 p.

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