Skin elasticity: how to restore youthfulness to the skin? Video

Skin elasticity: how to restore youthfulness to the skin? Video

Skin is an important indicator of health. However, over time, it loses its firmness, elasticity and freshness, succumbing to the negative effects of ecology, age and an unhealthy lifestyle. You can restore youthfulness to the skin with the help of certain actions, which are carried out in several stages.

Skin elasticity: how to maintain?

Stage one: a healthy lifestyle

In order for the skin to shine and tighten again, it is necessary first of all to give up bad habits. The skin needs oxygen, which saturates it with nutrients and keeps the epidermis youthful. Do not sit up for a long time in front of a computer and TV, try to devote at least half an hour of your time to walks in the park every day.

Also, the skin needs a healthy and sound sleep, for which you should spend at least seven hours. Constant lack of sleep instantly affects the condition of the skin, making it sluggish and flabby

If you smoke, you can forget about firm and beautiful skin. Nicotine constricts small blood vessels, weakening blood circulation, resulting in an acute lack of oxygen in the skin and aging rapidly. In addition, oxidative processes proceed much faster in it.

Alcohol today is found at almost every friendly meeting, corporate party or family celebration. But few people remember that even one glass of wine turns on the processes of dehydration of the skin in the body, which then becomes dry. Wrinkles and folds appear earlier on such skin, it quickly loses its elasticity and healthy color.

Stage two: proper nutrition

If the condition of your skin leaves much to be desired, urgently increase the amount of water consumed – at least two liters per day. A balanced diet will help you saturate your skin with vitamins and microelements.

To provide the skin with the collagen it needs, eat foods with a high proportion of vitamin A. It is found in green, yellow and red vegetables, fruits and berries – liver, carrots, egg yolks, apricots and cream are rich in them. Vitamin B, which retains water in skin cells, can be obtained from potatoes, beans, peas, eggplants, herbs and bananas.

Vitamin B is highly soluble in water – unlike vitamin A, which is absorbed as much as possible only with the help of fats

Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the face and body from UV rays, is found in lemons, apples, kiwis, fresh herbs, grapefruits, oranges and other fruits. Vitamin C is also essential for the production of elastin and collagen.

Vitamin E (tocopherol), which helps accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, can be found in Brussels sprouts, spinach, vegetable oil, and a number of other foods.

To improve skin turgor, antioxidants and fatty acids are needed, which synthesize collagen and restore elasticity to the skin. Be sure to include walnuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sardines, green vegetables, and loose green tea in your diet.

Stage three: cosmetic masks

At this stage, it’s time to move on to using cosmetic masks that will help restore elasticity to your skin. You can purchase a ready-made tightening mask, or you can make one at home from fresh ingredients. Such a mask will nourish the skin with useful substances, restore its elasticity and protect it from harmful effects.

Apply the mask only along the massage lines, do not touch the skin around the eyes, do not wrinkle or talk while the mask is on your skin

To make a flour and egg white mask, grind one protein with rice or oat flour until smooth. You can add a few drops of rose or fennel essential oil to the mask. Apply the mixture to your face in an even layer and wait for it to dry. After that, rinse off the mask with warm boiled water and lubricate your face with moisturizer.

To prepare a gelatin mask, take kefir, gelatin powder, and oat / wheat flour (for dry and oily skin, respectively). Pour a teaspoon of gelatin with a little water, wait until it swells and melt the mass in a water bath. Then add a teaspoon of flour and kefir to it, cool the mixture, lubricate your face with moisturizer and apply a gelatin mask. When it dries, wash it off with boiled water.

Instead of kefir and flour, you can add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a couple of drops of glycerin to the mask

The honey mask is made from honey, glycerin and egg yolk. Mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with a tablespoon of glycerin and raw yolk. Apply the mask to your face and rinse off after 15 minutes. You can use olive, apricot, or almond oil instead of glycerin. If you are allergic to honey, you cannot use a mask.

Stage four: gymnastics for the skin

So, you got rid of bad habits, started eating right and put your skin in order with the help of masks. Gymnastics will help you maintain the result, which will increase the tone and elasticity of the skin. It will take you only twenty minutes to complete it.

Before exercising, wash off your makeup and cleanse your face to help your skin breathe. Pinch the skin along the massage lines for 5 minutes. Press your palm to your forehead over your eyebrows and move them so that the muscles overcome the resistance of the palm.

Inflate your cheeks, hold the exhale, and then release the air abruptly, relaxing your cheek muscles. Repeat the exercise, pushing the air up, down, and around the cheeks. Cover the other lip with one lip alternately.

Also interesting to read: morning exercises for weight loss

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