Skin care in autumn and winter

Skin care in autumn and winter

The skin on the face is very delicate, and it receives much less protection in the cold period than all other parts of our body, because our face remains open at any time of the year and in any weather. Constant exposure to low temperatures, wind, snow and rain lead to skin aging. What should be the skin care for your face in the autumn-winter period so as not to age prematurely?

Autumn facials are different from summer ones. If in the sunny months the skin needed more protection from ultraviolet radiation, then in the cold season it is necessary to focus on intensive recovery, nutrition and hydration.

In autumn and winter, skin cleansing should be even more gentle and gentle than in summer. The amount of sebum that is released in the heat is significantly reduced in the cool season. Cosmetologists recommend using soft oil-based scrubs during this period. They help remove dead cells without causing damage. And to cleanse sensitive skin, it is necessary to use exclusively liquid cosmetics in the form of foam or mousse.

It is important to remember: in order not to overdry the skin in the autumn, it is necessary to avoid products that contain alcohol. Choose tonics containing green tea, allantoin, chitosan, and other natural substances that help accelerate the regeneration of the skin. They restore the natural Ph balance to the skin and prepare it for further application of cosmetics, increasing the conductivity of the epidermis.

It must be remembered that face creams that were relevant in the summer should be replaced with more oily ones in autumn and winter. They must contain vegetable oils, fatty acids and other components that can protect the skin from cold wind and low temperatures. The cream on the face must be applied at least 40 minutes before going outside. Otherwise, cold gusts of wind can turn moisture particles into ice, which can seriously harm the beauty of the skin.

In the autumn-winter period, your skin will be especially pleased with natural oils. They can be added to the cream or applied purely to the face. Especially valuable for facial skin are jojoba, almond, avocado, coconut and argan oils. After 10 minutes, blot your face with a tissue to remove excess oil.

Moisturizers, nourishing, revitalizing – choose any mask and do it as often as possible. It is the mask that will help against dry skin, as a bonus, it will save you from fine mimic wrinkles.

7. Ice cubes for toning and hardening

This procedure helps to maintain skin tone. In addition, rubbing the skin of the face with ice cubes hardens it. And hardened leather is less stressed in cold temperatures and cold winds. Best of all to prepare ice from herbal infusions: string, chamomile, mint, St. John’s wort, calendula.

8. We continue to protect against ultraviolet radiation

Autumn and winter are not a reason to forget about SPF creams. The rays even pass through the clouds. And in winter, the snow also reflects them, so ultraviolet light attacks the skin not only from above, but also from below. Use SPF 10 to 15 sunscreen and SPF foundation or powder.

The skin of the lips is very susceptible to chapping. To avoid this, do not forget to regularly apply hygienic lipstick or balm, which will contain wax or vitamin E, they contribute to the rapid healing of microcracks. In autumn and winter, it is worth abandoning matte lipsticks, since they tend to dry the skin, give preference to glossy ones. If you nevertheless decide on a matte lipstick, then before applying it, be sure to moisturize your lips with a protective balm. Apply shea butter, cocoa butter, or coconut butter to your lips before bed. Well, the main rule for lip care in autumn and winter is not to lick your lips in the cold, even if you really want to.

10. Fight against pigmentation

Cloudy, rainy autumn is the best time to fight pigmentation. The peeling procedure gives an excellent whitening effect. Provided that a high-quality peeling of the facial skin is performed, the upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated, therefore, excess melanin (coloring pigment) is removed. After this procedure, dark spots become much lighter.

11. Salon beauty treatments

Autumn is the perfect time to visit a beautician. Absolutely all hardware procedures: phonophoresis, microcurrent therapy, iontophoresis, ultrasound facial cleansing – can and should be carried out in the autumn. You can go to the beautician’s office for a session of chemical peeling, laser resurfacing or cosmetic massage. A more gentle procedure, but at the same time very useful – non-injection mesotherapy. The cosmetologist will tell you what exactly you need.

12. Create a healthy indoor climate

In autumn and winter, central heating makes indoor air very dry, and this negatively affects the condition of the facial skin. The best solution is to use a humidifier. If you don’t have one, you can put, for example, vases of water in the room. And at night, hang a damp towel near the bed. Try to keep the temperature in your apartment between 20 and 23 ° C and be sure to ventilate the room regularly.

13. Don’t forget about vitamins

There is an opinion that in autumn our body does not need vitamins, that vitamin deficiency begins only in winter and in spring. It’s a delusion. In autumn, taking vitamins is also needed, since a sharp decrease in temperature, a decrease in the activity of the sun leads to an increased intake of vitamins by the body in order to maintain immunity. Everybody needs vitamins, but C is the favorite among the vitamins to drink in the fall. And not only because vitamin C can help fight colds and flu, it is involved in the regulation of collagen protein. The skin cannot do without vitamins A, E and others, so it is worth feeding your body with a vitamin complex.

14. Use foundation and powder

No matter how skeptical you are about tonal means, they can become “warm clothes” for the skin and protect it from cold and wind. The right foundation for your skin type will not only hide minor imperfections and unevenness, but will also protect your skin all day long. The foundation will become a kind of barrier that protects the face from the negative effects of the environment. Just apply it in autumn and winter at least 30 minutes before leaving the house. It is also worth powdering your face with a thin layer of loose powder.

15. Protective cream for long walks

If you have a long walk, and there is a strong frost and wind outside, then the skin of the face must be protected with the help of special creams from bad weather and the so-called sports creams. They are usually sold at pharmacies. The composition of such creams must necessarily include the so-called “non-spreading” fats of vegetable or animal origin: mink, goose, duck, lanolin, etc. Preparations based on these substances form an impenetrable film on the skin that prevents moisture from freezing and protects the epidermis from aggressive environmental factors.

16. Use shawls, scarves and snoods

For those whose skin is especially sensitive to frost (redness, irritation, etc.), it is best not to rely on the cream, but to cover as much of the face as possible with a linen (not woolen) scarf or shawl. You can carry a clean handkerchief with you and cover your cheeks with it while waiting for a long time at a bus stop or during a snowstorm.

17. If the skin of the face is chapped

Herbal and oil compresses will help chapped skin. If the skin is severely damaged, it is better to consult a dermatologist. A qualified doctor will be able to choose the right and effective products that will return your skin to its normal state in the shortest possible time. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

– cream with hydrocortisone effectively softens the skin and quickly removes flaking. It is important that the course of treatment does not exceed two weeks, otherwise addiction to this remedy may occur;

– dexpanthenol is responsible for tissue regeneration and the weakening of discomfort;

– bepanten – has a complex therapeutic effect on damaged skin.

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