At different times of the day, the state of the body changes. Our biorhythms determine emotional and physical ups and downs, affect mood and performance. Celine Laperdrix, PhD, explains how biorhythms affect our skin.

To properly care for the skin, you need to understand how its cells work at different times of the day. This is the only way to choose care products and procedures that optimally correspond to the processes taking place in the body at a given period.

5:00 – 7:00

Regardless of whether you are sleeping or already awake, the skin is preparing for a new working day. The production of hormones that mobilize its protective functions begins. Cell division slows down, and the absorptive function increases. Therefore, you should not apply a nourishing mask or superactive cream in the morning – the skin, tuned to protect against external influences, will not allow the components to penetrate into the deeper layers.

Nutritionists and cosmetologists advise to start the day with a glass of water

But she will gratefully accept cold water – washing with ice water at 6 in the morning will not only help wake up, but also provide a good complexion for the whole day.

Morning hours are generally favorable for the consumption of liquid that has evaporated during the night, so all nutritionists and cosmetologists advise starting the day with a glass of water.

7:00 – 8:00

During this period, blood circulation increases sharply, and the content of active substances in the skin gradually increases. The likelihood of allergies also increases, which means that you should not experiment with new products in the morning, especially if you have sensitive skin.

8:00 – 10:00

The vessels narrow, the pressure rises, the walls of the vessels become more sensitive to external and internal influences. Due to the load on the vessels in the morning, a sauna, a bath, and any thermal effect on the skin are contraindicated (in addition, the effect of these procedures will be less pronounced). A cigarette smoked in the morning ages the skin more.

After 8 am, the likelihood of allergies decreases: you can safely apply makeup.

10:00 – 12:00

The work of the sebaceous glands is activated – it’s time to powder your nose or use a matting napkin. If you have oily skin, your face may start to shine.

13:00 – 15:00

Pressure and vascular tone are reduced. During these hours, the skin often looks flabby, the complexion is dull, wrinkles are more visible. You can invigorate the skin with thermal water spray (in summer) or a walk in the fresh air (in the cold season).

If you have a romantic appointment at this time, be sure to use pale pink blush in your makeup: they refresh the complexion.

15:00 – 17:00

Studies have shown that at this time a genetically programmed decline occurs: physical activity decreases, attention is dulled. “Closed” and skin cells. She sinks into a kind of sleep, becoming less receptive to cosmetics. The effectiveness of the cream applied to the skin during this period is reduced by almost 70%. Therefore, making an appointment with a beautician for these hours is a waste of money.

Chronobiologists say that everything eaten after 22:00 negatively affects the appearance

But it is at this time that it is good to do a manicure or pedicure, as well as treat teeth: during these hours, not only the risk of bleeding decreases, but also susceptibility to pain.

17:00 – 20:00

A period of emotional and physical recovery. Muscle tone increases, the work of internal organs is activated, memory improves. And the skin is again ready to receive cosmetic components in order to recover from daily stresses.

This time is favorable for any spa treatments, as well as for fitness.

20:00 – 22:00

The body is tuned to remove the toxins accumulated during the day. It is very useful to go to the bath or sauna to activate this process. In addition, the body is cleansed, relaxed and ready for sleep. Closer to 22:00 is the time to cleanse the skin and apply the cream.

Chronobiologists say that everything eaten after 22 pm negatively affects the appearance, worsens complexion and causes clogging of pores. The reason for this is a decrease in the level of digestive enzymes, due to which food is less digested.

22:00 – 5:00

The best time to go to bed is at 22:00. An hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours after. The body recovers best during this period.

At night, the most efficient cell division of the whole organism, including the skin, takes place. In addition, it is while you sleep that the skin maximally absorbs the regenerating, moisturizing and nourishing substances that make up the creams.

About expert

Celine Laperdrix – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Cell Biology of the Yves Rocher brand.

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