Skin beauty after vacation: care rules

At the end of the sun season, our skin faces five textbook problems: pigmentation, dehydration, acne, sensitivity and aging. But the means to combat them are becoming more effective – you can return the skin to its normal state in a matter of days and even hours.

It is always a little sad to return from vacation to the city autumn. A series of working days, stress, traditional household chores – there will be more than enough reasons to feel sad about carefree warm days. A radiant, rested, tanned face serves as a consolation to us, one look at which in the mirror cheers up and gives a powerful boost of vitality.

But cosmetologists are not so optimistic. And tactlessly remind of the five post-holiday skin problems: pigmentation, dehydration, acne, rosacea and wrinkles. But, believe me, you should not be sad, because there is a whole army of funds to correct the current situation, the ranks of which have been replenished in recent months with super-efficient recruits.

uneven tone

Pigmentation, freckles, tan spots – in order to return the complexion to evenness, brightening agents have traditionally been recommended. But here’s the problem: their active ingredients in parallel deprived the skin of a beautiful bronze hue, which we were striving for the whole holiday.

Understanding our aspirations, brands have developed products that target melanocytes, but do not touch melanin, which is evenly distributed in the skin. That is, they do not whiten it, but delicately even out the tone and eliminate pigmentation imperfections.

In the new Perfectionist Pro Rapid Brightening Serum, Estée Lauder, a duo of enzymes of natural origin is responsible for this, and in Shiseido’s new White Lucent Concentrate, extracts of four Japanese plants are responsible.

Redness and reactivity

Heat, ultraviolet radiation, salt water, unbalanced diet, alcohol and other attributes of relaxation drive the skin into a state of stress, the consequences of which are manifested even after the holidays. She becomes capricious, itches, blushes for no reason.

Centella asiatica is considered the most effective ingredient to eliminate these moments today; it has spawned a whole line of Cica cosmetics: Superfood Cica Calm, Elemis; Cicapair, Dr.Jart+.

And to increase the stress resistance of the skin, such novelties as the line with spirulina Spiruline Boost, Thalgo, the harmonizing emulsion Hydra Zen, Lancôme, and the serum with Granville rose La Lotion Essence de Rose, Dior are taken.

Erborian Yuza Vitamin Mask

Skin rashes

The prevailing opinion that ultraviolet light cures acne is refuted by those who, upon arrival home from the south, find placers of pimples on their faces. They also appear in those who have long forgotten about such a problem.

There are several reasons for this: a decrease in skin immunity, an exacerbation of the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands, and a thickening of the stratum corneum as a desire to better protect itself from UV rays. The good news is that this problem is temporary. And the appearance of “sunny” acne does not mean that you need to radically change the means of care.

Most often, local application of special drying products is sufficient. Such as Pâte Grise, Payot, which celebrated its centenary, or Salises, Sesderma, a new gel roller with lauric acid.

And if their action is enhanced by regular gentle exfoliation, the result will not be long in coming. Of the latest innovations, we can recommend a scrub with biodegradable particles Nordic C, Lumene, and a gel with glycolic and phytic acids Glycolic Renewal Cleanser, SkinСeuticals.

Dryness and tightness

The fact that ultraviolet deprives cells of moisture is not a secret. But even if you diligently protected and moisturized your face on vacation, due to the thickening of the stratum corneum, the skin will still be dry and rough.

Soft peelings and moisturizing products of the new generation will help to remove these sensations. Such as the updated range based on green moss and immortelle extracts Ressource, Givenchy, Dual Essence, Sensai, Hydrance Aqua-Gel, Avène, with encapsulated thermal water.

But the most effective and fastest way is to establish irrigation of the skin of the mask. Among the recently appeared camellia products Hydra Beauty, Chanel, yuzu extract Yuza Vitamin Mask, Erborian, and Provence melon Invigorating Mask, L’Occitane.

Signs of aging

Wrinkles become sharper, skin tone weakens, the oval of the face floats – the destruction of collagen in the sun has unfortunate consequences, and it is becoming more and more difficult to eliminate them with age. It is worth being realistic and understanding: every sunbeam that touches the skin ages it.

And although the market is full of effective anti-aging products, their possibilities are not unlimited. They can only partially restore the fibers “scorched” by the sun. Therefore, dermatologists urge to use products with an SPF of at least 50 on the beach. After all, a young, slightly tanned face is clearly nicer than a wrinkled bronze “dried apricots”.

Sesderma Lauric Acid Gel Roller Salises

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