The concept of “atopy”
Atopic dermatitis is a common chronic relapsing skin disease that affects more than 50 million patients in Europe, primarily children, the prevalence of atopic dermatitis among children is up to 20%.
An important role is played by hereditary predisposition. Atopic dermatitis is more common in children from families in which one or both parents suffer from allergic diseases.
Patients with atopic dermatitis have a weak immune system and impaired skin barrier function. Their skin tends to be dry, sensitive and hyper-reactive. Increased dryness is associated with a change in the lipid composition of the epidermis and a lack of proteins responsible for communication between cells.
The skin lacks lipids, which are naturally located on its surface and prevent the penetration of potential allergens.
Under such conditions, irritants found in the environment and which are usually well tolerated by the skin (dust, pollen, hygiene products) can penetrate the irritated areas and cause manifestations of atopic dermatitis.
Usually, atopic dermatitis in babies appears after three months (sometimes earlier) and can last, depending on the condition of the child, from several months to several years. Without proper treatment, a dangerous vicious circle is set in motion: the skin barrier fails, more allergens and irritants enter the skin and cause inflammation and itching.
Symptoms of atopy
Imagine the structure of human skin in the form of a wall.
Atopic dermatitis has two main phases – exacerbation and remission. In the exacerbation phase, inflammation, itching, weeping, and the appearance of crusts are observed. Remission between two exacerbations is characterized by severe dryness and dehydration of the skin.
Symptoms that require a consultation with a dermatologist:
- itchy rash: difficult to detect in infants, but sleep disturbance may be a clue;
- rough thick skin;
- spots suddenly begin to itch;
- crusts appear on them.
Another clue is the location of the foci of inflammation.
In children, they occur in different places:
- in infants, as a rule, on the face, especially often on the cheeks and chin;
- in older children – on the knees, wrists, elbows and neck.
Exacerbation usually begins with the appearance of itchy red spots.
When the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to carefully care for the wounds. Then the skin condition will quickly return to normal, and additional protection of the patient will not be needed. The most important thing in the treatment of the disease is to restore the protective functions of the skin, since it plays the role of a natural barrier that prevents external irritants from penetrating inside. This is better than looking for dust mites or pollen, which is almost impossible and extremely tiring for parents!
Recent studies have shown that the more you try to protect your child from any irritating factor, the higher the risk of getting manifestations of atopic dermatitis. Therefore, the maximum that should be done is to choose more gentle hygiene items, use emollients, apply local treatment with corticosteroid drugs.
Factors aggravating atopy
First of all, do not confuse the factors that provoke attacks with the true cause of atopic dermatitis – damage to the skin.
An exacerbation can be triggered by many factors, and it cannot be prevented. Irritants are found in the environment and food, even emotions can cause inflammation, although it is impossible to explain their crucial role in the frequency and severity of attacks.
Teething and ear, nose, and throat diseases can trigger an attack of atopic dermatitis in infants. In addition, the reaction to provoking factors is individual for everyone.
The most common provoking factors:
- dust, dust mites and pollen present in the air;
- soap, household cleaners, washing powder;
- tobacco and environmental pollution;
- heat (+ sweat) and very dry air;
- clothing that irritates the skin: wool, synthetics…
- Pets;
- situations associated with emotional stress;
- teething;
- temperature drop;
- food allergens;
- swimming in the sea or pool.
Be that as it may, inflammation should be controlled at the first signs, rather than trying to get rid of irritants.
Pharmacy cosmetics for skin prone to atopy
Instantly hydrates and soothes dry, atopic-prone skin. Helps reduce itching and irritation.
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At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces
Instantly softens the skin and reduces the pronounced dryness of the skin after a shower.
Lipikar Sindet ap+ — Where can one buy:
At the moment, La Roche-Posay products are not available for purchase in the official online store. You can purchase our products in other channels you know – in pharmacies, other authorized partners and online marketplaces