Skiing: not before 3 years old
Toddlers are more flexible and have less fear of new situations. Assets for learning the basics of skiing. This is why most ski schools (ESF) welcome children from 3 years old. Some ‘piou piou’ clubs (named after the little hero of the snow gardens) have special conditions and also register children aged 2 and a half.
Skiing without forcing
Some children need time to adjust and prefer tobogganing first. Others are already rollerblading and will easily get on skis. In any case, before registering a child for the course, it is necessary to make sure that he is motivated. The request should not come exclusively from parents, at the risk of disgusting him with winter sports. In any case, discuss it with him before the stay.
Familiarize yourself with snow and skis
Children first learn to put on shoes, to walk with skis and can even do their first snow plow. For about two hours, the group of 12 children is supervised by two state-certified instructors: optimal conditions to monitor their progress and give them time to overcome the first difficulties.
Learn to ski while having fun
The snow gardens are really designed for children: 2000 m2 nicely decorated with giant and flexible figurines representing mountain animals which represent different routes. By engaging the imagination of children, we help them go through the different stages. And the animators are not lacking in funny expressions to make it easier for children to understand: “Putting the skis on like a piece of pizza” for the position of the snowplow, “climbing stairs”, etc.
Skiing: no question of immediately becoming champions
At the end of the cycle, the pupil receives medals: the Piou-piou, then the Ourson. But the reward is not the essential purpose of the stay. Each course does not necessarily correspond to a level, because everyone must evolve at their own pace. If your child made friends, had a good time and got to enjoy the snow, it’s a win.
Skiing: beyond technique, essential messages
It is not only a sport that they discover, but a whole environment. Through the club’s activities, they are made aware of respect for flora and fauna. They are also taught safety codes, which are essential before joining the greats on the slopes. Even if the club space is completely secure, they learn to wear the helmet in all circumstances.
Ski courses
Depending on your holiday schedule, the ESFs offer different courses, over a weekend or a week. To give the child time to take his bearings, it is preferable that the training be spread over several days, even if it means proceeding in half-days.
The ideal ski equipment for a child
Getting started on skis feeling cold and with oversized boots, there is nothing worse. So take the time to check your equipment. Bring a jumpsuit or overalls with an anorak (choose a good brand) as well as tights, a hat, nylon gloves and headband glasses. Preferably rent boots and skis, so you will always have suitable and good quality equipment. Do not forget the helmet, compulsory outside the snow garden. Read also our file: Stations that pamper the little ones