
Parable about the jester

One day, the court jester suddenly felt a desire to live better. He wanted wealth, a big house, interesting travels, beautiful clothes, but above all respect for people. People were always pointing fingers at him and saying, «Damn the fool!» In the future, he wanted people to respect him.

He conveyed his request to the king. And the king decided that the jester was with him for many years and always amuses him. He decided to give him a good fortune and a big house. The jester enjoyed his new happiness, lived in a big house, ate unusually delicious food, but he noticed that the people around him only pretended to respect him. He was still a jester to them, although rich. In addition, he spent his fortune at a tremendous rate.

He told his problems to the king’s wise adviser. He shook his head with a smile and pointed to a glass and an amphora of wine. And he said, “I couldn’t pour all this wine into one glass. He is too small. Likewise, your personality is too small for your desires. You are like a glass, you cannot contain all the riches that the king has given you. You are unable to keep them. To change the circumstances around you, you need to change your personality.

Vadim Arturovich Petrovsky

Film «Bank Imperial»

Not everyone speaks of this man with admiration, but everyone remembers him.

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There are people for whom we matter. We are making major changes in them. Our image in their minds is not just an old photograph that gathers dust in the rear memory compartments. Our image is there acts! He advises, argues, defends someone, prevents him from doing some act, or, conversely, pushes him to do something … This is where the main thing in our interpretation of personality is: if you add up the images that are actively living in other people, if you add up all the contributions, everything significant changes that we have made in others — the sum will be our personality. If a person is not personalized in anyone, his image does not live in anyone, then this person, we say, is impersonal.

Vladimir Olegovich Nikonov

A person is a person who creates change. The more changes that are brought about, the stronger the personality.

Ask yourself: «What have I changed in this world?» and find out your level of personal development.

Creating change in the world is a kind of charity. Try to follow the advice of Dan Kennady (business coach, millionaire): “Open 2 bank accounts. On one you will save money for yourself, and on the second for charity.

I adhere. Every month, together with Dmitry Trefilov, we invest in the development of the psychology website And although the income from it has not covered our expenses for 2 years now, we enjoy doing it. By the way, there can be no competitors in such activities. Who wants to play the game of «spend more money on others»?

You can start with small changes in the world around you. Set aside a small amount of money and spend it on other people. I’m not talking about stereotypical charity like orphanages and hospitals. Come up with something of your own that will be useful to you. Change the world↑.

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