Bicycles are becoming more and more popular in Poland, and no wonder – the benefits of cycling are almost as endless as the routes and kilometers of bicycle paths you can explore. Find out why it is worth making the bicycle your primary means of transport!
You will take care of your heart
Cycling regularly is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle. The activity on a two-wheeler is mainly aerobic training, which means it exercises the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. As research shows, it strengthens, among others heart muscle, lowers the resting heart rate and blood cholesterol levels. [1] Moreover, regular cycling (around 30 kilometers per week) can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 50%! [2]
You will strengthen your bones and joints
Cycling is a healthy, fun and low-impact exercise for all ages. Resistance exercises, such as two-wheeled riding, are one of the best ways to improve bone density and fight osteoporosis associated with the natural aging of the body. What’s more, cycling is recommended even to people suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee, because it does not burden damaged knees, accelerates their regeneration and can help reduce persistent symptoms such as pain or stiffness.
You will take care of your figure
Cycling is a really great way to burn fat and calories, whether you want to keep weight or lose a few pounds. Depending on the intensity, duration and weight of the rider, riding a bike for about half an hour can burn up to 300 calories! [5] Contrary to appearances, cycling does not only affect the muscles of the legs and buttocks – regular pedaling strengthens the lumbar spine, engages the abdominal muscles and slims the shoulders.
You will take care of your mental condition
While the physical health benefits are certainly remarkable, it’s also worth remembering that cycling is great for our mental health as well. In today’s stressful environment, people are often looking for ways to relax and distract themselves from everyday problems, and cycling is a very good solution for that. The joy of driving alone may be enough to calm the mind, reduce the risk of depression and other psychiatric illnesses.
You will take care of the environment
Cycling is the most environmentally friendly mode of transport. the enormous carbon dioxide emissions of motor vehicles are very harmful to the environment. According to the EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency), a passenger car emits as much as 4,6 tons of carbon dioxide per year. [6] The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has calculated that cycling is on average 13 times less harmful to the environment than driving a passenger car! If everyone in the world who works less than eight kilometers from home cycled instead of going to work once a week, greenhouse gas emissions would be cut by as much as five million tonnes a year. [7]
Bicycle and cyclist insurance – what should you know? Why is it worth choosing?
When riding a bike, however, let’s not forget about a few rules that will increase our road safety – before each cycling season, remember to check the efficiency of our vehicle, comply with road traffic regulations and although the law does not require such an obligation – let’s get a helmet.
Unfortunately, accidents or collisions of using a bicycle or scooter involving another user of this type of vehicle are the most frequently reported type of accidents – 11%. respondents to the survey developed for Nationale-Nederlanden by the IBRIS Institute for Market and Social Research have experienced such an event in the last two years.
So if you decide to change from a car to a bicycle or scooter and you want to feel completely safe, remember about the Bicycle and Cyclist Insurance from National-Nederlanden, which will provide you with practical assistance in the event of an accident and breakdown throughout Poland, from PLN 37,52 for half a year of insurance. “Two-wheel” bicycle and cyclist insurance covers:
Help Assistance
If your bike breaks down or you have a puncture in the inner tube or tire, we will repair your equipment on site, and if this is not possible, we will reimburse you for repair costs at a bicycle repair shop. We will also help you if you have an accident on your bike (e.g. you fall off and break your leg). Then we will organize for you, among others transport to the hospital or a visit to the doctor, we will cover the cost, and we will take your bike home.
Payment of compensation
In the event of damage, theft or robbery of your bike, we will pay you up to PLN 20 in compensation (up to PLN 000 for e-scooters). If you additionally insure the equipment, we will give you money back, among others. for a damaged or stolen child seat, bicycle helmet, bicycle trailer or a replaced saddle.
Financial assistance in the event of an accident
If, for example, you break your leg or sprain your ankle under accident insurance, we will pay you a fixed amount, and you can use the money for any purpose, e.g. rehabilitation. You do not have to wait for the treatment to end – you will get the money as soon as possible.
Money to cover the damage caused – additional third party liability insurance
If you cause damage to someone while riding a bicycle or e-scooter (e.g. when you hit another cyclist on a bicycle path) under the civil liability insurance for a cyclist and scooter user, we will pay the injured party up to PLN 50.000 to cover the damage. Be sure to add this option to your insurance.