Six fertility myths. We still believe in them

Much has been said about the real causes of fertility problems. Meanwhile, the number of myths about this subject, functioning in people’s minds, is not much less than the real reasons that may cause problems with getting pregnant. Gynecologist at the Superior Medical Center in Krakow, lek. Rafał Baran refutes the most popular of them.

  1. Myths about fertility are related to the use of birth control pills, for example. Women are concerned that they will permanently prevent pregnancy
  2. Some women who want to get pregnant are also afraid of vaccination against COVID-19, which, however, has no medical basis
  3. It is also a popular myth that difficulties in getting pregnant are related to the age of the mother, not the father
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Do COVID-19 Vaccinations Affect Fertility?

This is a myth repeated quite often, especially in recent times. As for vaccination against COVID-19, research is still ongoing. At the moment, however, there are no data as to their potential impact on female fertility. There are also no scientific theories to suggest what such an influence would be. At the same time, after receiving the vaccine, there are no indications that the woman should avoid becoming pregnant.

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For the male population, researchers from the University of Miami studied the effects of vaccination against COVID-19 on various sperm parameters such as volume, concentration, motility and total sperm count.

The results of the research published in the reputable journal JAMA did not confirm, however, that the number or quality of sperm after vaccination decreased. And although these studies only looked at the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, I don’t think they will be different for the other vaccines – the drug reassures. Rafał Baran.

Moreover, the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself can be harmful to the male reproductive system. In the course of COVID-19, the parameters of inflammation increase, which is associated with oxidative stress in sperm. This, in turn, may reduce sperm parameters. This is probably possible because the same receptors are located in the testes that the SARS-CoV-2 virus uses to enter the cells of the respiratory system.

As for vaccination during pregnancy, at the end of April this year, the Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians issued clear recommendations.

– According to them, due to the fact that pregnant women belong to the group of increased risk of severe infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the prevention of this disease should be implemented in the form of vaccinations – explains the specialist.

Do hormonal birth control pills lower the chance of getting pregnant in the future?

The theory that hormonal contraception can reduce fertility after you stop taking it is more timeless. Meanwhile, pills, or in general – contraceptive drugs – only work when they are used.

Depending on the form of contraception taken, only the time after which fertility returns is different – explains the gynecologist. In the case of contraceptive pills, the dose of hormones is small and if everything went well before and during their use, then after discontinuation, in the case of trying to get pregnant, about 50% of them. women manage to achieve their goal in the first three months. When it comes to, for example, contraceptive injections, the period of returning to normal ovulatory cycles may be slightly longer.

Do women who eat poorly more often have trouble getting pregnant than women who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits?

Various factors, such as diet, weight, smoking and alcohol consumption, affect your fertility. When it comes to diet specifically, in this aspect it is worth focusing primarily on insulin. Too much of this hormone can disturb ovulation. This can be seen especially in the case of polycystic ovary syndrome, which is often associated with insulin resistance. A high carbohydrate diet with a high glycemic index and a lot of products such as white bread, white flour and white rice contributes to high insulin levels. All of this “forces” the pancreas to release a large amount of insulin, which in turn helps to metabolize carbohydrates.

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When it comes to vegetables, whole grains and low-processed foods, eating them is the most fertile. However, in the case of fruits, they, in addition to numerous micronutrients, also have quite a lot of sugar. So if a couple is trying to have a baby, it is worth limiting them a bit in the diet.

It is known, however, which diet is most fertile.

– There are scientific studies which have shown that the use of a Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables, fish and polyunsaturated oils, is associated with almost two times less frequent difficulties in getting pregnant – concludes the drug. Rafał Baran.

Do you have to get pregnant before the age of XNUMX?

Biologically, the best time to get pregnant is between 20 and 30 years of age. As you know, the times are such that many women focus first on getting a good education, work, stable life situation, and only then decide to become a mother.

According to the American Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, the chances of getting pregnant decrease slightly later, from around 32 years of age. This process accelerates rapidly after 35-37. years, and after 40 years of age they are only a few percent. With age, not only do the chances of getting pregnant decrease, but also the percentage of women suffering from various chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or hypothyroidism, increases, which can also affect both getting pregnant and its pregnancy. correct course.

You also have to take into account that age is not everything. If a woman is over 30 years old, but is slim, physically active and uses a balanced diet, her real biological age is usually much lower than it would appear from the PESEL number. In this case, the chances of getting pregnant are comparable to those in women in their twenties.

Is the greater the frequency of intercourse the greater the chance of pregnancy?

This is a fairly common belief among couples trying to conceive. Meanwhile, it is not entirely true. If a couple wants to have a baby, it is recommended that they have sex two or three times a week. Why so much?

– Both too rare and too frequent intercourse is not advisable in this case – it reduces the quality of sperm. Therefore, it is worth maintaining moderation, but also having sex often enough to achieve the effect – explains the gynecologist.

Does a man’s age affect his fertility?

There is a common belief in the consciousness of society that a man’s age does not matter when it comes to the success of getting pregnant. Meanwhile… it is a myth! In fact, the partner’s age also has a real impact on his reproductive capacity. Although the ability to fertilize does not decline as drastically with age as it does for women, sperm quantity and quality do deteriorate gradually. Age also affects the frequency of various abnormalities in the sperm genetic material, which may lead to more frequent genetic defects in the formed embryos, hence complications may also occur after pregnancy itself.

Bow. Rafał Baran

He graduated from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, and currently works at the Gynecological Endocrinology and Gynecology Clinic of the University Hospital in Krakow. On a daily basis, he conducts classes with foreign students of medicine at the Clinic, as part of the School for Foreigners of the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University. He is also active in research. His main professional interests are prevention and treatment of diseases of the reproductive organ, infertility and ultrasound diagnostics. At CM Superior, he mainly deals with gynecological consultations with ultrasound, cytology, as well as endometrial biopsy and cycle monitoring.

Also read:

  1. Doctor: Obesity can make it difficult to get pregnant, and childbirth is a challenge
  2. “COVID-19 can be like an atomic bomb for a pregnant woman”
  3. What supplements should a pregnant woman take? Gynecologist advise

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