Six factors that can weaken a child’s immunity
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Parents do what they can to keep their children healthy. However, these actions are sometimes counterproductive. What we should be especially careful about. Here are six deadly sins that can affect children’s immunity.

Too little fluid administration

In the autumn and winter period, proper hydration of the body is particularly important. Heated air contributes to the formation of scratches, is responsible for cracked mouth corners, as well as dry mucosa. This, in turn, may make the body more susceptible to factors from the external environment. So when caring for your little one, don’t forget that he or she should drink a lot. Put mainly on water and unsweetened juices. And remember that tea can dehydrate you!

Bad diet

Children tend to be monodiet. One day they only want to eat cheese sandwiches, the next day corn flakes become the only acceptable ingredient on the menu. In addition, they are constantly persuading them to get something sweet or eat salty sticks. If your child belongs to this group, they may not be getting enough vitamins and minerals in their diet. This, in turn, makes it difficult for the body to protect itself from external factors. Try to include vegetables and fruits in your child’s diet every day. Look for recipes that your little one will be able to accept. A smart way to sneak in less-liked ingredients are fruit smoothies and soups, creams.

No movement

We all know that a healthy body has a healthy mind. We only have a problem with implementing this folk wisdom. Lack of physical activity may lead to a weaker condition of the body, but also to lower immunity. Swedish children play outside even in rain or heavy frost, thanks to which they are ill much less often than children in Poland. Our children spend most of their time in autumn and winter in front of the computer or TV. To increase their immunity, let’s focus on outdoor exercise. Even regular walks, regardless of the temperature, will bring good results.

The temperature in the house is too high

Lack of exercise is often associated with another mistake that we are not always aware of. It’s about overheating your baby at home. We don’t want it to get cold, so we turn on the radiators more and more … The effect is that a child, going outside from such heated rooms, may be more susceptible to external factors. Also, remember to air the rooms frequently.

Overheating the baby

Excessive heat is harmful not only inside the home but also outside. A common mistake caring parents make is putting on too many layers of clothing, too thick jackets. Under such a thick cover, the little one sweats, and as a result, it may be more susceptible to external factors. Try to make sure your baby is dressed for the temperature and don’t overdo it in either direction. Dressing your little one on top can be helpful. Then the excess clothes can be easily removed.

Lack of proper supplementation

In winter, the child’s immunity may need special support. Especially now, when the little ones are forced to spend most of their time at home due to the weather. Each time is good to take steps to support your toddler’s immunity. What can you do? For example, support it by administering appropriate preparations. In winter, it is worth reaching for dietary supplements based on natural ingredients.

A good choice is Pelavo, a combination of natural ingredients with the latest medical knowledge, created thanks to advanced extraction methods and modern technology. The key ingredient in Pelavo dietary supplements is the standardized African pelargonium root extract, which naturally supports the health of the respiratory tract, helping in their proper functioning – also in the youngest children (over 3 years of age). The preparations also contain vitamin C, which additionally supports the body’s natural defenses. The syrup is available in several variants: Pelavo Multi +3, Multi +6, Nose and sinuses, and bronchi.

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