- Six effective hands-on exercises you can do with a beach ball
- Fitness
- The ball does not have to be very big or heavy, just worry about doing this training correctly to avoid injuries and strengthen your whole body, especially the extremities and abdomen.
- Exercise 1: Climber resting hands on ball
- Exercise 2: Push-ups with hand on ball
- Exercise 3: Jumps to feet together from one side of the ball to the other
- Exercise 4: Unilateral deadlift holding the ball with both hands with hip flexion of the opposite leg on the return
- Exercise 5: Unilateral glute bridge on ball
- Exercise 6: Lunges with ball rotation
Six effective hands-on exercises you can do with a beach ball
The ball does not have to be very big or heavy, just worry about doing this training correctly to avoid injuries and strengthen your whole body, especially the extremities and abdomen.

As long as the situation allows us, we will continue going to the beach to enjoy its sunrises, sunsets, to take the occasional bath and also to play sports. Although there are limitations, we can see many people with a ball playing volleyball on an imaginary field drawn on the sand; a few others taking walks from one side to the other on the seashore and the odd couple with the ping pong paddles, killing time and toning up legs and arms while they hit the ball hoping that it does not touch the ground.
But if walking or touching a ball does not suit you, you can also train on the beach while you alternate with more than one dip. Of course, you will need the help of a ball so that your whole body can benefit from the results of these exercises proposed by Rubén Río, personal trainer. The ball does not have to be very big or heavy, just worry about doing this training correctly to avoid injury and strengthen your entire body, especially the extremities and abdomen.
Exercise 1: Climber resting hands on ball
For this exercise, as the fitness expert Rubén Río tells us, we will rest our hands on the ball and maintain a stable position with our arms outstretched, we will begin to bring our knees back and forth in the direction of the ball. «We will be able to work our abdomen intensely. We will do 4 series of 20 seconds of execution », he says.
Exercise 2: Push-ups with hand on ball
“We will create a complex environment since we will have a unevenness when doing the push-ups. This will transform lifelong push-ups into a much more intense exercise, ”says Rubén Río. We will perform, for example, 4 sets of 5 push-ups with each hand on the ball while the other hand rests on the sand.
Exercise 3: Jumps to feet together from one side of the ball to the other
It is one of the simplest exercises in this circuit with the ball. Rubén Río explains that with our feet together, we will jump laterally, passing over the ball. We will do 4 series of 10 jumps.
Exercise 4: Unilateral deadlift holding the ball with both hands with hip flexion of the opposite leg on the return
In this exercise, catching the ball with outstretched arms, we we will lean forward with one of the legs stretched and we will go down to touch the foot of that leg with the ball. «When we return to the starting position, we will bring the ball to our chest and the other leg that we have left in the air, stretched backwards, will be flexed (bringing the knee to the chest). Then we will change and repeat the same action with the other leg ”, he explains. We will do this exercise in 4 series of 1st repetitions per leg.
Exercise 5: Unilateral glute bridge on ball
For this exercise we will lie on the floor on our back, and we will put one foot on the ball. From that position, keeping the other leg slightly bent in the air, we will begin to push upwards, forcing our glutes to work intensely. Then we will change legs and repeat the action. Here we will also do 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg.
Exercise 6: Lunges with ball rotation
What is there to do in this exercise? Holding the ball with both hands, we will stride back while simultaneously rotating the trunk towards the leg that is ahead. We will carry out the gesture continuously alternating strides with one leg and the other. We will also do 4 sets of 10 repetitions per leg.