Sitting for many hours is seriously detrimental to your health

Many people spend more than 10 hours a day in a sitting position, and this way of life causes very significant damage to health.

Even those who seem to be in good physical shape do not avoid the negative consequences of sitting for many hours. This was the conclusion of Canadian researchers at the Children’s Hospital at the Eastern Ontario Research Center in the first-of-its-kind study of the effects of sitting on the body.

Observations were carried out on a group of children watching TV broadcasts: their blood pressure levels and breathing parameters were measured. Researchers were primarily interested in how the child’s body is affected by sitting for hours at school at school, and then sitting for hours in front of a computer or TV.

The conclusions were quite gloomy: after sitting for two to seven hours in the blood, blood sugar rises and the level of good cholesterol decreases, factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis arise. Women who spend seven or more hours a day in a work chair have an increased risk of developing cancer compared with women who spend less than three hours a day sitting. In addition, many hours of sitting lead to obesity: according to the calculations of specialists, every two hours a day spent in a sitting position increases the risk of getting fat by 5% (PAP)

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