Sit-ups for flat stomach: four exercises that work

Sit-ups for flat stomach: four exercises that work

Gemelas Pin

Coaches Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a routine of four exercises to tighten the abdomen

Sit-ups for flat stomach: four exercises that workPM3:16

How much we like to show off a worked abdomen! Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, know this well because every time they share some training or individual exercises that work the core of the body on their social networks, the number of visualizations grows remarkably.

And it is that the abdomen is one of the parts of our body that we like the most, and although the exercises to make the belly look hard make us sweat a little, they are still favorites.

Table for abdomen

For 30 ”
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10 ″ (between exercises)

The fitness routine that Esther and Gema Pineda propose on this occasion consists of four exercises, and each of them will be repeated for 30 seconds. Once the first round is finished, we will do five more exactly the same, and rest 10 seconds between each exercise. Although we do not need material to do this training, it does not hurt that you use a mat and thus do not hurt your back.

This activity was recorded at The Corporate Gym facilities.

1 Exercise

Lying on the floor with our legs in the air, knees spread and feet together, we bring our hands to our feet as many times as we have time in 30 seconds. Remember to support your entire back on each descent.

2 Exercise

In this exercise we are lying on our back on the floor with our arms stretched out on both sides of the trunk. The legs are projecting to the ceiling and we are going to pass the right leg over the left, then the left leg over the right, and we are going to lower the left leg while the right remains stretched vertically. When the left leg returns to the vertical position, it is the right leg that comes down. Remember that at no time do they touch the ground. We do the exercise for 30 seconds.

3 Exercise

On the floor, with your back fully supported, take momentum and stand up with only your glutes supported and your legs semi-flexed in the air. Then swing back to the starting position, bringing your knees to your chest to start over. Do the exercise for 30 seconds.

4 Exercise

This exercise is called “side crunches” because the legs are constantly stretching and contracting, from side to side, while only the hands are supported behind the back and the buttocks and abdomen are not resting. Stretch and curl your legs on each side for 30 seconds. Remember not to touch the ground with your feet.

Remember that after this first round of abdominal training, you have to do five more sets exactly the same.

Although every week we can enjoy a new training of the Pin Twins on ABC Bienestar, the personal trainers also share many exercises on their Instagram account focused not only on the abdomen, but also on the buttocks, legs, arms …

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