Siphon for soda: what you need to know

Siphon – a bar vessel for storing and / or preparing sparkling water, syrups, cream and other liquids.

On average, the volume of a siphon is 500 ml or more. They are usually made of metal, thick glass and plastic.

What you need to know about the soda siphon

  1. History of creation

    In 1790, the concept of “aerosol” with carbonated drinks under pressure was introduced in France.

    The modern siphon was created only in 1829, when two Frenchmen patented a hollow corkscrew that could be inserted into a soda bottle and, using a valve, dispense part of the contents while maintaining pressure inside the bottle.

  2. Peak of popularity

    Soda siphons were popular in the 1920s and 1930s.

    However, the rise in popularity of bottled carbonated drinks and the destruction of many siphon factories in Eastern Europe during World War II led to a severe decline in supply and demand.

    Interestingly, some siphons are still used in bars to prepare drinks.

  3. Commercial soda siphons

    They were pre-filled with water and gas, after use they were returned to the seller, who in turn refilled it and returned it to the buyer.

  4. Cream siphon

    In order to prepare a siphon for cream, you should do the following: fix a special canister with gas and place the cream in the siphon.

    Depending on the design, either close the lid or shake the beater.

  5. Modern siphons

    There are at least four worthy manufacturers that you can buy online.

    To get started, google: SodaStream, Drinkmate, Limobar, HomeBar.

    Using such gadgets is quite simple, some models carbonate plastic bottles, which is extremely convenient.

    And of course, do not forget about Chinese brands. But here you have to be careful, because the Chinese like to save money where they don’t need it, and as a result, the balloon can explode.

Relevance: 19.06.2019

Tags: Encyclopedia

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