Siofor – indications, action, contraindications

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Civilization diseases are the scourge of our times. Continued life under stress adversely affects the functioning of our body. Doctors are sounding the alarm about the growing numbers of heart attacks, overweight problems, depression and cancer. How to avoid these diseases? What to do when there are more and more cases in our families? How to safely take drugs so that they do not wreak havoc on our body? Always follow the doctor’s instructions. If he suspects we have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, it may turn out that we will be prescribed Siofor, the active ingredient of which is metformin.

Is Siofor a slimming drug?

This question is often asked by patients visiting a diabetologist. Probably because insulin metabolism is impaired in some cases of prediabetes or type 100 diabetes. Therefore, patients, despite leading a hygienic lifestyle, a balanced diet and increased physical activity, suffer from overweight. Specialists diagnose diabetes if the glucose level before eating in the morning is 125-XNUMX mg / dL. Probably then we are dealing with abnormal glycemia, i.e. improper glucose tolerance. Lek Siofor reduces its production by the liver and absorption in the gut, while improving insulin metabolism, which may affect Weight Management .

Sometimes pre-diabetes is very difficult to detect. The patient does not feel the typical symptoms himself, he feels reasonably well. The decrease in the efficiency of one’s own body is often explained by fatigue, overwork or the time of the year. A good diabetologist should conduct a thorough interview with the patient during the visit, analyze his lifestyle and investigate the causes of possible obesity. After in-depth diagnostics, it can be determined whether the patient belongs to the risk group.

Can Siofor be combined with alcohol?

Taking medical preparations and combining them with alcohol is a bad idea. Alcohol it is metabolized in the liver, which means that it must always be more active. Plus the enzymes they process alcohol, can increase the absorption of medicinal substances. In this situation, we are not sure what doses of drugs are circulating in our body. Alcohol It also disturbs the general perception of reality, in such cases the patient may skip taking the recommended dose or, even worse, take an additional dose, which may not be indifferent to health. Siofor belongs to the group of medicaments with which the patient should be careful and avoid consumption alcohol during the treatment.

Are there any contraindications for taking this drug?

You should not take this medicine if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to metformin hydrochloride or any of the other ingredients of this medicine, if you have uncontrolled diabetes and if you have severely reduced kidney function. The physician should take into account the accompanying diseases and the medications taken before prescribing the administration Leku Siofor. The drug is not recommended for children under 10 years of age.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.

A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and the right amount of physical activity have a positive effect on the human body. If we suspect that we are at risk of any disease for genetic reasons, it is always better to get tested. Early detection of disorders, for example, with the metabolism of sugars, can protect us from the serious consequences of advanced diabetes, including limb amputation. Lek Siofor prescribed by a specialist should have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being and prevent the development of the disease.

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