- Siofor: instructions for use
- The use of the drug Siofor in gynecological practice
- What to choose Siofor or Glucofage?
- Is Siofor prescribed if there is no diabetes?
- Taking Siofor affects the functioning of the liver. Is it true?
- Metformin and Siofor – what’s the difference?
- Siofor: all the features of treatment
- What drug can replace Siofor?
- The effect of Siofor on the internal organs and on the hormonal background
People suffering from type 3,9 diabetes are often prescribed the drug Siofor. It allows you to fight insulin resistance of cells, it is used for patient obesity, as well as at the stage of prediabetes. Siofor should be taken according to medical recommendations, combining treatment with diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This will achieve significant results in the control of diabetes. Its level will be at around 5-XNUMX, mol / liter. Moreover, these figures will be able to stabilize.
Siofor can only be prescribed by a doctor; self-administration of the drug is unacceptable. If, after visiting the doctor, the patient has any questions about the rules for taking the drug, its compatibility with other drugs, alcohol and diet, as well as about contraindications and other features of treatment, then just read our article. It will allow you to understand all the intricacies of therapy.
Siofor: instructions for use
Therapeutic effect | Siofor allows you to lower blood sugar levels and control the progression of type XNUMX diabetes. Due to the intake of the drug, glucose is more slowly absorbed into the blood from the liver. Siofor does not allow carbohydrates from food to be released into the blood in large quantities. The cells of the body become more sensitive to insulin, which facilitates the penetration of the hormone into them. Siofor is based on the active ingredient Metformin. After entering the body, it does not accumulate in it, but is excreted along with the kidneys and liver. |
When to take | Siofor is prescribed for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients who are no longer enough to control the disease only by proper nutrition and physical activity. The drug can be combined with other drugs. It can be prescribed during the passage of insulin therapy. Sometimes the drug is used to combat obesity, even if diabetes in such patients has not yet been diagnosed. Siofor is used in gynecological practice when a woman has polycystic ovary syndrome. There is evidence that Siofor prevents early cell aging, thereby prolonging the life of patients. However, scientific confirmation of this assumption is still insufficient. |
When not to take | Contraindications to the use of the drug:
What you need to pay special attention to | If the patient needs to undergo surgery or an X-ray examination, then the drug should be discontinued 2 days before the procedures. If there are contraindications to taking Siofor, which were not taken into account before starting treatment, the patient may experience a serious failure in metabolic processes – lactic acidosis. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and seek medical help. During treatment, it is necessary not only to adhere to proper nutrition, but also to lead an active lifestyle. |
Dose selection | In knocking, the dosage of the drug should not exceed 2550 mg. Moreover, each tablet contains 850 mg, which means that you should not take more than three tablets per day. Sometimes the daily dose can be increased to 3000 mg. In this case, the patient is prescribed a drug, the dosage of which is 1000 mg for one tablet. The first dose of the drug should be reduced to the minimum dosage. Therefore, patients are prescribed 1 tablet of 500 or 850 mg per day. The dose is gradually increased over several weeks. If the patient tolerates therapy well, then every 11-14 days the dose is increased, bringing it to the required levels. Take the drug during meals. |
Side effect | If the patient develops an allergic reaction, then the drug should be discontinued. Other side effects include:
As a rule, after a few days from the start of treatment, all discomfort will be stopped. As for hypoglycemia (a condition in which the blood sugar level drops sharply in the body), Siofor cannot provoke it. However, if it is prescribed in combination with other drugs, it is impossible to exclude the development of this side effect. If during treatment with Siofor the patient receives insulin injections, then the dose should be reduced by 25%. If the treatment is prolonged, then the absorption of vitamin B12 will decrease in the body. This fact must be taken into account when prescribing the drug to patients with megaloblastic anemia. |
childbearing, breastfeeding | Siofor is not prescribed during breastfeeding and during pregnancy. However, at the stage of pregnancy planning, Siofor can be prescribed to women when they are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. If during this period a conception occurs, which the woman did not know about and continued to take the drug, then this does not threaten with negative consequences for the health of the mother and child and one should not worry about this. During lactation, treatment with Siofor is refused, since its main active ingredient has the ability to penetrate into breast milk. |
Interaction with other drugs | Siofor is not recommended to be combined with oral contraceptives, thyroid hormones, phenothiazine derivatives, nicotinic acid, Epinephrine and some other drugs. This is dangerous because when they interact, they can reduce the effectiveness of treatment with Siofor. Certain difficulties may also arise when prescribing Siofor with drugs to lower blood pressure and with drugs for heart failure. All this once again confirms the fact that before starting treatment, a detailed medical consultation is needed. |
If a high dose was taken | An overdose of the drug threatens the development of lactic acidosis, but patients do not develop hypoglycemia. However, the accumulation of lactic acid in the blood is a dangerous condition that is life threatening. In this case, the patient is urgently hospitalized. To remove the drug from the body as quickly as possible, hemodialysis is required. In parallel, treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating unwanted symptoms of the disease. |
Composition, form of release and storage features | The drug is available exclusively in tablet form. Tablets are oblong or round in shape and white in color. They are in blisters, which are packaged in cardboard boxes. The drug is based on metformin hydrochloride, which is the basic active ingredient. Dosages vary and can be 500, 850 or 1000 mg. As auxiliary components, substances such as hypromellose, macragol, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, povidone, etc. are used. The drug is stored out of the reach of children at a temperature that should not exceed 25 ° C. The shelf life from the date of manufacture is three years. |
Siofor is produced by the German company Berlin-Chemie AG / Menarini Group. The main active ingredient is metformin. The price of Siofor is not too high, so the drug is available for purchase even to poor citizens of Russia. However, there are analogues of Siofor on sale, which differ in even lower cost.
Analogues of the drug Siofor, which are produced in Russia:
The company Akrikhin produces a drug called Gliformin.
The Metformin-Richter company produces a drug called Gideon Richter-RUS.
The Pharmstandard-Leksredstva company is tapping a drug called Fermetin.
Canonpharma production company produces a drug called Metformin Canon.
Siofor has been used to treat patients with diabetes for many years. This allows you to really judge the high effectiveness of the drug. In addition to being prescribed to diabetics, Siofor is taken by obese people.
In addition to inexpensive analogues of domestic production, drugs from foreign companies can be found on the pharmacological market.
These include:
The French company Merk produces a drug called Glucophage.
The German company Worwag Pharma produces a drug called Metfogamma.
The Bulgarian company Sopharma offers diabetics the drug Sofamet.
The Israeli company Teva produces Metformin-Teva.
The Slovak company Zentiva is engaged in the production of the drug Metformin Zentiva.
The use of the drug Siofor in gynecological practice
If a woman is diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, then the doctor may prescribe Siofor to her. This allows you to stabilize metabolic processes in the body, normalize the menstrual cycle and even get rid of infertility. In addition to taking the drug, gynecologists recommend that their patients follow a low-carbohydrate diet, which will prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
Siofor is an inexpensive and effective drug for the treatment of polycystic ovaries. Therefore, it remains the drug of choice for patients with this diagnosis. If there is no effect from the treatment, then other methods are resorted to for conception, for example, hormonal drugs are prescribed, IVF is performed, etc. In some cases, gynecologists recommend taking Siofor to their overweight patients. At the same time, a woman also needs to follow a diet and exercise.
Siofor can be replaced with Glucophage or Glucophage Long. It is he who is the original remedy based on metformin.
What to choose Siofor or Glucofage?
Glucophage is an original drug for the treatment of type XNUMX diabetes. Siofor acts as its analogue. Some experts argue that Glucophage is less likely to cause side effects, but at the same time it lowers blood sugar better. However, much depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. In general, the difference between drugs is not significant. Therefore, if a person prefers to use original medicines for treatment, then he should opt for Glucophage. If this fact is not significant for the patient, then Siofor can be used.
Is Siofor prescribed if there is no diabetes?
The drug Siofor has established itself as an effective tool for weight loss. Therefore, many overweight people take this drug for weight loss. As a rule, this happens without medical advice. You can buy Siofor without a prescription.
Metformin is a substance that allows you to lose weight without harming your health. There is a practice of its use for the treatment of childhood obesity (for patients older than 10 years).
To date, studies are already underway regarding the fact that Siofor allows you to prolong life. And this is true for both overweight and thin people. However, these studies have not been completed to date.
Taking Siofor affects the functioning of the liver. Is it true?
In fact, Siofor is not prescribed to patients with cirrhosis of the liver and other serious diseases of the hepatobiliary system. In general, diabetes mellitus, which is complicated by hepatic pathologies, is very difficult to treat.
At the same time, Siofor can be used to treat patients with fatty liver hepatosis. In parallel, the patient will need to follow a diet low in carbohydrates.
As for the question regarding the effect of Siofor on the liver, fried and smoked foods and alcoholic beverages cause much more harm to the body. If you switch to proper nutrition, which is devoid of harmful food additives, then the liver will definitely respond with health.
Metformin and Siofor – what’s the difference?
Metformin is the name of the substance that is part of the drug Siofor. Therefore, the question of what is the difference between them is inappropriate.
It is worth noting that Siofor has many domestic and foreign analogues, which are also based on metformin. The original metformin-based drug is Glucophage.
Siofor: all the features of treatment
Reception of Siofor depending on food
The drug is taken either during meals or immediately after meals. If you take a pill in advance, this increases the risk of side effects from the digestive system. For example, a person may experience diarrhea, increased flatulence, etc.
If the patient suffers from a decrease in glucose levels in the morning, then doctors recommend taking Siofor in the evening before going to bed. Moreover, preference should be given to a drug based on metformin with a prolonged action, for example, the drug Glucophage Long.
How long should treatment continue?
If a woman suffers from polycystic ovaries, then she will need to take the drug until she can get rid of the problem. After the onset of pregnancy, treatment is stopped.
If Siofor is prescribed for the treatment of type XNUMX diabetes, then it should be long-term. Therapy often lasts a lifetime. If you refuse treatment, the person will begin to gain weight, and the disease will progress.
Do not be afraid of long-term use of the drug. This will not harm health, but, on the contrary, will allow you to save it. Moreover, for patients with diabetes, treatment is a vital necessity.
To avoid B12 deficiency anemia, which can develop due to prolonged treatment with Siofor, doctors recommend drinking vitamin B12 once or twice a year. In this case, it is impossible to refuse the main treatment.
Can I take the drug with an interval of one day?
If you take Siofor every other day, then it will not be possible to achieve a stable decrease in blood sugar. Also, you will not be able to lose extra pounds. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the medical recommendations and drink the drug according to the instructions, that is, daily.
The initial dose of the drug should be from 50 to 850 mg per day. It will take time to bring it to the maximum allowable.
Siofor and alcohol
When treating with Siofor, you can drink alcohol, but in small quantities. However, we are talking about small doses of alcohol. If this recommendation is neglected, then the likelihood of developing severe side effects, in particular, lactic acidosis, increases. This condition is life threatening. Therefore, the abuse of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.
At the same time, treatment with Siofor does not force a person to give up alcohol forever. If there are no other contraindications to its reception, then it is allowed to occasionally drink a small portion of alcoholic beverages. At the same time, there is no dependence on the time of taking the drug in relation to the intake of alcohol, that is, it is permissible to drink alcohol almost immediately after taking the next dose.
The maximum daily dose of the drug Siofor
As mentioned above, it is forbidden to start treatment with high daily doses. When the body adapts, the patient will need to take one tablet three times a day, during the main meals. A single dose is 850 mg.
If a person takes a long-acting drug, then the maximum daily dose of metformin is reduced to 2000 mg. Drink the drug should be at bedtime, once a day. This will prevent the morning spike in blood sugar.
Often people take Siofor on their own to slow down the aging of the body. In this case, there is no need to drink the maximum daily dose of the drug. It is enough to limit yourself to 500-1700 mg per knock. Up-to-date information about taking Siofor anti-aging is not available today.
Hypothyroidism and Siofor: features of admission
Hypothyroidism is not a contraindication for taking Siofor. The drug allows you to lose weight, but it is not able to solve the problem of hormone deficiency in the body.
Hypothyroidism is treated by an endocrinologist. It is he who must select hormonal therapy, which is based on the diagnostic data of a particular patient.
Also, people with hypothyroidism need to follow a diet, removing food from their menu that can provoke a deterioration in well-being. Treatment can be supplemented by taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
Prophylactic reception of Siafor
Prevention of type XNUMX diabetes involves following a low-carbohydrate diet. Not a single drug, including the most expensive one, is able to prevent the development of this disease if a person eats junk food.
Compliance with the principles of healthy eating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the most effective prevention of not only diabetes, but also high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and other pathologies.
What drug can replace Siofor?
Finding a replacement for Siofor is quite problematic, because its main active ingredient (metformin) can be called unique. Sometimes taking Siofor does not allow you to lower your blood sugar to the desired levels. This most likely indicates that the patient has advanced diabetes, or type XNUMX diabetes has progressed to type XNUMX diabetes. In this case, the patient will no longer be helped by any hypoglycemic drugs. Insulin injections will be required. The pancreas has completely used up all its reserves and is no longer able to produce insulin. A person begins to lose weight dramatically, he develops complications of diabetes. If insulin therapy is not started on time, the patient will die.
Sometimes patients want to replace Siofor not because it does not help, but because the drug causes negative reactions from the body, such as diarrhea. In this case, you can try switching to Glucophage Long. A gradual increase in dose will help get rid of digestive problems. In general, observations show that severe diarrhea develops in patients who did not comply with this rule, immediately starting to take the maximum daily dose of the drug.
The effect of Siofor on the internal organs and on the hormonal background
If a patient has fatty liver hepatosis, then taking Siofor will get rid of this disorder. This is only possible if the person follows a low-carbohydrate diet. If the patient has hepatitis, then it is imperative to consult with a specialist regarding the possibility of taking the drug.
Siofor helps to normalize blood sugar levels and helps prevent the development of kidney failure. However, if a person already has kidney disease, then taking metformin is contraindicated for him. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to pass the appropriate tests.
Siofor is a drug that allows you to lose weight. If a person is healthy, then this drug is not able to cause any disorders in the kidneys and liver.
When women take Siofor for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, their hormonal levels improve.
About the drug Siofor can be found both positive and negative reviews.
People indicate that taking this drug allows you to overcome cravings for overeating and lose 2 to 15 kg of excess weight, although the average weight is from 3 to 6 kg.
There are reviews that Siofor causes diarrhea and other digestive disorders. However, if you read such reviews more carefully, it turns out that they are written by people who started treatment immediately with high doses. This means that they either did not consult a doctor or read the instructions for use inattentively. If the dose is increased smoothly, problems with the digestive tract can be avoided. The same is true for other side effects.
It is not known if the weight comes back after the end of the drug. Experts believe that some of the lost kilograms will still be gained again. Some patients, after discontinuation of the drug, continue to adhere to dietary nutrition, and their weight is kept at the desired level. However, for this you need to change your thinking and lifestyle in general.
For patients with type XNUMX diabetes, Siofor is a real salvation. This drug allows not only to lose weight, but also to keep your disease under control.
Thus, negative reviews are most often left by those patients who inattentively read the instructions for taking the drug and violated it, provoking the development of serious side effects.
It should be remembered that the treatment of diabetes is not only about taking medications, but also about dieting. Without this, therapy will be ineffective. It is not enough to restrict yourself in fats and kilocalories, you need to cut down on the consumption of carbohydrate foods. If this is not done, then diabetes mellitus will continue to progress, despite ongoing therapy. Moreover, even on the condition that the patient will take the most expensive drugs, which Siofor does not apply to.