Siofor for weight loss

Taking drugs for the purpose of losing weight is not uncommon. First of all, women who want to be slim princesses choose medicines that have diuretic or laxative effects. Although there are still drugs, the action of which is a little different. For example, among women who are always losing weight, Siofor is not new.


Almost everyone is interested in whether the drug is so effective, how exactly to take it, because the memo says that it is used to reduce weight, as well as to eliminate obesity. Many of the fairer sex who have taken Siofor report that they develop an aversion to foods that contain carbohydrates. By the way, some say that by eating as usual, absolutely not cutting back on their diet, they do not gain weight at all. These facts are the reason for the interest of the owners of magnificent forms.

Yes, Siofor is really used to reduce or stabilize weight (it lowers blood glucose). Although there are 2 “buts” here.


First, it is not prescribed for all women, but only for those suffering from type 1 diabetes.

Secondly, and this category of ladies Siofor is prescribed in the event that other means were ineffective.

The drug should not be taken in any case without a doctor’s prescription. The reception itself should also take place, preferably under the supervision of a specialist. It will not be superfluous to note that the active ingredient of the drug – metformin – does not work on “ordinary” women. The fact is that the result from taking is manifested only if there is an increased amount of insulin in the blood. There is a significant improvement in fat metabolism and, as a result, a noticeable weight loss. This fact is also considered an argument against self-administration of the drug without medical supervision. After all, Siofor has a number of contraindications and side effects. The most common adverse reactions are allergic reactions, a nasty taste in the mouth, and nausea. From time to time, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract appear. As soon as you dare to take Siofor for weight loss, then be prepared for the fact that you actually have every chance of developing diseases of the liver, heart and pancreas.

It is prohibited to take Siofor for the following diseases: diseases of the kidneys and liver, cardiovascular system, type 1 diabetes mellitus, complications of the respiratory system, injuries, tumors, recent severe operations. Also, if a person is being treated for alcoholism, this drug is categorically contraindicated for him.

Siofor is released in tablets. There are three dosages: 500, 850, 1000 mg (active ingredient per 1 tablet). There is information that with the help of this medication, most women really managed to keep their weight in shape. There are also cases when the weight returned immediately after the drug was discontinued.


All of the above suggests that Siofor should not be used for weight loss due to the high content of chemistry in it. Talk to your doctor, let him tell you in detail about the risks arising from taking the drug, and decide if this is the only way for you to deal with excess weight.

You can also increase your metabolism by increasing activity, which will only be beneficial for the body. Walk more, play with children, run with the dog, do household chores by dancing and you will definitely succeed!


  1. Salam mənim artıq çəkim var ginekoloqum mənə çəki azalmasına görə 500 siofor məsləhət görmüşdü 3il bundan qabaq ama diabet xestesi deyiləm meyillilik var indi çəkim çoxdur azalamasına görə istifadə etmək istəyirəm olarmı?

  2. Пълни глупости. Въобще си нямате понятие как действа метформина.

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