Sinus Renopuren – action, indications, dosage

The upper respiratory tract is often exposed to infections and stresses. It can be caused by low temperatures, cold and strong winds, or the period of greatest morbidity, when we are dealing with sick people at every step. Renopuren Zatoki is a preparation designed to strengthen and support the functioning of the upper respiratory tract: the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and the throat. It is a thoughtful composition of herbs and plants that naturally support the body in the fight and protection against infections.

Renopuren Sinuses – action and indications for use

Renopuren the Gulf is a preparation in the form of tablets for oral administration. The package contains 60 tablets. Renopuren Sinuses contains a high concentration of enhancers. The composition of this preparation can be found among others, garlic, which, as you know, provides excellent support for the immune system and helps to clear the upper respiratory tract, and also has a bactericidal effect. Mullein flower supports natural immunity and has a beneficial effect on the larynx and vocal cords; it is often found in preparations for the treatment of sore throats. It does the same thing Linden blossom and elderberry flower. Vervain herb and thyme is to strengthen the overall immunity of the body and protect the respiratory system against infections.

Renopuren the Gulf is a preparation intended for people who need to strengthen their respiratory tract. It is also a dietary supplement for patients with a history of respiratory diseases, which will help them restore their condition from before the infection. After Renopuren the Gulf it is especially worth reaching in the fall and winter, when the period of cold and flu incidence begins. It can also strengthen the dusting of plants and protect the respiratory tract against irritation.

Renopuren Sinuses – directions for use and dosage

Renopuren the Gulf is a preparation that can be used by both adults and children. Children over 6 years of age may take 1 tablet a day. Older children, adolescents, adults and the elderly can use 2 tablets a day. For the best results of using the preparation Renopuren the Gulf, it is worth remembering to consume the right amount of fluids.

While it is a balanced blend of supplements, it cannot replace a healthy diet. To enjoy good health, you need to eat a variety of meals and exercise regularly.

It is not recommended to administer Renopuren Gulf in children under 6 years of age, pregnant women and during breastfeeding, as well as exceeding the recommended dose. Contraindication to the use of the product is allergic or hypersensitive to any of the ingredients.

Preparations are also available for sale Renopuren Bay Max and Renopuren Gulf Hotwhich differ slightly in composition. Medicines are dispensed without a prescription and available at any pharmacy. The price of the preparation Renopuren the Gulf it’s about PLN 15.

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