Sinus pain. What does it show and how to treat it?

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It appears suddenly and radiates all over the face – sinus pain is a difficult opponent that attacks regardless of age. Its appearance may be due to various reasons. Some of them result from health, others from the conditions in which we live. Sinus pain is easily treated with home remedies, but more serious cases require treatment under the supervision of an otolaryngologist.

Sinus pain – general causes

Ailments related to the sinuses can affect anyone, regardless of age or outside weather conditions. The main causes of sinus pain include:

  1. bacterial, viral or fungal infection of the upper respiratory tract,
  2. long-term or intensive inhalation of irritants – cigarette smoke, industrial and communication pollutants, detergents, pesticides,
  3. smoking,
  4. sudden changes in pressure (e.g. during an airplane flight or diving) and air temperature (e.g. leaving a heated room to frost), sinus pain from air conditioning associated with drying of the mucosa,
  5. allergens – dust mites, mold, pollen, etc.,
  6. hormonal disorders (especially sinus pain during pregnancy),
  7. anatomical defects of the structure of the nose and sinuses, which make it difficult for the discharge from the nose to flow – curvature of the septum, polyps in the sinus chambers,
  8. sinus pain after tooth extraction or root canal treatment (resulting from inflammation),
  9. prolonged and too frequent use of medical devices that constrict the mucosa and limit the production of secretions, and consequently cause drug-induced rhinitis,
  10. genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, which lead to cilia and respiratory epithelial dysfunction,
  11. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases,
  12. optic neuritis as a complication of sinusitis (sinus pain, pressure on the optic nerve),
  13. disorders of the immune system – immune deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, HIV infection.

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Sinus pain – sinusitis

When you experience unbearable sinus pain, the most likely cause is sinusitis. It takes two forms – acute and chronic, i.e. lasting more than 12 weeks. The chronic form is characterized by pain in the sinuses without a runny nose. Sinusitis can be caused by fungi or viruses, as well as bacteria. Initially, the symptoms coincide with those of the common cold. Then they intensify significantly, and in addition, further symptoms appear:

  1. severe, pressing and throbbing pain in the sinuses when bending down,
  2. stuffy nose and difficulty breathing through the nose,
  3. flowing yellow-greenish purulent discharge down the back wall of the throat,
  4. strong cough,
  5. tiredness,
  6. increased body temperature,
  7. lack of smell – sinus pain is due to obstruction in the nasal cavity.

As for sinus pain itself, the most characteristic of inflammation is the ailment of the entire face with the epicenter of pain on either side of the bridge of the nose. Sometimes, however, the pain is concentrated in one area:

  1. maxillary sinuses – it is characterized by simultaneous pain in the sinuses and teeth (especially in the upper ones), as well as the lower part of the cheeks, you can also feel pain in the sinuses under the eye and a stale smell from the mouth,
  2. ethmoid sinuses – sinus pain affects the forehead and the area of ​​the eyebrows with the epicenter at the base of the nose, in addition, there is swelling of the eyelids,
  3. sphenoid sinuses – sinus pain radiating to the back of the head, possibly a feeling of earache,
  4. frontal sinuses – there is pain in the sinuses above the eyes, it radiates over the entire forehead and temples.

In the case of sinusitis, sinus pain when inhaling or lowering the head is possible. You will need to see your primary care physician if your symptoms persist within a few days. He or she will take a history and perform a basic examination of the areas of the head affected by sinus pain. He will also implement treatment. It is worth following the recommendations, because poorly treated or untreated sinus pain with inflammation can end even in the operating room.

Use herbs such as mint, thyme, elderberry, rose, and quince to treat sinuses. You will find them in the ready-made ZATOKI brewing mixture – herbal tea from Herbapol in Krakow.

Also learn: «How are the ear, throat and nose tested?

Sinus pain – allergy

Allergic reactions to various factors should be carefully diagnosed and treated. An allergy, if not treated or treated incorrectly, can result in allergic sinusitis. The most important symptoms of this disease are runny nose and sinus pain.

This runny nose may be chronic or recurrent, but it is always associated with a thick discharge flowing down the throat, which the patient coughs up or swallows. The nasal mucosa is swollen and its surface turns pink and is covered with transparent mucus discharge. Sinus pain, on the other hand, is most often felt both around the forehead and under the eyes. Usually, allergic sinusitis does not cause a fever, but the pain in the sinuses can spread over the entire head.

Why does allergic sinus pain appear? There are several reasons for this. The first is intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid or other active substances in anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes the body may react inappropriately to natural salicylates in food. In addition, long-term use of nasal drops and sprays may be the cause of allergic inflammation and sinus pain. They can dry out the mucosa, leading to microdamages, through which dangerous microorganisms enter the deeper layers.

Diagnosis of sinus pain as a result of inflammation can be done by:

  1. ALCAT test and subcutaneous tests when food harmfulness is involved,
  2. provocation test with acetylsalicylic acid when aspirin intolerance is suspected,
  3. overview diagnosis, rhinoscopy or endoscopic examination in case of sinus pain as a result of infection.

Untreated allergic sinus pain can cause serious health effects, such as polyps in the sinuses.

Sinus pain – what helps?

How To Treat Sinus Pain? There are many ways to manage your sinus problems. Some of them can be used at home without fear:

  1. inhalations with the use of essential oils (pine, mint or eucalyptus) or herbs (chamomile, marjoram, sage), which will facilitate the drainage of secretions and reduce inflammation,
  2. irinsing – rinsing the nose and sinuses with saline or sea saline solution several times a day to clean the nasal cavities and sinusesirrigation sinus pain should resolve within a few such procedures
  3. warm compresses – gauze soaked in hot water, ready-made compresses from the pharmacy, hot water bottle with heated peas, coarse salt or cherry seeds,
  4. getting the right hydration to help thin the mucus that is causing sinus pain
  5. drinking warm milk with honey, aromatic herbal and fruit teas, as well as tea with lemon and ginger,
  6. the use of warming ointments – their action is primarily to relieve swelling, relieve pain in the sinuses and facilitate drainage of secretions,
  7. sleeping on a high pillow, so that the head is slightly raised, which will allow the discharge of secretions from the sinuses,
  8. irradiating the area of ​​sinus pain with infrared heating lamps,
  9. air humidification, keeping approx. 20 degrees C indoors,
  10. rest.

Na Zatoki has a prophylactic and supportive effect in the treatment of sinuses – the Panaseus dietary supplement available at an attractive price on Medonet Market. We also recommend SinuGrip for Herbal Monasterium sinuses, consisting of only herbal extracts that have a beneficial effect on the entire respiratory system.

Sinus pain – how to prevent it?

Sinus pain may not be a bothersome problem with preventive measures such as:

  1. avoiding being in the vicinity of people struggling with upper respiratory tract infection,
  2. avoiding staying in smoky rooms and in spaces with polluted air,
  3. thorough treatment of allergies, especially inhalants,
  4. maintaining an appropriate level of humidity in rooms, for example, using an air humidifier, especially during the heating period, when the air is particularly dry.

How to treat sinus pain?

I get sinus pain – so which doctor should I go to? The Polish health care system is organized in such a way that the first thing you need to do is visit your family doctor. The latter performs the first tests (examines the color of the nasal mucosa, conducts an interview with the patient), and, if necessary, refers them to specialist tests. In case of doubts or the high degree of severity of sinus pain, he or she will refer you to an otolaryngologist, i.e. a specialist in diseases of the organs in the head and neck (ears, throat, nose).

Treating sinus pain primarily involves taking over-the-counter painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. If the symptoms worsen, the doctor will introduce a treatment with prescription drugs, among others. ketoprofen. The sinus pain reliever is also an antibiotic. It is used to diagnose a bacterial infection. Persistence of sinus pain despite antibiotic treatment requires another visit to a specialist and revision of treatment methods. In addition, antiallergic drugs (so-called antihistamines), including corticosteroids (steroid hormones), can help.

Symptomatic treatment is also important for sinus pain. This is achieved by mucolytic drugs, i.e. those that thin the thick discharge from the sinuses, as well as anti-swelling drugs in the form of drops or tablets (used briefly and on an ad hoc basis).

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