Sinupret for adenoids in children

Sinupret for adenoids in children

Adenoids in children is a serious disease that is characterized by the growth of the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. About 5-8% of all children aged 3-7 years face a similar diagnosis. Although the disease can be diagnosed in both infants and adults.

Adenoids are dangerous for their complications. Sick children have multiple health problems (hearing impairment, speech impairment, changes in the bones that make up the facial skeleton). In addition, a child with adenoids often gets sick, suffers from the inability to breathe through the nose. If the adenoids are not treated, then in the future it will not be possible to avoid surgical intervention.

Sinupret is a combination drug that contains only herbal ingredients. Sinupret has antiviral activity, allows you to increase immunity, reduce inflammation and thin viscous mucus. The complex effect of the drug makes it possible to prescribe it for the treatment of adenoids in children.

What is included in the drug Sinupret?

Sinupret for adenoids in children

Sinupret is a herbal medicine. It is available in the form of a dragee and in the form of drops that are taken orally.

The composition of drops and dragees does not differ in the main active ingredients, including:

  • Herb bitter sorrel. Sorrel has a secretolytic effect, eliminates inflammation in the sinuses, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, sorrel in the composition of the drug Sinupret helps to increase local and general immunity.

  • Gentian root. This plant allows you to thin the viscous mucus, facilitating its discharge from the upper respiratory tract. The active substance that is part of the drug Sinupret is obtained from the dried rhizomes of the plant.

  • Black elderberry flowers. This component is responsible for liquefying sputum, has a diaphoretic effect, which is important at elevated body temperature.

  • Primrose flowers. This component in the composition of the drug is responsible for thinning the viscous secretion, for reducing the inflammatory response, for the destruction of microbes.

  • Verbena grass. It has an antiviral effect, thereby enhancing the action of other components.

Form of issue

The drug is available in two forms: in the form of drops for oral administration and in the form of a dragee. Drops have a brownish tint, when viewed they are transparent. The taste of the medicine is slightly bitter. The drug is poured into transparent glass bottles, each of which has a dispenser.

Dragees have the shape of a circle, are available in a package of 50 pieces. From above they are covered with a shell of green color.

What effect can you expect?

Sinupret for adenoids in children

The drug acts gently, since its composition contains exclusively plant components that do not contribute to the development of addiction. The drug gives a minimum set of side effects.

If the patient has adenoids of the first or second degree without complications, then taking Sinupret will achieve the following results:

  • Reduce inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, remove puffiness from it, providing a decrease in pressure on nearby structures.

  • Facilitate nasal breathing, relieve sleep apnea.

  • Facilitate the separation of thick exudate covering the mucous membrane of the tonsils and the inner surface of the sinuses.

  • Increase the overall immune status, which will make it possible to more effectively fight viruses and bacteria.

In addition to the fact that Sinupret is prescribed for adenoids, this drug allows you to cope with SARS, accompanied by inflammatory processes in the sinuses. It is recommended to take it not only during the acute stage of the disease, but also in chronic sinusitis.

How is Sinupret taken for adenoids?

Sinupret for adenoids in children

The amount of the drug that must be taken at one time depends on the age of the patient, as well as on the form of release of the drug.

  • Dragee. In the form of a dragee, Sinupret is prescribed to children over 6 years old, therefore, from this age until the age of 16, it is necessary to take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Adult patients are recommended to take 2 tablets 3 times a day. Dragees are washed down with water, but must be swallowed whole. The course of treatment lasts from one to two weeks. During this time, recovery should occur.

  • Drops. If the drug is used in the form of drops, then it must first be diluted in water. There is no need to drink the prepared solution. Children aged 6 to 16 years are prescribed 25 drops 3 times a day. Children from 2 to 6 years old are prescribed 15 drops 3 times a day. Adults need to take 50 drops 3 times a day. Sometimes doctors prescribe inhalation with Sinupret to children with adenoids, but it cannot be used in a nebulizer. You should learn from your doctor about how to carry out the procedure, since there is no such information in the official instructions.

Who should not take Sinupret?

Sinupret for adenoids in children

The drug has the following contraindications for use:

  • Hypersensitivity of the body to the components that make up the drug. Even if the patient is allergic to at least one herb contained in Sinupret drops or dragees, it should not be taken.

  • Liver disease, epilepsy, brain disorders, previous brain injuries. These contraindications are not absolute, that is, Sinupret can be taken, but only on condition that it is prescribed by a doctor.

  • In the form of a dragee, the drug is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age, as well as to people who suffer from lactose intolerance.

  • In the form of drops, the drug is not prescribed to people suffering from alcoholism, as well as to patients who have undergone rehabilitation from alcohol dependence. Drops are not used to treat children under 2 years of age. The ban is due to the fact that the composition of the drug contains alcohol.

  • During breastfeeding, the drug is not prescribed, since its effect on the body of the mother and child in this period has not been studied.

Pregnant women can be prescribed Sinupret, but only in the form of a dragee. However, even in this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Undesirable reactions

Sinupret for adenoids in children

Most often, Sinupret is well tolerated by patients, but the possibility of the following side effects cannot be ruled out:

  • Feeling of nausea.

  • The appearance of pain in the stomach.

  • Allergic reactions of the body: hyperemia of the skin, rashes on the dermis, swelling of the skin, severe itching and shortness of breath.

If too large a dose of the drug was taken in the form of a dragee, then all of the above side effects will appear quite clearly.

If a person has taken too much of the drug Sinupret in drops, then this can provoke alcohol poisoning. 100 ml of the drug contains 16 g of ethanol.

What to pay attention to during treatment

Sinupret for adenoids in children

Before measuring the required number of drops, the vial must be shaken thoroughly. This must be done in order to evenly distribute in the accepted dose all the active substances that make up its composition.

The bottle is equipped with a dispenser. To measure the required dosage, it should be turned over and held in an upright position.

If a suspension or slight sediment was found in the vial while taking the drug, do not worry, as this is the norm. The presence of impurities does not affect the effectiveness of the treatment.

After opening the bottle, you should put a mark on it with the date when this happened. Labeling is necessary in order not to accidentally take an expired medicine. After opening, it retains its properties for no more than six months.

Sinupret can be used to treat people with diabetes. However, they must take into account that one dragee contains 0,03 bread units.

During treatment, you can continue to lead a normal life, since taking the drug does not affect the physical or mental activity of a person.

Sinupret is an effective drug for the treatment of adenoids, and not just to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. However, it is most often prescribed in a complex therapeutic regimen to speed up the healing process.

Despite the fact that the drug is aimed at treating the sinuses for inflammation, drops should in no case be instilled into the nasal passages.

Pros and cons of the drug Sinupret

Sinupret for adenoids in children

Benefits of Sinupret:

  • The drug has two forms of release.

  • The drug has a plant base.

  • Sinupret has many therapeutic effects, which allows it to be successfully used in the treatment of adenoids and other sinus diseases. This is an important advantage of the drug, since it does not just eliminate the symptoms, but acts on the root cause of the disease, eliminating it.

  • The drug is produced by the well-known manufacturer “Bionika SE”, which has been on the market for over 80 years. The organization works in accordance with European quality standards and maintains the strictest control over its products.

Cons of the drug Sinupret:

  • The drops contain an alcohol base, which limits the use of the drug according to age criteria.

  • The drug has contraindications for use and can cause side effects.

  • After opening the vial with drops, the shelf life of the drug is reduced to 6 months.

  • The cost of the drug can not be called cheap. For a package of dragees (50 pieces), on average, you will have to pay about 400 rubles. Drops cost about 350 rubles.

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