The synton approach has its own history, its own characteristics and many similarities with other popular areas (Social learning approach, Gestalt therapy, Humanistic approach, Psychoanalytic approach, NLP, Intelligent way, Socionics, Transactional analysis).
The main features of the synton approach:
*The main areas of Sinton’s interests are harmonious interpersonal relationships, arranged personal life and mental well-being, successful work behavior and doing business. (Similarly — NLP, The Intelligent Way, Gestalt).
- Synthon is humanistic in its values, but realistic in its means of work, and is aware of itself within the framework of a realistic psychology.
- Synton studies and models successful behavior, internal and external. (Similarly — NLP and many modern trainers of any psychological direction).
- Synton is practical, focused primarily not on explanation, but on change. Theoretical explanations for Sinton are good only when they become a working tool, make it possible to solve the tasks. (NLP is a close position. A strong difference from Socionics, the Intelligent Way and Psychoanalysis).
- Sinton is far from esoteric, materialistic. (Different from the Intelligent Way and Transpersonal Psychology).
- For Sinton, the past is past, and the present is just a pretext for building the future. Sinton does not delve into sores, does not look for reasons in the past, he offers to set goals, outline a plan and build a worthy personal future. (Close — NLP, a strong difference from Psychoanalysis and Dianetics).
- At the same time, Sinton considers childhood the most important stage when personal ways of relating to the world are laid, and considers it important that this understanding become practical. (Similarly — Psychoanalysis).
- In the choice between adaptive behavior and development, Synton chooses development. To adapt to life is a less worthy task than to develop oneself into a worthy personality and create a worthy life around oneself. (Unique characteristic).
- In Sintone, the existing personality and emotions are not an intrinsic value, but a personal toolkit. That from which a person can build himself of the future. They are not born as a person, they become a person — a person of different levels of development. (Unique characteristic)
- Sinton insists on a combination of both instrumental and value approaches. Synton is technological, gives many working techniques, but at the same time actively discusses issues of values, meanings and direction of life. Sinton proceeds from the fact that it is impossible to give psychological tricks into the hands of someone who can irresponsibly use it as a weapon against others. (Different from NLP, where values are not discussed.)
Synthon and Gestalt
If we compare the synthon approach and gestalt therapy, we can clearly see the features of each of these approaches. See →
Synton approach and humanistic psychology
Together with Abraham Maslow, the synton approach aims to explore the highest levels of personal development and mental health, and self-actualization of the individual is one of the values of the synton approach. The synthon approach implements the view proposed by Carl Rogers, according to which the best results in personal growth are achieved when working on the positive, in the format of supporting the best intentions and aspirations of the individual. See →