Single-phase and two-phase implants. Which dental implants to choose?

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The use of dental implants is a common solution for people who need permanent replacements for lost teeth. Single-phase implants save time because they are inserted during one visit. Two-phase implants require additional visits within a few months. Check when single-phase and when two-phase implants are used.

Dental implants – is it worth it?

Placing an implant is a procedure that will prevent adverse changes in the oral cavity that may occur after the loss of a tooth or several teeth. It mainly concerns changes in the position of the remaining teeth, tilts, development of bite defects and tooth abrasion. The result of such processes within the upper or lower dental arch may be a deterioration in the ability to maintain proper oral hygiene. Easier development of tooth decay and inflammation of the gums can lead to damage or loss of other teeth – especially over the long term.

Another issue concerns the prolonged postponement of implantation dental implants. If we are aware that we are missing a key tooth for proper and comfortable chewing, we should not wait with the procedure. Too long delays may lead to the displacement of the dentition and blockage of the place where the implant should be placed. We also risk the process of bone loss to which a given implant should be attached.

Other consequences that sometimes arise from tooth loss include speech difficulties, changes in facial expressions, headaches and sleep problems. If we have any doubts about dental implants or the need to insert them, please consult your doctor.

It is also worth noting that it is popular alternative to implants, i.e. removable dentures, only to some extent restores the chewing force. Well-fitted implants are practically XNUMX% return to the natural chewing efficiency.

You have a problem with damage to the tooth crown? Read on:

  1. Tooth reconstruction – composite, root canal treatment, fiberglass
  2. Crown – veneer – bridge: similarities and differences

What are the different types of implants?

A dental implant is a screw that replaces the root of a lost tooth. It is attached to the jaw bone and is crowned with a superstructure that replaces the crown. Due to the type of material, it can be distinguished titanium implants and zirconium implants (ceramic). They differ slightly in properties and appearance, but are completely safe for the patient.

The choice of the implantation method is very important for the implantation procedure. It depends on whether we decide on a single-phase (immediate) implant or a two-phase implant, the structure of which is mounted in the oral cavity within a few months.

It is up to the dentist to choose the right type of implant. However, the doctor will take into account the patient’s preferences, contraindications, financial and aesthetic issues.

  1. See the material: Contraindications to dental implants. What to watch out for?

Single-phase implants – advantages and disadvantages

A single-phase implant is distinguished by the limitation of surgical interference in the structures of the oral cavity to one visit, thanks to which it is a procedure with minimal invasiveness. This type of implant is a screw with a thread that is its integral part. Therefore, there is no need for an additional connector between the bolt and the superstructure (e.g. a crown). This eliminates the risk of loosening individual parts of the implant, as well as eliminating the accumulation of bacteria between the joints.

Placement of a single-phase implantis the fastest way to permanently restore a tooth. After inserting the screw into the socket, it is possible to immediately attach a permanent or temporary prosthetic component. The main advantage of this method is its immediate effect and no need to wait up to six months for the tissues to heal.

In the case of single-phase implants, however, you have to take into account some disadvantages. The first of these are very specific requirements regarding the feasibility of the procedure. It is about issues related to good oral health. The doctor must analyze the structure of the dentition and test results, and pay attention to the condition of the skeleton and possible periodontal diseases. If the requirements for the procedure are not met, it will not be possible to place a single-phase implant.

The last point concerns technical issues and possible damage. Correct assembly of single-phase implants requires accuracy and is not easy to perform. The specific design of this implant also means that in the event of damage to the outer part of the screw, it will be necessary removal of the entire implant for replacement.

Two-phase implants – advantages and disadvantages

Two-phase procedures are the most popular method of implanting dental implants. They require several visits that are spread over a period of several months (usually three to six). In the case of two-phase implants, two surgical procedures should be considered:

  1. implantation of the screw in the bone of the alveolar process and sewing of the tissues;
  2. exposing the implant and placing a healing screw.

A two-phase implant requires two surgical procedures.

The first phase is implant placementwhich is a complex procedure and can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. This may depend on whether it is a front tooth or a molar. After placing the implant in the gum, the doctor places a locking screw on it and then sutures the implant in the gum. The patient has to wait for the implant to fuse with the surrounding bone tissues. The duration of this process (osseointegration) depends on whether the procedure was performed in the upper or lower arch. It is assumed that the screw integration will be complete after 3–6 months.

The state of regeneration and the correctness of processes within the gingiva should be monitored. When your doctor determines that everything went according to plan, you can proceed to the second phase. It requires surgical intervention again – the gum is cut, the closing screw is removed from the exposed implant and replaced with a healing screw. The patient then has to wait a week or two for the gum to shape properly. Only after proper formation of soft tissues, a crown or other superstructure closing the implant is placed.

Duration of the whole the implantation process of a two-phase screw and more frequent surgical interventions are the main disadvantages of this method. The advantages include favorable conditions for the integration of the implant with the bone, time to form the gingiva for the crown, and greater repair options in the event of damage to the abutment.

Dental implants – effects

A properly implanted implant that has caught on without problems can last for a lifetime, fulfilling its role perfectly. However, proper dental hygiene is essential (brushing, flossing, rinsing fluids, using dental irrigators), as well as regular checkups of the oral cavity. All recommendations immediately after the screw implantation procedure should be followed closely. In this way, we will avoid infections and inflammations within the oral cavity, as well as complications.

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