Simple tips to help you live to be 100

Simple tips to help you live to be 100

More and more centenarians are appearing in the modern world. And if earlier at 40 years old life ended, now it is just beginning.

Many people, closer to the age of 40, realize who they are and who they want to be, change their profession and country of residence. And before that, they just try themselves in various directions, build relationships. So being active in your 50s, 60s and 70s is quite normal these days. As, however, and to live up to 90 and 100 years.

Oscar Lopez, MD, director of the Center for Alzheimer’s Research at the University of Pittsburgh, believes that “longevity is only 20-30% of our genes. This means that we can influence aging by choosing a certain lifestyle. “

Scientists have identified the main factors that contribute to longevity.

  • Positive friends

People who are supported by loving and caring friends live longer. The main thing is that the environment has a positive effect on you: lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to positive thinking, without criticism and skepticism.

  • Afternoon nap

Siesta is considered a national habit in many countries. However, the advantage of an afternoon nap is not only that it helps to make a pleasant break in the heat, but also that it prolongs life. According to medical research, people who take a nap during the day are 40% less likely to die of heart disease and live longer on average because sleep lowers stress hormones and helps their heart beat at a healthy pace.

  • Eat like Okinawans

People from the Japanese city of Okinawa are almost all centenarians. Scientists believe that this is due to their food, which is rich in green and yellow vegetables and is low in calories. And also the habit of eating only 80% of the contents of the plate. Fullness comes 20 minutes after eating. Therefore, it is these 20% that are often superfluous. By the way, the younger generation, which stopped observing this rule, also reduced their life expectancy.

  • Get married

Family people live longer than single people. Scientists believe that it’s all about the psychological and economic support that people provide to each other when they live together.

Interestingly: The life expectancy of divorced people is longer than those who have never been married. Apparently, marriage acts as a vaccine for long life.

  • Watch your figure

A slender body is beautiful in itself. What’s more, losing weight lowers the risk of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and other life-shortening diseases. Belly fat is especially harmful, so this “spare circle” must be lowered. Eat more fiber and exercise regularly.

  • Be physically active

People who play sports live longer on average than those who do not. Regular physical activity lowers the chances of getting heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and even depression. After all, sport also supports psychological health. A daily ten-minute activity or approximately 2,5 hours of moderate exercise per week is sufficient.

  • Farewell

Forgiving people and the ability to let go of grievances miraculously improve the state of our immunity. Chronic anger weakens the heart, leads to stroke, worsens lung health, and contributes to other physical problems.

  • Free yourself from stress

You will not be able to completely avoid stress, but you can always control its level. Try yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. Even a few minutes a day will trigger a change in your life and improve your well-being.

  • Find a hobby

Japanese researchers have found that men and women who have a favorite hobby are less likely to die from strokes, heart disease and, on average, live longer than those who simply spend their free time watching TV. 

  • Get out of the social matrix from time to time

Olga Omira, psychologist and energy coach, is sure that people live longest in mountain settlements in high mountain areas: “They walk a lot, walk, interact with nature, and lead an active lifestyle. At the same time, they breathe clean air and are outside the social matrix. What does it mean? They do not follow externally set parameters for success. They are in harmony with their body, life and do not want to conform to false ideals. Such people have access to inner strength, life literally rages within them, and they live longer. “

Initially, we are characterized by a long life. But society has determined that our life should be up to 100 years old. People begin to believe in it and die. The same story is with the retirement age. When they retire, people feel incapacitated. They become unproductive and their lives are shortened.

It is important to get out of the social matrix where society is driving us. It is best to do this away from civilization, but a couple of days of digital and informational detox will help reboot the brain and renew the receptors of life.

Expert Opinion

– It is believed that aging is a natural biological process that leads to the extinction of body functions and the development of chronic diseases that cannot be stopped, much less reversed. That aging is a slowdown in the rate of cell division, which must be resigned to. But Academician Vernadsky argued that there are no incurable diseases, there is a lack of knowledge. And old age is also a disease that must be treated. It is high time to look at the problem of aging from this point of view, and, considering it as a disease, we must finally move away from the long-obsolete approach.

But, if aging is a disease, and age-related diseases are its symptoms, then we need to understand where youth is in the body. After all, somewhere she is. When we begin to delve into, analyze and search for it, we inevitably come to the answer: these are stem cells. In the body, in all organs and tissues there are stem cells, in the brain their own (in the hippocampus), in their heart (in the place where the coronary arteries leave), in the liver their own … But they have a common precursor – a bone marrow stem cell – multipotent mesenchymal stem cell. It is she who gives rise to all other cells. This is the mechanism of renewal – the development of new young cells. If we learn to stimulate them, but not by injection or genetic means, then we will create a mechanism for the renewal of the organism as a whole.

I have developed effective methods of influencing the aging process: for each organ, for each tissue, there are specialized types of therapeutic exercises. If we do certain gymnastics, for example, breathing, we renew the lungs, and massage the joints – cartilage tissue. If we are doing a special anti-aging massage, we massage the bones through the periosteum – we renew the body as a whole. And I am sure: the secret of youth is in the bone marrow. This is what my new book “The Cure for All Diseases” is about.

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