Cholesterol is a fatty compound that is screened for heart disease and is found in cell membranes. Generally, it has negative connotations, but it is worth remembering that it plays an important role in the production of hormones and vitamin D, it is responsible for the synthesis of bile acids, which are necessary for the digestion of fat. Optimal cholesterol levels are essential to sustain pregnancy. The largest amounts of cholesterol are produced in the liver.
The most important thing is that cholesterol does not get out of control, because otherwise it will accumulate in the form of atherosclerotic plaques that will limit blood flow. It not only affects the heart but also the brain.
How to recognize elevated cholesterol?
Excess cholesterol is often manifested by such unusual symptoms as leg pain, lack of vitality or dizziness. The most characteristic clue will be cholesterol yolks, which look like thickened, tiny spots located around the eyelids, elbow or knee joints.
cholesterol diet
- Meals should be eaten 2-3 hours apart. If we go to bed at 23 pm, let’s eat dinner by 20 pm, i.e. 3 hours before bedtime.
- Dairy is the foundation of the cholesterol diet. Of course, we should reach for natural yoghurts, low-fat cottage cheese. Rather, let’s limit cheese and processed cheese, because their frequent consumption will be counterproductive. We should also not eat more than 3 eggs a week.
- Fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids will reduce triglycerides if we prepare them properly – steamed or in the oven. Mackerel and cod will be the best, but sardines and salmon are also worth recommending. If we struggle with high cholesterol, it is worth getting used to eating them at least every other day. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids stimulate the increase of good HDL cholesterol.
- Choose poultry and beef from meats, prepare them similarly to fish, avoid frying. Remove the skin and fat from the meat before cooking.
- Vegetables and fruits should be included in our diet for good, because they contribute to the neutralization of fats, so let’s combine them with fish or meat. There is no limit to the consumption of vegetables, but fruit should be limited to two portions a day.
- Fast food contributes to the increase in cholesterol. Because they contain harmful trans fats, we must eliminate them from our diet.
- Let’s drink about 2 liters a day, the most recommended is water, fruit and herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices – the latter no more than 2 glasses during the day.