Simple plum liqueur recipe

One of the best dessert spirits is homemade plum liqueur. It is served at room temperature with sweet dishes or coffee. Next, we will look at the classic recipe and technology for making this simple, delicious liquor. Anyone can make it, all you need from the ingredients is plums, sugar and an alcohol base.

For plum liqueur, ripe (preferably even overripe) fruits of any cultivar, such as Hungarian, renklod, egg or mirabelle, are suitable. In the case of wild sour plums, the amount of sugar must be increased by 30-40%, but this does not guarantee a positive result, since excess acid may remain.

Vodka in the recipe can be replaced with double-distilled moonshine, cognac, rum or ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees. I advise you to use only a high-quality alcohol base, otherwise the liquor will turn out tasteless.


  • plums – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 400 gram;
  • vodka – 0,5 liters.

plum liqueur recipe

1. Wash the fruits well, peel the leaves and stalks, then remove the seeds.

2. Grind the pulp together with the peel to a homogeneous gruel. This can be done with a wooden rolling pin, mixer or meat grinder.

3. Fold the resulting mass into a three-liter jar, add sugar and mix well.

4. Close the jar tightly with a lid, then put it in a warm (3-18 ° C) sunny place for 25 days so that the pulp releases juice.

5. Add vodka (alcohol), mix well, close tightly and put the jar in a cool dark place (10-18°C) for 35-45 days.

6. Strain the finished liquor through cheesecloth, then filter through several layers of cotton wool to make it transparent.

7. Pour the drink into bottles and close tightly with corks. Store in the basement or refrigerator. Shelf life up to 2 years.

Simple plum liqueur recipe

The result is approximately 1.2-1.3 liters of homemade plum liqueur with a strength of 20-25 degrees. Depending on the type of fruit, the drink has a beautiful yellowish or amber-brown color with a pronounced aroma and taste of plums.

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